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Soccer drills

  • Within the defined field, play is 4x4.
  • At each edge a neutral player stands.
  • This player is not allowed to enter the field, but has to move (offer).
  • Switching is easy when every team has its own colour.
drawing Position game 8x4 with 4 neutral players (P01)
  • On half the pitch and with a large goal, overtal is played out.
  • The neutral players remain on the flank, but move about (offer).
  • The defence can score on a small pupil goal when they catch the ball.
drawing Position game 6x4+K on half field (P04)
  • Pass kick with variations in finishing and build-up.
    • Goalkeeper throws out.
    • Forward passes and closes in.
    • Handball.
    • Goalkeeper shoots out,
    • forward with his back to the goal.
    • He turns away.
drawing (A07) Pass kick with long ball and finishing
  • Stability:
    • Stand on one leg.
    • Pull up the other leg, so that the upper leg is horizontal.
    • Lower leg vertically at an angle of about 90 degrees.
    • Toes of the raised leg point upward.
    • Contra arm to the front.
    • After 5 seconds, switch legs (provided that the player is stable).
  • Same as before, but with forward and sideways step.
  • Same as before, but from a forward movement.
  • Various plank exercises in closed and open chain.
  • All poses should be held for 15-20 seconds.
  • Split group into 2 groups.
  • 1 group starts with exercise 1.
  • 1 group starts at exercise 2.
  • 4 minutes per exercise with 2 min rest.
  • Exercise 1:
    • Running Ladder:
      • Knees low frequency high.
    • Low hurdles:
      • Punching jumps.
    • Zig zag pawns.
    • Sit low and moment at pawn short.
    • Sticks LOOP.
  • Exercise 2:
    • Running Ladder:
      • Sideways knees high.
    • High hurdles:
      • Hopscotch jumps.
    • Zig zag forward.
    • Canes SPRING.

drawing Walk / jump ABC AD
  • In a circle
  • Exercises mobility.
  • See stretch card mobility.
  • Sets of 10 repetitions
  • Stretch the groin.
    • Sit on one knee.
    • Other leg sideways.
    • Light spring from the hip
  • Hip stretch.
    • Sitting on 1 knee.
    • Other leg forward (lunge)
  • Stretch lower back.
    • Lie on your stomach and put your arms forward.
    • Come up with your upper body.
  • Stretch hamstrings.
    • Sitting with one leg extended forward and one leg drawn in.
    • Both hands on the foot of the stretched leg.
  • Stretch gluteal region.
    • Lying on your back, grasp one leg by the upper leg and pull it towards you.
    • Bend other leg and place it on the upper leg at knee level.
  • Bridging:
    • 2 sets of 20 repetitions
  • Planks:
    • 2 sets of 20-30 seconds
  • Squats:
    • 2 sets of 20 repetitions
  • Push up:
    • 2 sets of 15 repetitions
  • Burpees:
    • 2 sets of 10 repetitions

  • Groups of 3 (if the number is wrong, make a group of 2).
  • Player 1 and 2 both have a ball.
  • Player 2 moves sideways (with his face to player 1) to stick a and goes around the stick and gets the ball in the middle of player 1.
  • The handball is entered and player 2 goes sideways to stick 2.
  • At stick 2 player 2 turns around his axis and gets the ball in the middle played to him by player 3.
  • 3 ( 3x1 minute).
drawing WU 3 players - 2 balls and 2 sticks

Special goalkeeper training, reaction

drawing (K07) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K06) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K05) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K04) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K03) Goalkeeper Training