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Soccer drills for technique passing

Exercise revolves around keeping pace with the ball. Running through without the ball.
  • Running through alphabetically (ABCDE).
  • Exercise:
  • A to E
  • E drops to B (and E runs through outside)
  • B to C
  • C to D
  • D in the run at E
  • E finishes in (mini) goalmouth.
Both sides same exercise.

drawing Baltempo
Conditional finishing in different match situations
Finishing form focused on finishing on goal.
The aim is to finish at a high tempo, while also addressing the conditional aspect.

  • A dribbles to edge of 16 meters.
  • A finishes.
  • A sprints back to middle pylon and asks ball to B.
  • B gives ball to A
  • A rebounds to B.
  • B works off.
  • A sprints to 3rd pylon and asks ball to C.
  • C rebounds ball to A.
  • A gives deep ball to C.
  • C sprints to side.
  • C passes ball across the ground.
  • A-B switch positions.
  • A-B work off.
  • Starting on time.
  • Play the ball hard to the team-mate.
  • Move on immediately.
drawing Finishing form
  • Exercise A: Overpass ball through gate right and left legged.
    Emphasis on stance leg dropping slightly through knee and kick leg hitting ball in the middle.
    Keep body straight, do not hang.
  • Exercise B: instep kick.
  • Exercise C: dribble around the pawn, first inside foot right and left, then try outside foot.
    Speed is not necessary, prefer to hit the ball every step.
  • Players A and B change after 5 minutes, if all 3 have been to B then A & B change to C.
drawing Technique exercise
To maintain speed, position B is manned by 2 players.

  • Player A sprints toward the first pole.
  • Taps this pole, turns around and accelerates to pole 2.
  • Turns briefly around pole 2 and jumps over the fence.
  • Player B plays a tight ball into the run of player A at the moment of jumping.
  • Player A lays one well and finishes in mini goal.
Player A picks up ball and joins B. Player B becomes player A.
Mirroring possible from 12+ players.
drawing Trio pace
  • Exercise A: passing the ball through right and left legged gates
    • Emphasis on stance leg dropping slightly through knee
    • Hitting the ball in the middle
    • Keep body straight, do not hang up

  • Exercise B: instep kick.

  • Exercise C: dribble around the pawn
    • First inside foot right and left
    • Then try outside foot
    • No need for speed, preferably hitting the ball every step
drawing Technique exercise
Short form 1x hit and move on.
Exercise can be mirrored with large group. See green hats.

  • A plays into B and moves through behind the 'V' past.
  • B rebounds in the run back to A.
  • B then makes running action behind C past.
  • A plays to C
  • C plays to D
  • D passes to B
  • B finishes in mini goal.
  • D picks up the ball and connects with A
drawing Short form exercise
Conditional finishing with different match situations

Finishing form focused on finishing on goal.
The aim is to finish at a high tempo, while also addressing the conditional aspect

  • A dribbles to edge 16
  • A finishes
  • A sprints back to middle pylon and asks ball to B
  • B gives ball to A
  • A rebounds to B
  • B Finishes
  • A sprints to 3rd pylon and asks ball to C
  • C rebounds ball to A
  • A gives deep ball to C
  • C sprints to the side
  • C passes ball across the ground
  • A-B change positions
  • A-B work off
  • start on time
  • play hard on team-mate
  • move on immediately
drawing Finishing form
  • Pass and dribble
  • Player follows the ball
  • Pass correctly and pay attention to 1 x hit
drawing Pass and dribble exercise
- Improve building from behind

  • A does for action and asks for the ball from B
  • B plays ball to A
  • A plays ball to C
  • D starts to run forward
  • C passes ball in the run to D
  • D finishes on the small goalmouth

  • A = 6
  • B = 3
  • C = 3-4
  • D = 2
- Communicate with your players
- Keep moving continuously
- See where your fellow players are standing
- Run on time

Exercise is done in two groups so there is no need to stand still for long periods of time!
drawing Handball exercise construction without resistance
  • Distances:
    • Rectangle of 15 by 5 meters.
    • Pawns B and C 5 meters apart.
    • Both 2.5 meters from side and 5 meters from A and D.
  • Duration: 10 min.
    • After 5 min change direction
  • A plays into B
  • B drops the ball to C
  • C passes to D
  • The moment the ball reaches D, A has to be there to make the handball.
  • D bounces to A and runs straight through to be played in again.
  • A rebounds to D and D rebounds to E.
  • E takes ball to starting point.
  • Running lines: A becomes B, B becomes C etc.
Points of attention:
  • Tight balls by hitting ball in heart, body slightly over ball.
  • B must drop the ball on C slightly to outside so that there is a free pass line to D.
  • A must time that she/he is present at the right time for the handball with D.
  • If she/he is too early and has to wait too long it means in the match that there is opponent in her/his back.
  • Is she/he too late D has to wait it means in the match that the opponent can put pressure on D.
  • To maintain concentration make sure that at point A the ball is not played until everyone is in place.
drawing Pass and Trap form
Warming up 3 exercises +- 8 min
  • 1st 6 meter sprint next to the field.
    • get them ready 1 leg in front 1 behind
    • hands next to the body
    • each 3x
  • 2nd exercise stand on 1 leg other leg bent backwards 20 seconds hold then other leg.
    • If this is difficult, you do a round per leg.
  • 3rd exercise is with ball on upper leg-> ball on foot and catch both cases.
Dribbling exercises. The goals are 1 meter big
  • Dribble through as many goals as possible within a minute.
    • They can do this all at the same time.
    • But they should not go through a goal at the same time. Make sure they do not wait for each other at a goal then they have to find another goal. If they wait too often, add 2 more goals.
  • Dribble 1 ball with pairs. Score by kicking the ball through the goal to your partner.
    • Practice for a few minutes, then play. Who scores the most goals within a minute?
  • Goals dribbling waste rounds.
    • In box have ball dribble on yes sign have ball stop in goal.
    • Last one falls off each time until there is 1 winner.
    • In this exercise, have the players first dribble and kick the ball into the goal without dropping out.
  • Kicking exercise
    • 2 goals and pylons at 5 meters, 8 meters and 10 meters. Shoot into goal via inside foot.
    • Then hit 1 pylon to the back.
    • Make sure the stand leg is next to the ball not against it and pointing towards the goal.
    • Make sure the shooting leg is brought to the back and swung straight ahead.
    • Correct if they are not doing this correctly.

  • Remaining time; party form
drawing Training minis
  • One ball per triplet
  • Start with a distance of about 15 meters
  • Two players on one side and one player on the other side.
  • One of the players on the side with two plays the ball to the player on the other side, this player takes the ball and plays it to the player on the other side, and so on.
  • Practice both with your good and lesser leg.
  • After a few minutes increase the distance, about 20, 25, 30 meters, at the 30 meters practice a lobster kick.