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Soccer drills for technique condition

For this fun and interactive football warming up you let the players make a circle around you, about 15 metres away from you. You stand in the middle of the circle.


  • The starting point of the players is their spot in the circle, they stay “jogging†on their spot.
  • Call: “Inside†and all players sprint towards you up to a meter or two away from you. Then they turn around and quickly sprint back to their spot keeping moving.
  • Call out “outside†and all players sprint away from you until you call out “backâ€, then everyone returns to their starting position in the circle.


  • Make sure players are not standing on their flat feet, but always on their toes.
  • Players should sweat profusely after this drill.


  • You can add different variations: sit-ups, push-ups, jump up, knees up at base position, sprint to the right or left while maintaining the circle shape.
  • Make groups of 2 for this passing warm-up, with 1 ball per group of 2.
  • The players with the ball line up on the sideline. The other players stand opposite, about 6 meters from the player with ball.


  • Player A dribbles forward, while player B jogs backwards across the field.
  • As the players jog across the field, player A passes the ball to B, who passes it back to A, until they reach the opposite sideline.
  • The roles reverse when the players reach the other side of the field. Player A then runs backwards to the line where they started.


  • Have passes alternate from right foot to left foot.
  • Players should try to hit the ball once, only if it is really necessary can they hit it twice.
  • Focus on quality over speed, it's not a race.
  • Don't forget to encourage successes!


  • Play the ball on the thigh, bring the ball under control and volley back to partner.
  • Play the ball on the chest, bring the ball under control and volley back to partner.
  • Play the ball on the head, head the ball back to partner.
  • For this warm up, set out an area of 30 by 40 yards.
  • Give each player a number.


Players pass in numerical order: # 1 to # 2 to # 3 etc. as they move through the plotted area.


  • Use 2-3 balls to increase speed and awareness.
  • Make sure players are moving through the entire area and not just staying close to the players they are supposed to pass to.
  • Players should all ask for the ball when it is their turn and call out the name of the player they are going to play in themselves.


  • Have players perform special actions when making a pass, for example:
  • Play the ball in the run. The receiving player must accelerate.
  • The odd numbers may only hit once, the even numbers 2 times. Alternate this.


Jog to the last cap. Make sure you keep your upper body straight. Your hips, knees and feet should form a line, don't let your knees bend inwards. Run a little faster on the way back. Do this exercise twice.

Exercise 2 Jog to the first cap

Jog to the first cap. Stop and raise your knee forward. Turn your knee outwards and put your foot down. Keep your pelvis horizontal and your torso still. The hip, knee and foot of the supporting leg form a straight line. Do not let the knee of the supporting leg bend inwards. Jog to the next cap and repeat the exercise with the other leg. When you are finished, jog back. Do the exercise twice.


Jog to the first cap. Stop and raise your knee sideways. Turn your knee inwards and put your foot down. Make sure you keep your pelvis horizontal and your torso still. The hip, knee and foot of the supporting leg form a straight line. Do not let the knee of the supporting leg bend inwards. Jog to the next cap and repeat the exercise with the other leg. When you have finished the course, jog back. Do the exercise two times.


Jog to the first cap. Shuffle sideways, at a 90-degree angle to your partner, shuffle a full circle around each other (without changing your direction of vision) and back to the first cap. Bend your hips and knees slightly and shift your body weight to the ball of your feet. Do not let your knees buckle inwards. Jog to the next cap and repeat the exercise. When you have completed the course, jog back. Do this exercise twice.


Jog to the first cap. Shuffle sideways at a 90-degree angle to your partner. Jump in the middle to make shoulder-to-shoulder contact. Land on both feet with your hips and knees bent. Don't let your knees buckle inward. Shuffle back to the first cap. Then jog to the next cap and repeat the exercise. When you have finished the course, jog back. Do the exercise twice.


Run quickly to the second cap and then back to the first cap, keeping your hips and knees slightly bent. Run two caps forwards and one backwards. When you have finished the course, jog back. Do the

  • The taggers try to tag a player with their hands
  • After a player is tagged, he has to stand still with his legs spread.
  • The player can be 'freed' if another player, who is not tapped, crawls under the player.
  • After a certain amount of time, the tappers change.

Size: depending on age and skill.
Length: 30-40 metres.
Width: 20-25 metres.

In pairs:

  • Circle around field.
  • Ball out of goal, dribble to center,
  • Balancing exercise
  • Dribble back to the goal
  • Half circle around the field
  • Wheelbarrow 
  • Return on your back
  • Half round field 
  • Pairs of two
  • one of them passes the ball and the other bounces it back.
  • the bouncing player runs back and forth between a pilon and a the spot of bouncing.
  • challenge is to play as much good bouncing balls as possible in 45 seconds.
drawing 45 seconds passing
  • In a rectangle with a central strip, the players are divided into 2 groups facing each other.
  • The exercise starts with 1 player with a jacket in the middle strip. This is the defender. 
  • Players must cross with the ball, the defender must take the ball and play it off the field. 
    • the defender shall remain only on the central strip
  • If a player loses the ball, they will also put on a jacket and help the defender. 
  • Attackers thus keep running back and forth until there is one attacker left. 
  • This is the winner.


This exercise can be used for each category in the warm-up.

  • Both players A lead the ball to the middle pawn where they perform a cutting move and then play the ball to the next player. 
  • After the pass, the player walks diagonally to player B who throws in the ball on which player A heads the ball in. 
  • The heading player then takes the ball and stands behind goal, 
  • The other player joins the group that has to perform the movement

Do you want to get in better shape? You can, but it takes a few things.

  • What do you need?
    • Pawns 
    • Football 
    • Clothes you can sport in  
    • Staircase 
  • First of all, it is important that you make sure you warm up before you start working on your cardio!
  • What should you do?
    • Run 2 pawns forward 1 to the back and repeat this every time. 
      • Do that 2x
    • Grab the ball and run 5 rounds with the ball. 
      • This will ensure ball control and as well as do something about your condition.
    • You can also do exercises indoors for your fitness, like running up and down the stairs 5 times. 
  • Of course you can also give your own twist to how you want to do it, but I think this is the best and nicest way to improve it. 
  • Don't try to run fast on the first day without stopping and take small steps!
  • Make a square with pylons in which butter cheese and eggs can be played
  • form two groups
  • use 6 jackets, 3 yellow and 3 green
  • Play butter cheese and eggs with the jackets 

In King Football, the players learn to pass well. 

  • 2 teams
  • Per team 1 King
  • 1 ball per team. (variation 1 ball if a game is played)
  • The teams move in the field in a square. 
  • The intention is that the ball is played over 3 times within your own team and then shot to the King. 
  • When the King takes it, there is a point for that team.
  • First, they practise within the team and then they play against each other. 
  • When the ball is taken away, it has to be counted again.