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Soccer drills

  • Jump as far as possible from a standing position with your feet next to each other.
  • Measure the distance between the starting line and the heel.
  • The player sits with his back against the wall and his legs at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Keep this up as long as possible.
  • Travel as fast as possible 5 times the distance of 10 meters.
  • Put 2 pilons/line at 10 meters distance. 
  • The player runs 5 times back and forth between these pilons. 
  • The pilon/line must be hit with the foot ! 
  • The players work in pairs. 
  • One player runs and the other player times.
  • Put 4 pilons in a T-shape. 
  • 5 meters next to each other (between 3.2 and 4) and 10 meters ahead (between 1 and 2)
    • Start at 1 forward to 2, 
    • then left sideways to 3, 
    • then right sideways to 4, 
    • then left sideways to 2 
    • and backwards to 1.
  • Write down the fastest time in 2 attempts.
  • Players work in pairs. 1 runs, 1 times.

  • Cover as much distance as possible in 12 minutes.
  • place pilons around the field every 10 meters. 
  • After 12 minutes the player stops where he stands. 
  • The distance to the pilon behind him/her counts. 
  • If the player stands between pilons 14 and 15, the distance of 140 meters (plus the number of complete rounds) counts.
  • Cover 1600 meters in as fast as possible.
  • Players work in pairs. One runs, the other times.
  • Take 2x 100 meters over the length of the square and 2x 60 meters over the width of the square, place pilons.
  • Players have to complete 5 complete rounds.
  • Make a set of three.
  • One of three in the middle.
  • The two outer ones always play the ball in on the player in the middle.
  • The player in the middle runs back and forth between 2 pilons. 
  • At the pilon the ball has to be bounced back. 
drawing Bounce-trio
  • A player plays the ball deep in the corner.
  • The second player sprints that way and passes the ball in front.
  • The first player is sprinting along and finishes on the basket
drawing Crossing
  • Two rows of players
  • 1 row is attack
  • 1 row is defense
  • Trainer plays the ball on to a random attacker
  • Defender must run after the attacker to defend
  • Attacker must bounce the ball back in time
  • Pay attention:
    • pass good
    • receive good
    • bounce good
drawing Bounce with a defender in the back