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Soccer drills

Goal: Improve disrupting and conquering the ball. Keep pressure on the ball and conquer at the right time.
red players and 2 blue players.
Team red starts with ball, and tries to score. Coaching blue to prevent scoring.

Game rules:
  • Both teams can score on a small goal.
  • When ball is out, dribble in.
  • On a back ball or corner kick, dribble in.
  • Apply pressure by preventing the ball from being dribbled or played forward.

Points of attention:
  • Do not rush to the opponent, approach cautiously.
  • Stay face-to-face with the opponent as much as possible, do not turn your back on him.
  • Try to force the opponent to the side.
drawing 2 against 2 with small goals
Create a team red and a team blue.
Team red plays his teammate across the width of the field. Red leaves with the ball and at the moment of taking over the ball blue is allowed to defend.

Goal: to improve the defending of a one on one situation.
Dimensions: length 30/35 meters and width: 10/15 meters.

Rules of play:
  • Both teams can score on a big goal.
  • At a goal, off-ball or corner kick, switch teams.
  • After a while, the teams change positions.
drawing 1 against 1 and goalkeeper
Players start in 2 groups each at a diagonally opposite corner.
On signal they start the exercise.
  • As fast as possible over the hurdles, around the cone and duel 1v1. Trainer kicks ball into the field, sometimes with advantage or not.
  • Maximum of 20 seconds per duel.
drawing 1V1 frontal
2 attackers against 3 defenders and goalkeeper.
In other group size 3 against 4 or 2 against 1 and so on.
Goal: The goal of the assignment is to have the goalkeeper play the ball into one of the 3 defenders.

  • The ball starts with the 2 attackers. They play the ball deep to the goalkeeper to have a realistic start.
  • The goalkeeper can catch the ball, take it and so on.
  • The three defenders must constantly be on the ball.
  • The goalkeeper tries to get the ball to one of the three defenders
  • The attackers' task is to block as early as possible to make the build-up by the defenders difficult.
  • The task of the defenders is to get the ball over the line by means of play/construction, then again from the start.
When the 2 attackers capture the ball, start again.

drawing Surface mounted - WDR 1
  • 2 players
  • Player 1 rebounds ball to player 2 whereby player 2 runs backwards and player 1 forwards.
  • Once across turn around so player 1 is running backwards.

drawing Passing WDR - 2
  • Pass in from the center line, indicate where you want the ball to go, left or right, and shoot low in own corner right legged/right corner - about 5 times.
  • Passing in from the center line, indicate where you want the ball to go and shoot controlled high into own corner, right legged/right corner - about 5 times.
  • Passing in from the center line and free angle and free power - About 5 times.
Option: big goal or small goal
drawing Finishing on goal - WDR -1
  • We play 3 against 3, to the same goal. 
  • If one team loses the ball, the other team takes over the attack. 
  • The other team must always move back behind a cone.
  • So that the defending team can set up. (must go quickly, practise switching).
drawing 3 v 3 on one half of the field
  • The team stands ready in 2 groups behind a pawn. 
  • They are given an exercise by the trainer and do it 1x.  On the way back they run back and close behind. 
  • 2 players run at the same time. The next one leaves when the pair has passed the first hat. 
  • Exercises:

    1. Jogging 

    2. Knee-up

    3. Heel-to-belly

    4. Sideways left 

    5. Sideways right 

    6. Arms swing front

    7. Arms swing back

    8. Jump over caps with 2 feet at the same time

    9. Sprint to cap and back 

    10. Shoulder thrust and sprint

  • The players form 3 groups
  • 2 players stand by 1 pilon and the other opposite.
  • The first of the two players receives the balls and plays the player across from her right in the feet. Then this one sprints to the player and stands by the pilon. 
  • The other takes the ball and plays the ball to the one opposite.  
  • This repeats itself.
  • Because they work in 3 pairs, they are nice and active. 
  • Variation:
  • There is dribbling with the ball at the foot.
  • Each player receives a number beforehand.
  • Players move randomly within the indicated space.
  • After receiving the ball, it is passed to the next player.
  • How many balls can be passed at once?
drawing WU fit numerical order
  • 2 teams are made.
  • In the middle is a pylon (or several).
  • Teams transfer the ball to other side first by example:
    • Throwing over.
    • Kick over.
    • Dropkick.
    • Heading.
  • Ball must be placed on the opposite side of the pile.
  • After this the next player can do it.
  • When the last ball is returned, the pawn in the middle can be kicked over.
drawing WU sprinting, transferring the ball
  • The neutral players stand on the sideline.
  • The game is played with pupil goals.
  • Defenders can score directly after possession of the ball.
  • Attackers must pass over X times.
drawing Position play with line players (P03)