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Soccer drills for technique positional play

  • S2 is central and asks ball to S1.
  • S1 plays ball in.
  • S2 spins out and does double pass to S3 who asks for ball with pre-action.
  • S3 takes ball and does slalom with turn on each side and passes with ball to back pot.
drawing Passing - first key and dribbling
  • K1 gets ball from trainer
  • K2 puts pressure on K1
  • K1 plays ball into 1 of 2 small goals
drawing executing under pressure
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 2.
  • Player 1 runs through and player 2 lays the ball wide.
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 3.
  • Player 2 meanwhile has run on to the goal.
  • Player 3 passes a cross to player 2 and and then player 2 finishes.
drawing attack
Ball possession.
A match without goals.

  • Keeping the ball in the team as long as possible
  • Running free and retrieving the ball
  • Ball restriction of touching 2x or touching 1x.
  • Adjust the space according to the amount of players.
drawing Ball possession
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 2.
  • Player 1 runs through and player 2 lays the ball wide.
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 3.
  • Player 2 meanwhile has run on to the goal.
  • Player 3 passes a cross to player 2 and and then player 2 finishes.
drawing attack
  • 3 white players remain standing.
  • Center player may have position taken over by front side though.
  • White players are always in team ball possession.
  • We assume 1x hit. Maximum 2x.
  • If blue takes the ball, they make it big quickly.
  • Red conquers the ball and makes it small quickly.
drawing 7 versus 4 with transition large-small
  • Divide the players into 2 groups of 3 versus 3.
  • When the defending, red, side takes over the ball, they must play through the lines.
  • There new 3v3 is created.
  • If odd number then put a player at the level of the 16 who is the only one allowed to play in both squares, with the currently ball-possessing side.
drawing Party form with line pass
  • Goalkeeper in goal. All balls in starting zone.

  • One player has free starting ball which is compulsorily played into Phase 1.
  • After ball lands in Phase 1, starting player joins in box. This becomes 4v4.

  • In the intermediate line is one player that the defending team is not allowed to enter. That is used to move the game from Phase 1 to Phase 2.
  • The player in the intermediate line then joins in Phase 2 for a 3v3.

  • If the defensive side takes the ball away then they set up the counter to the small goal.
  • This remains 3v3 and 4v4, the boxes being the boundaries.
Does attacking take over the ball from defending then everyone recovers their position and we start again.

drawing Breaking line in position/party form
  • Distances:
    • Rectangle of 15 by 5 meters.
    • Pawns B and C 5 meters apart.
    • Both 2.5 meters from side and 5 meters from A and D.
  • Duration: 10 min.
    • After 5 min change direction
  • A plays into B
  • B drops the ball to C
  • C passes to D
  • The moment the ball reaches D, A has to be there to make the handball.
  • D bounces to A and runs straight through to be played in again.
  • A rebounds to D and D rebounds to E.
  • E takes ball to starting point.
  • Running lines: A becomes B, B becomes C etc.
Points of attention:
  • Tight balls by hitting ball in heart, body slightly over ball.
  • B must drop the ball on C slightly to outside so that there is a free pass line to D.
  • A must time that she/he is present at the right time for the handball with D.
  • If she/he is too early and has to wait too long it means in the match that there is opponent in her/his back.
  • Is she/he too late D has to wait it means in the match that the opponent can put pressure on D.
  • To maintain concentration make sure that at point A the ball is not played until everyone is in place.
drawing Pass and Trap form
  • S2 is central and asks ball to S1.
  • S1 plays ball in.
  • S2 spins out and does double pass to S3 who asks for ball with pre-action.
  • S3 takes ball and does slalom with turn on each side and passes with ball to back pot.
drawing Passing - first key and dribbling
Defenders try to intercept the ball quickly:

  • Play starts at number 6 who kicks to goalkeeper
  • Goalkeeper then plays directly to 2 or 4
  • At the moment 2 or 4 is played to, the blue team starts pressing and tries to prevent the depth pass
  • The red team can "score" by passing a depth pass to number 6, who can move all over the width in his defined zone
  • The blue team can score in the big goal
  • 2-5 from defending side direct pressure on the ball
  • 9 defending directly covers to line the ball
  • 4 defending direct pass on number 5 attacking side.
  • 6 attackers moving with ball and joining the game
drawing Putting pressure and preventing the depth pass
Players recognize midfield situation

  • 1 attacking team blue
  • 1 defending team red
  • 6 attackers play against 5 defenders
  • Attackers play the ball around
  • If defenders conquer the ball, they play the ball around
  • If the defending team gets the ball to the middle player, the attacking team pressures them

  • Letting ball go to the sides
  • Ball line shield middle player
  • When the middle player does get the ball, pressure immediately
drawing Putting pressure axis of the field