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Soccer drills for technique condition

  • Hold each others right arm en bend through the knees in a squat position
  • Do the same with the left arm


  • Player 1 and Player 2 start dribbling at the same time. 
  • At the end they pass through pawns to the other side. 
  • The next player receives the ball and starts dribbling.
drawing Dribble & Pass
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 2. 
  • Player 2 dribbles along the pylons, passes at the end to player 3. 
  • Player 3 bounces the ball back to player 2, player 2 finishes. 
  • Player 3 fetches the ball, 
  • Runs over to stand on the spot of Player 1
  • Player 1 to Player 2, 
  • Player 2 to Player 3. 
drawing Senior: Pass, dribble, pass, bounce back, finishing
  • Player 1 does exercises on the ladder
  • At the end of the ladder is a ball
  • With the ball he dribbles along pylons that are wide spread (conditioning)
  • At the last pylon he shoots at a small goal
  • Get your own ball, shoot back to the end of the ladder
  • If player 1 is at the end of the ladder, player 2 can begin 
drawing Senior: ladder + dribbling + shooting / passing
  • Player 1 starts dribbling along 5 hats
  • Then plays player 2 who waits by hat
  • Player 2 bounces the ball back on player 1
  • Player 1 finishes. 
  • Player 2 fetches ball and joins the back of the line
  • Player 1 runs to the pylon to bounce the ball back
drawing Dribbling & shooting - kids
  • Dribble in large square
  • Make small squares on the outside corners
  • Name the small squares
  • When calling the name, everyone must dribble to that square
  • Eventually you can work with a knockout system, so that the last 2 get eliminated. 
drawing Warming Up kids

2 teams

  • The players have to play football 4 against 2 and must have replayed at least 3 times in the attack and a maximum of 10 times before scoring.
  • When a ball is taken off/ touched/ crosses the line or a score is scored, there must be a switch between attacking and defending.  
  • When there is no overplay, no scoring is allowed. 
  • Pass and kick with variations in finishing and build-up
    • Keeper throws out, striker gets the ball and closes in
    • Keeper shoots out, playing striker with back to goal, striker turns away
drawing Passing, kicking and finishing
  • Ball in hand: 
    • Each time in front of the stick throw and catch ball.
    • Throw center to center along the short side.
    • Then third stick again the same as the first step.
  • Ball in foot: 
    • Tap ball with left before stick and control it after the stick.
    • Center pass along the short side.
    • Then third stick again the same as first step.
  • Coaches: 
    • 3 x stick yellow and 3 x stick red.
    • In the middle yellow and red next to each other. 
drawing Coordination: holding the ball with hands and feet
  • The players line up in a circle, 
  • Ideal is 6 to 8 players per circle. 
  • Per circle you only have one ball.


  • A player plays the ball to another player, chasing the ball towards the player he is playing. 
  • The second player receives the ball and plays it back to another player in the circle, 
  • He, too, will chase the ball towards the player he has just played in. 
  • This keeps repeating itself.


  • Passes must be clear and accurate.
  • The passes are played over the ground, keep the ball low!
  • Just after the pass the players accelerate (short sprint)
  • Players call the name of the player they want to play in
  • All players constantly stand on their toes, not on flat feet, to improve the speed of action.


  • You can make the game more difficult by hitting once.
  • You can play with two balls
  • Player 1, who has given the pass, should try to tap the player who has played the pass (player 2) before playing the ball to player 3, etc.


  • Jog to the last pylon. 
  • Make sure your upper body is upright. 
  • Your hips, knees and feet should form a line.
  • Don't let your knees buckle inwards. 
  • On the way back, run a little faster. 
  • Do the exercise twice.


  • Jog to the first pylon. 
  • Stop and raise your knee forward. 
  • Turn your knee out and put your foot down. 
  • Keep your pelvis horizontal and your upper body still. 
  • The hip, knee and foot of the supporting leg together form a straight line. 
  • Do not let the knee of the supporting leg bend inwards. 
  • Jog to the next pylon and repeat the exercise with the other leg. 
  • When you have finished the course, jog back. Do the exercise twice.


  • Jog to the first pylon. 
  • Stop and raise your knee sideways. 
  • Turn your knee inwards and put your foot down. 
  • Keep your pelvis horizontal and your upper body still. 
  • The hip, knee and foot of the supporting leg together form a straight line. 
  • Do not let the knee of the supporting leg bend inwards. 
  • Jog to the next pylon and repeat the exercise with the other leg. 
  • When you have finished the course, jog back. 
  • Do the exercise twice.


  • Jog to the first pylon. 
  • Shuffle sideways, at an angle of 90 degrees to your partner, shuffle a whole circle around each other (without changing your direction of view). 
  • and back to the first pylon. 
  • Bend your hips and knees slightly and move your body weight to the ball of your feet. 
  • Do not let your knees bend inwards. 
  • Jog to the next pylon and repeat the exercise. 
  • When you have finished the course, jog back. 
  • Do the exercise twice.


  • Jog to the first pylon. 
  • Shuffle sideways, at an angle of 90 degrees to your partner. 
  • Jump in the middle towards each other to make shoulder to shoulder contact. 
  • Land on both feet with your hips and knees bent. 
  • Do not let your knees bend inwards. 
  • Shuffle back to the first pylon. 
  • Jog to the next cap and repeat the exercise. 
  • When you are ready with the course, jog back. 
  • Do the exercise twice.


  • Run quickly to the second pylon 
  • and then run backwards to the first pylon; 
  • keep your hips and knees slightly bent. 
  • Always run two pylons forward and one back. 
  • When you're done with the course, jog back. 
  • Do the exercise twice.

Set up your team in 2 lines (4-5 per line max) - only 1 ball needed.


  • Players take the ball and then play it to the first person in the line opposite to them. Immediately after the pass they draw a sprint and close the back of the line they just played in. This is repeated over and over again.


  • Players are all on their toes ready for the pass.
  • Passes are clear and accurate.
  • Players must shout if they want the ball to play, and also shout the name to whom they are passing again.
  • With the first ball contact they bring the ball under control, the second ball contact is the pass to the other player.


  • Apply only one pass.
  • Let one line pick up the ball and throw it back to the other line. They will then play the ball back with a volleypass and then simply join the other line.
  • Let players take the ball with their thigh and bring it under control after which they pass the ball back over the ground.
  • Place a pawn 5 meters on either side of the central point between the 2 lines. After the pass, the players have to walk around the pawn after which they connect in the row.