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Soccer drills for technique strength

  • Pairs of two with ball, sitting opposite to each other on a mat
  • Person A holds ball above the head with both hands and goes to supine with arms stretched backwards tapping the ground with the ball
  • Person A goes to sitting position and hands the ball over to person B
  • Person B goes to supine and taps the ball backwards to the ground
  • etc.

  • Throwing ball to partner while prone
  • Partner rolls ball back over the ground



Can be performed with knees bend


  • Make two groups. 
  • Set out a course with four pilons in a row. Distance between them about 3 meters.
  • On signal the first one will sprint back and forth to the first pilon and back and further and further.
  • At the last pilon back and tap the next one.
  • Group that is back first is the winner.

drawing Sprinting from pilon to pilon
  • Dribbling through each other in a small area. Possibly followed by commands. (sitting on the ball, changing ball, ball dead under your foot)
  • two against each other, both have a ball. Dribble towards each other, chop and back again (vary which foot to tap).
  • Hang on! Pairs of two, one holds the other from behind to the waist and the front should try to move forward
  • On the back! One goes on the other's back and the runner has to run to the other side
  • Dribbling through each other in a small area. Possibly followed by commands. (sitting on the ball, changing ball, ball dead under the foot)
  • two against each other, both have a ball. Dribble towards each other, chop inside and back again (vary which foot to tap).
  • thigh tapping, pairs and one should tap the other on the thigh. The other must try and avoid to be tapped
  • Hang on! Pairs of two, one holds the other from behind to the waist and the front should try to move forward
  • On the back! One goes on the other's back and the runner has to run to the other side
  • make a field about a quarter of a quarter.
  • Set two small goals opposite each other. Divide the players over the two goals. (With many players you can make two squares)
  • One party has the ball and plays over to the other side.
  • Then the 1 v 1 starts.
  • One side has to attack and defend the other. 
  • It is only allowed to shoot from the pilons towards the goal.
  • If the defending party picks up the ball, the roles can be reversed.
  • By playing this game quickly you practice passing, controlling, attacking, defending.
  • But also on fast shifting, perseverance and insight.
drawing 1 v 1 with tiny goals
  • Make two rows of players. Give the rows a colored jacket. 
    • For example blue and yellow.
  • Place the rows opposite each other at a distance of about three meters.
  • At about 5 meters behind the rows is a line made with hats.
  • On command yellow or blue, the colour concerned sprints to the line behind it and must tap the other colour.
drawing Tag your man
  • all players sit on one half in a circle
  • everyone has a ball
  • Keep your legs stretched above the ground
  • 1st exercise = everyone passes the ball to the left
  • 2nd exercise = everyone passes the ball to the right 
  • 3rd exercise = do the same with pair of "medizin" balls or 1 or 2 "medizin" balls in between
  • now in plank position or push up position 
  • 1st exercise = everyone rolls the ball underneath them to the next player to the left
  • 2nd exercise = everyone rolls the ball underneath them to the next player to the right
  • 3rd exercise = now the ball can also be rolled to another player e.g. to the other side

drawing Power exercise


  • There are 4 balls in each goal.
  • By scoring, a team can clear its goal.
  • And this by starting to build up backwards.
  • Game is set in motion by the goalkeeper of the losing team.


  • Field: 35 x 25 m


  • 20 min



  • Free standing and free running + correctly screwed in receiver "PLAYABLE".
  • Play or show that you're free "SPEAK"
  • Play the ball with the right foot, the right speed and accurately "ACCURATE".


  • Play deep if possible "DEEP"
  • Open wide if depth fails "WIDE"


  • Say bombs instead of balls.


  1. Put out a field with pilons and indicate the border
  2. Make a team of 4 to 5 players.
  3. These form a human chain by giving each other a hand
  4. On signal, the chain should touch the others without letting go of each other
  5. Nice exercise for group bonding.

  • Make two teams. 
  • The goal is to get the ball to the other side of the line. 
  • You do this by standing in planking position and then pushing the ball to the other who is further along in planking position 
  • Then run on to the front and stand in planking position again and wait for the ball to arrive 
  • The team that is first on the other side wins