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Soccer drills

  • Put pawns as given
  • Each pawn 1 player
  • Start in the corner and pass as given
  • Player runs ball behind
  • Left bottom corner dribbles back to start (last player in the game)

drawing Pass exercise in two squares
  • 4 players on position as on picture.
  • Notice:
    • With player 2 2 players in line.
  • Player 1 plays player 2.
  • Player 2 turns and passes to wing player 3 right in front.
  • Player 3 near the 16 meter width pass on the left for player 4.
  • Player 4 passes the ball wide and player 1 finishes.
  • Player 1 to player 2, player 2 to player 3.
  • Player 3 to player 4, player 4 takes the ball and goes to the front of the line.
drawing Finishing exercise with pass, spin, and handball laying wide
  • Each player receives a number beforehand.
  • Players move randomly within the indicated space.
  • After receiving the ball, it is passed to the next player.
  • How many balls can be passed at once?
drawing WU fit numerical order
  • 2 teams are made.
  • In the middle is a pylon (or several).
  • Teams transfer the ball to other side first by example:
    • Throwing over.
    • Kick over.
    • Dropkick.
    • Heading.
  • Ball must be placed on the opposite side of the pile.
  • After this the next player can do it.
  • When the last ball is returned, the pawn in the middle can be kicked over.
drawing WU sprinting, transferring the ball
  • The neutral players stand on the sideline.
  • The game is played with pupil goals.
  • Defenders can score directly after possession of the ball.
  • Attackers must pass over X times.
drawing Position play with line players (P03)
  • Two teams are made.
  • In the middle stands a pylon (or several).
  • Teams first bring the ball over to the other side:
    • Throwing over.
    • Kick over.
    • Dropkick.
    • Heading.
  • The ball must be placed on the opposite side of the pitch, and the person passing on the ball must also sprint back.
  • After this, the next team can play.
    • When the last ball is returned, the pawn in the middle can be kicked over.
drawing (W03) WU Sprinting, passing the ball
  • The neutral players stand on the sideline.
  • The game is played with pupil goals.
  • Defenders can score directly after possession of the ball.
  • Attackers must pass over X times.
drawing (P03) Position play with line players
  • Handball.
  • Long ball.
  • Shooting outside the 16.
drawing (A01) Simple finishing shape
  • 2 goalkeepers in goal.
  • Defender passes ball to K1, defender runs free and gets ball, after which he looks for other goal and finishes on K2.
  • Duration: 10 min.
drawing warm-up 2 - return ball on goalkeeper + finish
  • X1 dribbles and plays in to K1 (or other player).
  • K1 processes and plays X2 in the foot.
  • X2 does the same (dribble + finish) to K2.
  • K2 processes and in turn plays X1 back to him.
drawing warm-up 1 play ball around in diamond shape
  • Exercise double lining up.
  • O1 plays in to O2.
  • O2 plays long ball to K. K controls/catch ball and plays out the 3 on 2.
  • When O1/O2 take ball they score at big goal with K .
  • K + A1 and A2 score at small goal which O1/O2 defend.
  • Duration:
    • 15 min.
  • Passing on :
    • O1/O2 become A1/A2 and vice versa.
drawing Exercise 1 - goalkeepers 3VS 2
  • Trainer kicks depth ball.
  • K decides whether to come out or defend goal.
  • Attacker tries to take ball away and score on goal.
  • If goalkeeper has ball, 2 on off via O.
  • Attacker takes ball with him and may not finish in 1 time.
  • Line up twice (2 trainers).
  • Duration 15 minutes.
  • Upgrade 1 :
    • Trainer chooses high ball.
  • Upgrade 2 :
    • 2 attackers instead of 1 (2 VS 2), attacker 2 may only join when goalkeeper can play.
drawing Exercise 2 - execution via goalkeepers - goalkeeper interaction with upgrade