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Soccer drills

  • Players face each other next to pots A.
  • Distances 5 meters between A and B.
  • 8 meters between both B's.
  1. Player blue and red leave at the same time with ball on foot from A to B.
  2. Lay off the ball there.
  3. Walk to opposite B and there take ball with foot from other player.
  4. Then they take the ball to pot A.
  1. Player blue leaves with ball on foot, at the same time player red leaves without ball.
  2. At potty B, blue passes to red who accepts and passes back to blue.
  3. Blue pulls ball under him, turns around and dribbles back to A.
  4. Player red turns around from B and runs to A.
  5. Then the same, but player red with ball and player blue without. Alternate each time.
drawing Dribbling skills
Goals at 8 meters from center - cone-.

  • Players start simultaneously from the 4 goals,
  • Ball at foot to about 2 to 3 meters from the opposite goal and then finish.
  • They recapture their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and rejoin there.
  • Players dribble up to the cone in the middle, hold ball still under foot and pull it under then turn around and finish in their departure goal themselves.
  • They recapture their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and reconnect there.
drawing Dribbling skills
  • There will be 4 rows of hats, each spaced 10 meters apart. As many lanes as you have pairs.
  • Each lane has a 2-pair with 1 ball.
  • Players line up at the first 2 rows of hats.
  • The ball is at blue's sideline. This passes across the ground to red. This passes back across the ground and runs backwards to the next hats.
  • Now blue passes with a firmer pass to red. This one passes back firmly and runs backwards to the last row of hats.
  • Then blue passes to red with a high ball and runs himself to the row of hats closest to red.
  • Now red stays on the back line and blue runs backwards to the next row of hats after each pass.
Pay attention to good kicking technique and good ball-taking.
drawing Pass trap exercise
  • Pawns at 16 width 5 meters.
  • Pawns underneath at 10 meters.
  • Pawns side 3 meters from the 16 and 5 meters down.
  • A stands 10 meters from the pawns.
  1. A plays the ball to the incoming B and immediately runs himself to the side past the defender.
  2. B drops the ball on A and goes to his starting position.
  3. As soon as B drops the ball, C starts running to pass the back.
  4. A plays the ball in the run along to C.
  5. C crosses past the last man and then puts the ball back to B.
  6. B rounds off.
  7. A becomes B, B becomes C and C retrieves the ball and connects behind and then through the other side
Coach moment:
A after pass immediately run through.
B get loose to ask for ball then immediately take position.
C at right time start not too deep because then too close to CV.
drawing Finish side
  • S1 plays ball to S2.
  • S2 spins out and does a one-two with S3 while looking back at S1.
  • S3 does speed ladder to place S3.
  • S1 runs through to S2, S2 to S3.
drawing Passing - first key and dribbling
  • S2 is central and asks ball to S1.
  • S1 plays ball in.
  • S2 spins out and does double pass to S3 who asks for ball with pre-action.
  • S3 takes ball and does slalom with turn on each side and passes with ball to back pot.
drawing Passing - first key and dribbling
  • S1 gives pass to S2.
  • S2 dribbles to cones, makes 1x sharp angle, gives pass to S3.
  • S3 runs free, gets ball and finishes on goal.

  • With fixed goalkeeper then it stays, without goalkeeper then trapper takes the place of goalkeeper.
  • Goalkeeper goes rebound and handler takes ball and slides on, S1 goes dribbling.
  • Exercise can be done in two directions.
drawing Taking on, dribbling, cowering, pass, free running, taking on and kicking
  • S1 dribbles to cones. Makes 2x sharp angle and finishes on goal.
  • With fixed goalkeeper it stays, without goalkeeper trapper takes the place of goalkeeper.
  • Exercise can be done by free choice from 2 sides.
drawing Dribbling, cutting and finishing
Exercise begins at the two middle cones.
  • S1 passes diagonally to S2.
  • S2 rebounds to S3.
  • S3 rebounds diagonally to S2 who presents at middle cone.
Exercise then continues on the other side.
6 pots, 2 balls and 6 players.
drawing Warm-up with ball
Exercise begins at the two middle cones.
  • S1 passes diagonally to S2.
  • S2 rebounds to S3.
  • S3 rebounds diagonally to S2 who presents at middle cone.
Exercise then continues on the other side.
6 pots, 2 balls and 6 players.
drawing Warm-up with ball
Distances 3 corners 10 meters to make it more difficult reduce the distances.
Distance next triangle 20 meters.

1st triangle:
  • A plays B in.
  • B plays C in.
  • C drops ball on A.
  • A gives ball in runs with C towards Pawn.
  • Running line A to B , B to C , C becomes A.
2nd triangle:
  • A2 plays B2 in.
  • B2 passes to C2.
  • C2 drops ball on A2.
  • A2 plays the ball to D2.
  • D2 turns open, plays E2 in.
  • E2 plays F2 in.
  • F2 drops ball on D2.
  • D2 hands ball in, runs with F2 towards Pawn.
  • Running line A to B, B to C, C to D, D to E, E to F, F becomes A.
3rd triangle:
  • A3 plays B3 in.
  • B3 plays C3 in.
  • C3 drops ball to A3.
  • A3 plays the ball to D3.
  • D3 turns open plays E3 in.
  • E3 plays F3 in.
  • F3 drops the ball on D3.
  • D3 plays the ball to G3.
  • G3 spins open plays H3 in.
  • H3 plays I3 in.
  • I3 drops the ball to G3.
  • G3 gives ball in runs with I3 towards Pawn.
  • Running line A to B . B to C. C to D. D to E. E to F. F to G. G to H. H to I. I becomes A.
drawing Staircase shape triangle 1.
  • At trainer's signal, both players start sprinting.
  • Blue must run around first pawn and Red runs straight through to tap Blue.
  • Red becomes Blue and flips over.
drawing Chase 1