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Soccer drills

A game of 4 against 4 in which you have to play at high speed.
You may be short a player, add a chameleon or make it 3 against 3. The loser does 10 push ups.

Points of attention:
  • Make sure they play at a high tempo
  • Explain the best way for them to run free. Put the game on hold for a while.
  • Make sure they put high pressure
drawing Party game 4 against 4
2 vs. 1 played at high tempo. The defender blue plays into the attackers red and so the 2 v 1 begins.

Points of attention:
  • Attackers moving around a lot
  • Defenders in good position
  • Attackers make speed
drawing 2 vs.
  • Staircase 3 variants:
    • Each step 1 step.
    • Two feet in.
    • Foot in foot out.
  • Sprint pull up to pawn.
  • Slalom around pawn with ball:
    • 1x good foot.
    • 1x alternate.
    • 1x ball rolling under foot left and right.
  • One-two with player.
  • Dribble through and pass with scissors.
  • Then round off.
drawing Circuit
The exercise goes as follows:
  • 2 teams. One blue and one red.
  • 1 player per team always dribbles around the caps and tries to score when they have been around the last cap.
  • When successful, they may take a vest from their own team and run towards the square to put the vest down in 1 of the 9 squares.
  • The team that has 3 in a row first wins.
  • When the vests run out and no 3 in a row has been made, they must take a vest from the square and move it to another square.
- No skipping caps.
- Only grab a vest when you have scored.
- 3 vests per team.

- Make it a game after 7 minutes.
- Switch sides once.

drawing Butter, cheese and eggs
A 1 vs. 1 exercise in which the defending red team plays the ball in to the attacking blue team.
  • When the attacking blue side has the ball, it looks for a 1 vs. 1 with the player from team red.
  • If either team scores, both players switch sides so player red goes to blue and player blue goes to red.
  • It may be that a red player takes the ball away. In that case, they may score on team blue's small goal.
  • Team blue must score on a big goal that also has a goalkeeper.
  • The players keep track of their own points and the three who finish last do 10 push ups.
Game rules:
  • Ball out are 2 new players.
  • If the goalkeeper catches the ball, it is play on so it is a 2 against 1 situation.
  • Goal is also 2 new players.
Points of attention:
  • Make sure the attackers dribble in at a high pace.
  • Make sure the defenders defend forward.
  • Make sure the defenders have a good stance.
drawing 1 vs.
1st exercise:
  • You start the first exercise by playing the ball in.
  • The player accepts and passes it to the next player.
  • The player also runs after the ball so that each time someone is in the right place.
  • When you notice that it is too easy, you switch to the second exercise and it goes like this.
2nd exercise:
  • Player 1 plays into player 2. He then drops the ball to player 1 who then passes it to player 3.
  • Player 3 then drops it to player 2 and then player 2 plays diagonally to player 4 and so on.
Points of attention:
  • Have the players coach each other.
  • See if they are keeping track.
  • If it is too easy, increase the pace.
  • In exercise 2, then have the player really get under the ball when they get the ball back.
  • The players must offer themselves.
  • The players should ask for the ball.
drawing Pass kick
The purpose of this exercise is to play out of overtime.
  1. The 2 defenders of team red play the ball diagonally to a player of team blue.
  2. Then it is a matter of scoring and making sure they play out the overtal.
The teams just stay put and you have them switch sides after 6 minutes.
If the red team takes the ball away, they can score on a little goaltending by team blue.

Rules of play.
  • Ball out is switch.
  • Keeper the ball is play on.
  • Scoring is switching.
Points of Attention
  • Have the defenders defend on a line.
  • Let the attackers make runs.
  • Play the ball around at a high pace.
  • If they can shoot, they should shoot.
drawing Playing off overtime
Set out a field for 4 v 4. For example 20 meters wide by 30 meters long.
Create a center line and a goal area with pawns.

A party game 4 v 4 / 5 v 5 or 6 v 6 is played.
You can deepen the game by giving different assignments such as:

1. Free play; no other assignments beyond the normal rules of the game.
2. No goal may be scored until everyone has crossed the center line.
3. A goal may only be scored inside the goal area after an end pass.
4. Hitting 3 times.
5. Crossing an x-number of times before scoring is allowed.
6. Combination of the above.
drawing 4-on-4 with center line and goal area
Distances: compartments 3 by 3 meters.

  • Everyone stays in their box.
  • Red is going to try to score by shooting the ball into one of the goals.
  • The defender opposite the player with the ball steps toward him then to put pressure on the ball.
  • The other defenders step in to shield the pass line.
Harder: make boxes smaller than 3 x 3 meters.
Easier: make boxes larger than 3 x 3 meters.
drawing Zone defense
  • This 1 vs. 1 exercise begins when the players have run around half the field.
  • They must first go around the hat in the corner and then pass behind the goalie to start the 1 v 1.
  • The attackers - red - pick up a ball when they have passed behind the goalkeeper and go on the attack.
Points of attention
- Pay attention to the attitude of the defenders.
- Make sure the attackers have pace.
- Don't make it too complicated. So one action on pace and score.

- Score over center line.
- If the player has been then switch sides.
drawing condition 1 against 1
  • Put two small goals on the edge of center circle facing each other.
  • Make 2 teams with the same number of players.
  • These line up next to the goals.
  • The players choose a number from 1 to 5. With more than 10 players more numbers.
  1. The coach passes the ball to the center and calls out a number.
  2. From each team, the players with the called number play one against one on the goals.
  3. After a while they choose a new number.
drawing 1 vs. 1 center circle
Distances: pawns 2 meters apart.
CV= central defender.
Blue is defense.
Red is offense.

Box 1
  • Trainer plays ball in to A, the closest man in this case, the CV, step forward to put pressure on player with ball.
  • We see a gap created where there is space for the 2 attackers to run in. See the arrows from B&C.
Box 2
  • Here we see the solution to cover this running line.
  • The moment the defender steps in on the player with the ball, the other players step 1 meter to the middle to close the gap. In this way, no play can be made between them.
  • The defender facing the attacker who gets the ball steps forward. The rest must slide inside.
Explanation to players:
  • You explain that red are the attackers and blue are the defenders.
  • You start in the starting lineup and play attacker A.
  • You ask the players; what should the defense do now? Correct answer: opposing defender puts pressure on the man with the ball. Make sure the rest stay put.
  • You ask the players; what is created now? Correct answer: space/ running line for the attackers to dive in. Demonstrate this by running one of the attackers into this gap.
  • You now ask the players; how can they avoid this? Correct answer: all step in slightly. In this case exactly between the pawns.
  • Ball at trainer is always back to beginning lineup.
  • Initial exercise is passive, trainer plays to 1 attacker, the defenders take their steps, ball back to trainer.
  • Then then play other attacker. Do about 5 minutes until defenders do their job.
  • If it goes well quickly, you can make it harder just by increasing the ball pace.
  • One step further is to allow the attackers to pass the ball among themselves and not just to the trainer.
  • Then switch the attackers and defenders and do the same thing again. Both for about 10 minutes.
drawing Zone defense