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Soccer drills

  • Team's in a circle.
  • A player in the middle.
  • From inside the circle the player passes to a player on the outside of the circle and gets the ball back.
  • The spot in the middle is taken over by the player from the circle.
drawing Circle pass
  • No. 1 plays from the center circle to no. 2 
  • No. 2 is at the point of the 16 meter line.
  • No. 2 plays to no. 3. 
  • No. 3 is on the other point of the 16 meter line.
  • No. 1 is on the other point of the 16 meter line.
  • No. 3 returns to Nr. 1.
  • No. 1 shoots on target
drawing Passing and shooting on target
  • Make two rows of players.
  • Make a slalom course with pilons.
  • Place an x-number of balls at the end of the pilons.
  • One of the players has to sprint towards the balls.
  • At the balls the player takes 1 ball dribbling back via the slalom track. 
  • Then player 2 then 3, and so on.
drawing Sprint up/ zigzag down with ball



  • There will be played 6 against 3.
  • 8: 4, 6:3, 7:3, 7:4, 9:4 or 9:5 is also possible.
  • With more or less players the dimensions have to be adjusted.
  • The 6 may score after 4 replay.
  • The 3 may always try to score.
  • If the ball is intercepted by the trio, if the ball goes into touch or after scoring, there must be
  • to be recounted.
  • After, in total, 5 goals or after 10 minutes of substitution.
  • In order to make it easier or more difficult, the number of passes can be changed.

Points of attention:

  • Use the left and right foot.
  • If possible, keep the ball low
  • Assuming the right foot.
  • Right ball speed.
  • Immediate play.



  • There will be played 4 against 4 + goalkeeper.
  • If the party that has to score on the big goal has lost the ball, they have to defend 5 goals.
  • After 15 minutes there's a changing of halves.


  • If the triangles' attackers lose the ball, they can very quickly score a counter-goal.
  • Especially the players who don't defend often in the league games won't like this kind of game.

Points of attention:

  • Cover the man in time.
  • Don't go in too quick.
  • Cover on the right side.
  • Posture during the duels, through the knees.

Make a square

  • 1 player in the middle
  • 3 players on the lines of the square with 2 balls
  • Player 1 is played by the player on the corner.
  • Player 1 takes the ball and moves on to the other corner of the square.
  • The player on the corner runs on to the other corner.
  • It's a kind of carousel. 
  • The ball always goes crosswise, from one corner to the other.
drawing Barca excercise


  • Bowling: 1 player of each team takes turns kicking a ball from 5m to 10 cones.
  • And tries to kick as many cones as possible.


  • 10 cones in pyramid shape
  • 5 m further a game from where the players may kick.


  • 10 min


  • Take a good look
  • Accurate passing


  • start at 5m
  • then 10m


  1. Put out a field with pilons and indicate the border
  2. Make a team of 4 to 5 players.
  3. These form a human chain by giving each other a hand
  4. On signal, the chain should touch the others without letting go of each other
  5. Nice exercise for group bonding.

  • Two groups of players
  • 1 defender
  • The defender attacks the attacker and the attacker must try to score
  • After a shot at goal, the attacker takes over the defender's place and an attacker from the other group tries to score.
  • Again a shot and the attacker takes the place of the defender.
  • etc.
  • Try to keep up the pace.

drawing shooting and defending immediately after
  • Box training
  • Line up:
  • 4 pilons in box shape at 2m distance from each other.
  • 4 pilons round at 4m from each other.
  • Task 1: Drive the ball to the other side through the middle box without colliding.


Task 2: Drive the ball to the first pilon with the left foot to the right and take it to the next pilon to the right of starting position.


Task 3: Drive the ball to the first pilon with the right foot to the left and take it to the next pilon to the left of starting position.


Task 4: Drive the ball to the first pilon with the left foot to the right and pass the ball to the player on the right of starting position (pass with right)


Task 5: Drive the ball to the first pilon with the right foot to the left and pass the ball to the player to the left of starting position. (Pass with left)


  • Player plays the ball to a fellow player, this player passes the ball back.
  • Player runs in on the ball and plays on the second player who is on the 16 yard box
  • This player also passes the ball.
  • 1st player runs in and shoots at goal
drawing Pass / Pass and finish on target
  • Pairs of two
  • two rows of hats / caps / ladders
  • between two pylons. On whistle sprint around the ladder
  • One player runs via ladder and the other throws the ball into the hands
  • One player runs through the ladder and the other throws the ball for a header
  • Short steps over the ladder, then zigzag through the pylons, there sprint to the end where there is a pylon.
  • Circle warming up: Circle around and sprint to the center.
  • Fun warm up, create pairs and then walk around while you push against each other 
  • Throw for thigh control and volley
  • Throw for chest control and volley
  • ZigZag around your own pilons forward backward
  • High stairs
  • ball tapping, head the ball back
  • knee tapping (whistle)