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Soccer drills for technique defense

  • Duration: 
    • Remainder
  • Distance: 
    • Width: 
      • Whole Field 
    • Length: 
      • Between center line and 16 meters
  • Execution: 
    • Everyone has his position and his direct opponent. 
    • If you have the ball, you screen the ball
    • Then drop it on incoming player and build up to goal.
  • Coach moment: 
    • Ball shield, 
    • Make walking action at the right time. 
    • Dare to play forwards. 
drawing Game: active defenders
  • Put pilons as on picture.
  • A course for 1 on 1 duel with big goal.
  • A course for 1 on 1 duel with small goal.
  • Two players as defender on both courses.
  • One goalkeeper on big goal.
  • Each course one row of players.
  • Player passes with defender. 
  • Goes into duel. 
  • Passes and completes.
  • Same on both courses. Players change courses after the exercise is completed.

drawing 1 v 1 duel, big goal and smaller goal
  • Find the players at the side to play a first-time ball.
  • Create a wide field.
  • Mandatory passing to the players at the side if one wants to get in scoring position.
  • 1 field on plain 3*1 yellow goal 4 against 4 with 2 players at the side (double formation).
drawing Game with first-time ball from the sideline
  • make a field about a quarter of a quarter.
  • Set two small goals opposite each other. Divide the players over the two goals. (With many players you can make two squares)
  • One party has the ball and plays over to the other side.
  • Then the 1 v 1 starts.
  • One side has to attack and defend the other. 
  • It is only allowed to shoot from the pilons towards the goal.
  • If the defending party picks up the ball, the roles can be reversed.
  • By playing this game quickly you practice passing, controlling, attacking, defending.
  • But also on fast shifting, perseverance and insight.
drawing 1 v 1 with tiny goals



  • There will be played 4 against 4 + goalkeeper.
  • If the party that has to score on the big goal has lost the ball, they have to defend 5 goals.
  • After 15 minutes there's a changing of halves.


  • If the triangles' attackers lose the ball, they can very quickly score a counter-goal.
  • Especially the players who don't defend often in the league games won't like this kind of game.

Points of attention:

  • Cover the man in time.
  • Don't go in too quick.
  • Cover on the right side.
  • Posture during the duels, through the knees.


  • There are 4 balls in each goal.
  • By scoring, a team can clear its goal.
  • And this by starting to build up backwards.
  • Game is set in motion by the goalkeeper of the losing team.


  • Field: 35 x 25 m


  • 20 min



  • Free standing and free running + correctly screwed in receiver "PLAYABLE".
  • Play or show that you're free "SPEAK"
  • Play the ball with the right foot, the right speed and accurately "ACCURATE".


  • Play deep if possible "DEEP"
  • Open wide if depth fails "WIDE"


  • Say bombs instead of balls.



  • Keeper runs in and opens wide so that the ball can be played to the wing or the opening tail.
  • After 5 min change sides.


  • Full field (35 x 25 m)


  • 10 min (2 x 5min)


  • Which team scores the most when they attack.



  • Free standing and free running + correctly positioned receiver "PLAYABLE".
  • Play or show that you're free "SPEAK"
  • Play the ball with the right foot, the right speed and accurately "ACCURATE".


  • Play deep if possible "DEEP"
  • Open wide if depth fails "WIDE"


  • Two groups of players
  • 1 defender
  • The defender attacks the attacker and the attacker must try to score
  • After a shot at goal, the attacker takes over the defender's place and an attacker from the other group tries to score.
  • Again a shot and the attacker takes the place of the defender.
  • etc.
  • Try to keep up the pace.

drawing shooting and defending immediately after



  • No. 1 or goalkeeper takes a goal kick
  • No. 2 takes the ball
  • No. 2 gives a depth pass on no. 3
  • No. 3 plays in on no. 4 this comes in the ball
  • No. 4 makes room for the incoming player
  • No. 3 plays no. 5 to
  • No. 5 takes the ball and scores

Structure of the exercise form

  • At number 1 two players with a ball
  • At 2, 3 and 5 three players
  • Move from 1 to 5
  • If there is no goalkeeper then 5 goes on goal
  • Increasing/reducing distances
  • Responding to the outer leg
  • Eye contact and getting into the ball
  • At position 4, add a defender
  • Ball over the ground and/or through the air
  • In case of delay, player 1 takes the goal kick


  • When No. 1 has control over the ball, only then come into the ball
  • At no. 4 first away from the ball and then into the ball
  • Ensuring that one does not fall short of each other that's easy to defend
  • Two groups of players
  • 1 defender
  • The defender attacks and the attacker must try to score
  • After a shot at goal, the attacker takes over the defender's place and an attacker from the other group tries to score.
  • Again tha attacker shoots and takes the place of the defender.
  • And so on.
  • Try to keep up the pace.

drawing Shooting and defending immediately
  • Defenders at first and second posts, defenders in front of the goal and catch the attackers. 
  • Attackers move forward as soon as the ball is played high.
drawing Corners
  • Both teams can score in a big goal
  • When the ball is out, dribble or play the ball back in play
  • Whenever a goal is scored, goal kick or corner kick, the goalkeeper starts his own goal.
  • (Possibly) substituting after every goal, goal kick or corner kick
