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Soccer drills

In pairs:

  • Circle around field.
  • Ball out of goal, dribble to center,
  • Balancing exercise
  • Dribble back to the goal
  • Half circle around the field
  • Wheelbarrow 
  • Return on your back
  • Half round field 

Team task:

Improve assumption to "move" opponent


  • Positioning game 3/4x1 in square box of 6x6. 
  • pawn in the middle, team ball-possession must shoot this pawn for points, defender must prevent this. 
  • Each player in team ball-possession is on one side of the square. 
  • A player may only defend by intercepting a pass on a pawn. 
  • Match/fun element can be reinforced by agreeing that the person with the most points has won after 5 minutes, the rest must for example do 10 push-ups or sprints. 
  • Can be made more difficult by the fact that attacking party has to score in 10 passes.

Direction in assumption to "move" opponent, freeing up space to play towards pawn.

1.5 metres: 

  • Because the defender is only allowed to intercept passes, there are no duels. 
  • Furthermore, perimeter ensures that players in team ball-possession do not come closer than 1.5 metres. 
  • the shape also invites players to keep the pitch as large as possible.
drawing Position game assuming pawn

Team task:
Building up

Improve deep play at the right moment.


  • Field of e.g. 30x30, 
  • Divided into 16 compartments. 
  • On the 2 sides 
    • 2 goals. 
    • 2 teams of 6. 
    • 2 players per team are divided over 4 boxes at the back, 
    • 4 players all have their own square. 
  • There is a box with defenders between the two parts of the team. 
  • Four must reach the duos, the duos can score in goals (see picture). 
  • More difficult: 
    • A maximum of 10 passes. 
  • See picture.

  • 1.5 metres: boxes prevent players from duelling with each other or getting close to each other.
drawing Playing in squares
  • Player passes the ball to the striker.
  • Striker bounces the ball back
  • A player plays the ball deep into the corner.
  • The Third Player sprints in that direction and passes the ball in front.
  • The first player is sprinting along and finishes on the goal.
drawing Crossing
  • Pairs of two
  • one of them passes the ball and the other bounces it back.
  • the bouncing player runs back and forth between a pilon and a the spot of bouncing.
  • challenge is to play as much good bouncing balls as possible in 45 seconds.
drawing 45 seconds passing



  • Field of 10m by 10m
  • 1 or 2 magic trees (trainers) in the middle.
  • 1 ball per player.
  • Task 1: 
    • Players walk from one side of the magic forest to the other.
    • Without losing the ball.
  • Task 2:
    • Players walk from one side of the magic forest to the other.
    • Without losing the ball. 
    • But watch out; the magic trees have woken up. 
    • And moving through the forest.
  • Task 3:
    • Players walk from one side of the forest to the other.
    • Without losing the ball. 
    • But beware; the magic trees have woken up by a storm and are moving through the forest. 
    • But there are also branches and leaves everywhere.
  • In this exercise, an attacker is played by a midfielder while he has a defender behind him. 
  • The attacker must hold the ball for 5 seconds so that the midfielder can close in and receive the ball. 
  • The defender must try to take the ball.
  • Building to create opportunities, scoring goals
  • Make the space to play as large as possible - width - depth
  • Think deep and play deep if possible
  • Keep the ball
  • Principle: Width play serves as preparation / introduction / depth pass
  • Optimal field utilization


  • In a rectangle with a central strip, the players are divided into 2 groups facing each other.
  • The exercise starts with 1 player with a jacket in the middle strip. This is the defender. 
  • Players must cross with the ball, the defender must take the ball and play it off the field. 
    • the defender shall remain only on the central strip
  • If a player loses the ball, they will also put on a jacket and help the defender. 
  • Attackers thus keep running back and forth until there is one attacker left. 
  • This is the winner.

Do you want to get in better shape? You can, but it takes a few things.

  • What do you need?
    • Pawns 
    • Football 
    • Clothes you can sport in  
    • Staircase 
  • First of all, it is important that you make sure you warm up before you start working on your cardio!
  • What should you do?
    • Run 2 pawns forward 1 to the back and repeat this every time. 
      • Do that 2x
    • Grab the ball and run 5 rounds with the ball. 
      • This will ensure ball control and as well as do something about your condition.
    • You can also do exercises indoors for your fitness, like running up and down the stairs 5 times. 
  • Of course you can also give your own twist to how you want to do it, but I think this is the best and nicest way to improve it. 
  • Don't try to run fast on the first day without stopping and take small steps!
  • Make a square with pylons in which butter cheese and eggs can be played
  • form two groups
  • use 6 jackets, 3 yellow and 3 green
  • Play butter cheese and eggs with the jackets 


Field setup:

Set up 2 x 2 pawns per group of 2 players. Every 2 players get 1 ball.


The ball is thrown up by one player and kicked back by the other. The following variants must be practised.


  • Head the ball back into the hands of the player.
  • Head the ball over the player.
  • Head the ball through the ground towards the player.


  • Make sure you head from your neck and don't just let the ball bounce on your head.
  • Always tighten your arm muscles and move your head towards the ball.