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Soccer drills for technique passing

  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 2.
  • Player 1 runs through and player 2 lays the ball wide.
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 3.
  • Player 2 meanwhile has run on to the goal.
  • Player 3 passes a cross to player 2 and and then player 2 finishes.
drawing attack
Per 2 passes to each other:

  • Short distance
  • Long distance
drawing Fit per 2
Ball possession.
A match without goals.

  • Keeping the ball in the team as long as possible
  • Running free and retrieving the ball
  • Ball restriction of touching 2x or touching 1x.
  • Adjust the space according to the amount of players.
drawing Ball possession
  • Keeping ball on foot.
  • Player plays in on inside of pawn, accepts with one touch and allows her/him to turn around pawn.
  • Plays across, again inside etc.
  • Last player in the 16 meters takes over and dribbles the ball through the exercise. Be aware of surroundings, hold back/push through.
drawing Spatial acceptance and passing
  • Concentrate on playing tightly
drawing Warm up ball feeling
Exercise revolves primarily around player D.
Open-ended approach essential.

  • Starts at A.
  • A plays to B.
  • B rebounds in the run back to A.
  • D makes forward action and gets into the ball between the 2 hats.
  • A plays in on D's left foot.
  • D accepts with one ball contact and turns up between the two hats.
  • D plays in on C.
  • C drops on B.
  • B pokes into the run of the passed D.
  • D finishes in small goal and closes in behind again.
Alphabetical turn through.
drawing Handball/ pass open turn
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 2.
  • Player 1 runs through and player 2 lays the ball wide.
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 3.
  • Player 2 meanwhile has run on to the goal.
  • Player 3 passes a cross to player 2 and and then player 2 finishes.
drawing attack
  • Player 2 dribbles with ball from A to B and passes to C
  • Player D passes to A
  • Player from B to D
  • Player 3 dribbles with ball from C to B and passes to A
  • Player D to C
  • Player B to D
drawing Warm-up, fitting and positioning
  • Player 1 passes a long ball across the goal.
  • Player 2 takes the ball and must attack.
  • Player 1 must defend.
  • Is it played 1 versus 1 then player 1 slides through and player 2 joins the line.
drawing long ball 1 versus 1
  • 3 white players remain standing.
  • Center player may have position taken over by front side though.
  • White players are always in team ball possession.
  • We assume 1x hit. Maximum 2x.
  • If blue takes the ball, they make it big quickly.
  • Red conquers the ball and makes it small quickly.
drawing 7 versus 4 with transition large-small
  • Perform this exercise with inside foot.
  • Distance to pawn either side 5 meters.
  • Per team 1 trainer who counts points.
  • Start on one side and let players kick on opposite side.

  • knock over a pawn 3 points.
  • hit pawn on front side but not around then 1 point.
drawing Pawn shooting game
Release ball quickly while intensity of run continues


  • A plays the ball to asking B
  • B rebounds the ball and then runs around the cone and offers to C
  • C receives the ball from A
  • C does a 1-2 with B
  • C joins in behind
The exercise is performed in two groups.
drawing Handball walking exercise