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Soccer drills


Field setup:

Put out a field with 4 pawns at 20 by 10 meters.

Course of play:

Players must come from one side of the field with a ball on the other side. In the middle is the ball collector. This player should try to take the ball from the running players.

Rules of the game:

  • Watch carefully where and when you can run over with the ball.
  • The collector must try to chase the players to the side.
  • If the collector touches the ball from another player, the player who has touched the ball must be in the middle.
  • If the ball goes over the sideline of a player then the player is also off and becomes the collector.
  • You may not walk back over the imaginary backline.


Field setup:

2 goals along each line and 1 ball.

Course of play:

3 players in blue play a game against 3 players in purple.

Game rules/tips:

  • If a goals is scored, the ball must be given to the other team.
  • You may not score from your own half.
  • If the ball is over the line it must be thrown in.
  • It is important to make triangles on the field to be able to pass the ball well to each other without the opponent being able to get in between.


Field setup:

Put out a field with 4 pylons at 20 by 20 meters.

Course of play:

Every 2 players get one ball. The purple player must try to shield the ball in front of the blue player. The blue player must try to get the ball without making a foul.

Rules of the game:

  • If a player takes the ball, then this player may shield the ball and the other player must take the ball back.
  • On the whistle signal of the trainer you have to switch players.
  • You may not switch to another player that you have already played against once.
  • When shielding the ball, use your body well.



2:2 will be played on 2 fields. The players in the so called striker squares at the top and bottom serve as goals.

They can score by playing their fellow player in the striker area, he must get the ball under control in this area. After a goal, the other party may start.

After this, the game is played with a first-time ball. The striker gets the ball and has to play it directly back to a fellow player. Only now a point is scored.

The strikers are not allowed to come out of their box, and the other players are not allowed in the striker's box.

After 8 minutes of substitution

Points of attention:

First check if the other player has played the ball correctly, then ask for the ball through a running action.

If you pass cleanly, then the striker can also play back well.



There will be played 8 against 4.

6:3, 7:3, 7:4, 9:4 or 9:5 is also possible.

With more or less players the dimensions have to be adjusted.

The 8 may score after 5 passes.

The 4 may always try to score.

If the ball is intercepted by the 4, if the ball goes out or after scoring, there must be counted again.

After, in total, 5 goals or after 10 minutes, teams are switched

To make it easier or more difficult, the number of replaying can be changed.

Points of attention:

Use the left and right foot.

If possible keep the ball low

Assuming the right foot.

Correct ball speed.

Direct play.

  • We'll start with number one.
  • - Number 1 plays number 2.
  • - Number 2 plays the ball back to 1.
  • - Number 1 sends number 3 away towards the back line.
  • - Number 3 gives the ball so number 4 can finish.

1 goes to 2

2 goes to 3

3 goes to 4

  • field 15 m wide.
  • Make groups of three. 
  • Each player of a group goes either left, straight or in the middle.
  • The player in the middle asks for the ball and plays it firmly to the other player
  • Player in the middle turns and asks for the ball again but on the other side.
  • 1m full on and then switch.
  • all players on the left get the ball.
  • Player 2 runs in and asks for the ball.
  • Player 1 plays in and gets it right back.
  • Player 2 runs around the pilon and asks for the ball again.
  • Change role after 10 times.
  • Inside

    > heads

    >inside high


let them walk out after they've played the ball.



  • No. 1 gives a long pass on no. 2
  • No. 1 presents itself for the 1 - 2
  • No. 2 enters the ball and passes the ball on no. 1
  • He's playing him on the inside
  • Player number 1 passes the ball with his right leg at number 2
  • Player #1 controls the ball or shoots directly at the goal
  • When working from the other side than using the left leg

Structure of the exercise form

  • Pairs of two with one ball
  • Players at number 1 have ball possession
  • After having worked change tasks and connect behind
  • Increasing/reducing distances


  • Play the ball tight
  • Play the ball on the inside so you have to play with the right.
  • The ball will then come to the finisher
  • Make sure players don't stand still for too long
  • make a field about a quarter of a quarter.
  • Set two small goals opposite each other. Divide the players over the two goals. (With many players you can make two squares)
  • One party has the ball and plays over to the other side.
  • Then the 1 v 1 starts.
  • One side has to attack and defend the other. 
  • It is only allowed to shoot from the pilons towards the goal.
  • If the defending party picks up the ball, the roles can be reversed.
  • By playing this game quickly you practice passing, controlling, attacking, defending.
  • But also on fast shifting, perseverance and insight.
drawing 1 v 1 with tiny goals



  • There will be played 6 against 3.
  • 8: 4, 6:3, 7:3, 7:4, 9:4 or 9:5 is also possible.
  • With more or less players the dimensions have to be adjusted.
  • The 6 may score after 4 replay.
  • The 3 may always try to score.
  • If the ball is intercepted by the trio, if the ball goes into touch or after scoring, there must be
  • to be recounted.
  • After, in total, 5 goals or after 10 minutes of substitution.
  • In order to make it easier or more difficult, the number of passes can be changed.

Points of attention:

  • Use the left and right foot.
  • If possible, keep the ball low
  • Assuming the right foot.
  • Right ball speed.
  • Immediate play.



  • There will be played 4 against 4 + goalkeeper.
  • If the party that has to score on the big goal has lost the ball, they have to defend 5 goals.
  • After 15 minutes there's a changing of halves.


  • If the triangles' attackers lose the ball, they can very quickly score a counter-goal.
  • Especially the players who don't defend often in the league games won't like this kind of game.

Points of attention:

  • Cover the man in time.
  • Don't go in too quick.
  • Cover on the right side.
  • Posture during the duels, through the knees.