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Soccer drills for technique defense

  • Player A passes to B
  • B takes ball with furthest foot
  • Dribbles through gate and finishes
  • A runs through the gate on the other side
  • A and B do a 1 versus 1 match
drawing 1 vs. 1
Defenders push attackers to the side to get the shot out.

  • Ball always starts with attacking side.
  • Attacking side starts between small goals with 4 players.
  • Defending side plays with 3 players & goalkeeper.
  • Attacking side tries to score as quickly as possible.
  • Defenders try to prevent this by taking out the shot.
  • Try to push the attacker to the sideline.
  • Dare to put pressure forward.
  • Switch sides immediately.
  • Communication from the goalkeeper.
drawing 3 & goalie against 4
Put intense pressure on the ball.

  • We play 4 against 4, rest of the players along the side
  • 4 minutes of party play without rest
  • ball out is asking players along the side
  • players along the side also fetch the balls
Field size:
  • 20 x 20
  • 4 small goals
  • ball out or goal, ask ball directly along side
  • switch at ball loss
  • direct pressure on the ball
- Position play, where the overtal must put immediate pressure on ball loss
Game Shape:
  • The red team plays the ball around or plays for possession.
  • The blue team tries to take the ball away.
  • If the blue team has gained possession of the ball, they must try to score as soon as possible in 1 of the 4 goals.
  • The red team must prevent this from happening.
  • We play 9 x 5.
- 40x40

  • Is it pressured at all when the ball is lost?
  • If yes, by whom and by whom not? If no, why not?
  • If pressure is applied, how? Aggressively from the idea of capturing the ball immediately or from a shuffling pace?
drawing Pressure toward ball loss
- Player blue on the back line plays the ball diagonally to player red across from him
- Player red on the back line plays the ball diagonally to player blue across from him
- Then the players try to defend by putting high pressure
- Players who received the ball try to score

Situation 2
  • As soon as one of the attackers has scored, and the other has not yet scored, then they switch immediately, making the situation 1 against 1 / 2 against 2
  • Switching moment immediately at ball loss or goal
  • Direct pressure on the ball in man-more situation
drawing Recognizing 1 vs. 1 with spaces
  • Attacker does exercise 4 times.
  • Attacker goes to retrieve ball and tries to score via 1V1 in goal right in front of him.
  • If defender can pick up ball he tries to score in goal on the side.
drawing Attack frontal 1V4
Defenders try to intercept the ball quickly:

  • Play starts at number 6 who kicks to goalkeeper
  • Goalkeeper then plays directly to 2 or 4
  • At the moment 2 or 4 is played to, the blue team starts pressing and tries to prevent the depth pass
  • The red team can "score" by passing a depth pass to number 6, who can move all over the width in his defined zone
  • The blue team can score in the big goal
  • 2-5 from defending side direct pressure on the ball
  • 9 defending directly covers to line the ball
  • 4 defending direct pass on number 5 attacking side.
  • 6 attackers moving with ball and joining the game
drawing Putting pressure and preventing the depth pass
Players recognize midfield situation

  • 1 attacking team blue
  • 1 defending team red
  • 6 attackers play against 5 defenders
  • Attackers play the ball around
  • If defenders conquer the ball, they play the ball around
  • If the defending team gets the ball to the middle player, the attacking team pressures them

  • Letting ball go to the sides
  • Ball line shield middle player
  • When the middle player does get the ball, pressure immediately
drawing Putting pressure axis of the field
  • Blue passes the ball down the field
  • White takes the ball
  • Red begins to defend, creating a 2 vs. 1
drawing 2 vs 1
  • The goalkeeper passes to a player from red
  • Then 2v2 starts
  • Whoever scores first wins
drawing Warming up
  • White passes the ball to red.
  • A 2-on-3 occurs.
  • Red tries to score in the big goal and blue in the little goals.
drawing Construction & disturbance
  • Players play a match of, say, here 8 against 8.
  • When a goal is scored, they may take a jar from behind the goal and put it by their own jar.
  • When all pots at a goal are gone, it is finished.
drawing Picking pots