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Soccer drills for technique dribbling

  • Players play a match of say here 8 against 8.
  • When a goal is scored, the goal scorer must take a jar from behind the goal and put it by their own jar.
  • If a team has taken all the pots away from a goal, that team has won.
drawing Contest with pot picking
2 teams. One blue and one red
The exercise goes as follows
  • 1 player per team always dribbles around the caps
  • After the last pot he returns through the middle and tries to score
    • Variant 1: empty goal, next player may leave if shot was fired
    • Variant 2: goalkeeper in goal: whoever is first to last goal may go on goal, the other not.
  • When a player succeeds, his team gets a point: push over 1 of the 5 cones standing by the team. The team that can knock over its 5 cones first wins.
Time estimate: 20 - 25 min
Optimal number of players: 6 field players + 1 goalkeeper
Maximum number of players: 8 field players + 2 goalkeepers

  • No skipping pots.
  • Only knock over cones when you have scored.
  • 5 cones per team.

  1. Everyone 1 time to practice. (5 min)
  2. Empty (possibly reduced) goal, both players may always attack (5 min)
  3. Goal with goalkeeper, only player who is first past last pot may go on goal. (5 min)
  4. Goal with goalkeeper, all players may go on goal but player may only move past last pot if player in front of him has already shot (5 min)
  5. Impose restriction not to get closer than
drawing To dribble and finish ter fastest
  • Put pawns as on picture
  • Each pawn a player
drawing Triangle fitting exercise
  • See image
drawing Dribble circuit with pass
  • Blue runs to the pot and cuts off.
  • Blue passes the ball to red.
  • Red tries to score.
  • inside/outside ball cut off.
drawing Felling & scoring
  • Player 1 passes the ball to Player 2.
  • Player 2 passes to Player 3.
  • Player 3 is going to attack with Player 1.
  • Player 2 goes to defend on Player 1 and 3.
  • Goalkeeper 1 tries to catch the ball.
drawing 2 versus 1 attack interplay
  • S2 is central and asks ball to S1.
  • S1 plays ball in.
  • S2 spins out and does double pass to S3 who asks for ball with pre-action.
  • S3 takes ball and does slalom with turn on each side and passes with ball to back pot.
drawing Passing - first key and dribbling
  • Player A begins by accepting ball on chest thrown in by player B.
  • With ball move from A to B to C to D.
  • Scoring.
drawing Dribble circuit with pass
Exercise A:
ball overpass through gate right - and left legged. Emphasis on stance leg slightly dropping through knee and kicking ball in the middle. Keep body straight, do not hunch.

Exercise B:
instep kick.

Exercise C:
dribble around the pawn, first inside foot right and left, then try outside foot.
Speed is not necessary, rather hit the ball every step.

- Players A and B change after 3 min, after 6 min A & B change to C.
drawing Technique exercise
  • Player with ball slaloms around the pawns with a cap move
  • Player plays the ball into the feet of the sagging striker at the end of the cones
  • Striker takes the ball on the turn
  • Striker shoots at goal

  • The player who slaloms becomes the new striker
  • The striker who shot retrieves the ball and joins the line to slalom
  • The next player can start when the player in front of him/her is at the 4th pawn; halfway through the slalom
- 2 players stand at the pawn in the front to follow each other faster
- The pawn in the vanguard stands approximately on the 16 meter line
drawing Dribbling and cowering
1. Ladder 3 variants:
  • Each step 1 step.
  • Two feet in.
  • Foot in, foot out.
2. Pull sprint to pawn.

3. Slalom around pawn with ball:
  • 1x good foot.
  • 1x alternate.
  • 1x ball rolling under foot left and right.
4. One-two with trainer.

5. Dribble through and pass with scissors.

6. Then round off.
drawing Circuit
  • Player A passes to B
  • B takes ball with furthest foot
  • Dribbles through gate and finishes
  • A runs through the gate on the other side
  • A and B do a 1 versus 1 match
drawing 1 vs. 1