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Soccer drills for technique passing

  • Blue plays the ball to blue and runs to red
  • Red plays the ball to red and runs to blue
drawing Warming up
- Exercise revolves primarily around player D.
- Open-ended approach essential.

  • Starts at A.
  • A plays to B.
  • B rebounds in the run back to A.
  • D makes forward action and gets into the ball between the 2 hats.
  • A plays in on D's left foot.
  • D accepts with one ball contact and turns up between the two hats.
  • D plays in on C.
  • C drops on B.
  • B pokes into the run of the passed D.
  • D finishes in small goal and closes in behind again.
Alphabetical turn through.
drawing Handball/ pass open turn
  • Player A begins by accepting ball on chest thrown in by player B.
  • With ball move from A to B to C to D.
  • Scoring.
drawing Dribble circuit with pass
Exercise A:
ball overpass through gate right - and left legged. Emphasis on stance leg slightly dropping through knee and kicking ball in the middle. Keep body straight, do not hunch.

Exercise B:
instep kick.

Exercise C:
dribble around the pawn, first inside foot right and left, then try outside foot.
Speed is not necessary, rather hit the ball every step.

- Players A and B change after 3 min, after 6 min A & B change to C.
drawing Technique exercise
1. Ladder 3 variants:
  • Each step 1 step.
  • Two feet in.
  • Foot in, foot out.
2. Pull sprint to pawn.

3. Slalom around pawn with ball:
  • 1x good foot.
  • 1x alternate.
  • 1x ball rolling under foot left and right.
4. One-two with trainer.

5. Dribble through and pass with scissors.

6. Then round off.
drawing Circuit
  • Player 1 passes a long ball across the goal.
  • Player 2 takes the ball and must attack.
  • Player 1 must defend.
  • Is the 1 vs 1 played then player 1 moves on and player 2 joins the line.
drawing long ball 1 versus 1
  • K1 gets ball from trainer
  • K2 puts pressure on K1
  • K1 plays ball into 1 of 2 small goals
drawing executing under pressure
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 2.
  • Player 1 runs through and player 2 lays the ball wide.
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 3.
  • Player 2 meanwhile has run on to the goal.
  • Player 3 passes a cross to player 2 and and then player 2 finishes.
drawing attack
Per 2 passes to each other:

  • Short distance
  • Long distance
drawing Fit per 2
Ball possession.
A match without goals.

  • Keeping the ball in the team as long as possible
  • Running free and retrieving the ball
  • Ball restriction of touching 2x or touching 1x.
  • Adjust the space according to the amount of players.
drawing Ball possession
  • Keeping ball on foot.
  • Player plays in on inside of pawn, accepts with one touch and allows her/him to turn around pawn.
  • Plays across, again inside etc.
  • Last player in the 16 meters takes over and dribbles the ball through the exercise. Be aware of surroundings, hold back/push through.
drawing Spatial acceptance and passing
  • Concentrate on playing tightly
drawing Warm up ball feeling