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Soccer drills

  • Building to create opportunities, scoring goals
  • Make the space to play as large as possible - width - depth
  • Think deep and play deep if possible
  • Keep the ball
  • Principle: Width play serves as preparation / introduction / depth pass
  • Optimal field utilization


Do you want to get in better shape? You can, but it takes a few things.

  • What do you need?
    • Pawns 
    • Football 
    • Clothes you can sport in  
    • Staircase 
  • First of all, it is important that you make sure you warm up before you start working on your cardio!
  • What should you do?
    • Run 2 pawns forward 1 to the back and repeat this every time. 
      • Do that 2x
    • Grab the ball and run 5 rounds with the ball. 
      • This will ensure ball control and as well as do something about your condition.
    • You can also do exercises indoors for your fitness, like running up and down the stairs 5 times. 
  • Of course you can also give your own twist to how you want to do it, but I think this is the best and nicest way to improve it. 
  • Don't try to run fast on the first day without stopping and take small steps!
  • Make a square with pylons in which butter cheese and eggs can be played
  • form two groups
  • use 6 jackets, 3 yellow and 3 green
  • Play butter cheese and eggs with the jackets 


Field setup:

Set up 2 x 2 pawns per group of 2 players. Every 2 players get 1 ball.


The ball is thrown up by one player and kicked back by the other. The following variants must be practised.


  • Head the ball back into the hands of the player.
  • Head the ball over the player.
  • Head the ball through the ground towards the player.


  • Make sure you head from your neck and don't just let the ball bounce on your head.
  • Always tighten your arm muscles and move your head towards the ball.

  • Positional defending needs to be very good
  • Forcing opponent to play wide
  • Take away ball
  • Keep seeing the ball
  • Without fouls preventing the scoring of the opponent
  • Keeping an overview, seeing more than just direct opponent (covering your back)
  • Working together (creating small spaces) to hold up the other party
  • Start dribbling immediately
  • Act fast, try to pass directly


  • Positional defending needs to be very good
  • Forcing opponent to play wide
  • Take away the ball
  • Defend close to each other / mutual distances
  • Recognize the right moment to attack the ball
  • Active defense
  • Game can move under pressure of the defenders


  • Player 1 and Player 2 start dribbling at the same time. 
  • At the end they pass through pawns to the other side. 
  • The next player receives the ball and starts dribbling.
drawing Dribble & Pass
  • Attackers can score in a big goal
  • Defenders must intercept the ball ( prevention of goals)
  • The middle player of the attackers starts with the ball and plays the ball to one side
  • On the side, the outside player plays one-on-one with the defender, a cross follows with the center attacker and the outside player from the other side closing in on the goal.
  • If the defenders get rid of the ball, the attackers turn and a new attacker plays the ball to the other side.
  • When the defenders have intercepted the ball three times, the defenders switch between them


  • The idea is to be able to play a game in corona time.
  • The idea comes from a table soccer game
  • Each player has his own space they are not allowed to leave.
  • By passing, the ball can be brought to the other player
  • Defense is allowed as long as it remains in his/her own discipline.
  • The field can be adjusted to the number of players

Further goals:

  • Passing
  • Positioning game
  • Shooting Distance

  • The exercise can be made more difficult by making the game faster
  • By only hitting the ball 2 or 3 times and playing quickly
  • After all, during a match you don't have that much time either
drawing Corona football on the field
  • Walk over the field in 2 numbers. 
  • Both players hold one end of a rope (1.5 meters).
  • Once the attacker determines the pace and direction. 
  • As soon as the rope is released when it comes to tension, the attacker has a point. 
  • Defender may only hold the rope loosely.
  • All players jog in over the field (square)
  • Half the number of players has a ball
  • players with ball pass the ball to a player without ball (eye contact).
  • The players are not allowed to keep the ball with them for longer than 5 sec.

  • At the moment the trainer whistles (signal), all players without a ball sprint as fast as possible to the closest player who has a ball and try to take it away.
  • The player who has the ball should try to fence it off. (1:1 duel)
  • When the trainer blows the whistle again we switch back to jogging and passing!

Nice variant is when you have an odd number of players, the player who can't find a direct opponent gets a command (for example sprint over the width of the field).

  • The players line up in a circle, 
  • Ideal is 6 to 8 players per circle. 
  • Per circle you only have one ball.


  • A player plays the ball to another player, chasing the ball towards the player he is playing. 
  • The second player receives the ball and plays it back to another player in the circle, 
  • He, too, will chase the ball towards the player he has just played in. 
  • This keeps repeating itself.


  • Passes must be clear and accurate.
  • The passes are played over the ground, keep the ball low!
  • Just after the pass the players accelerate (short sprint)
  • Players call the name of the player they want to play in
  • All players constantly stand on their toes, not on flat feet, to improve the speed of action.


  • You can make the game more difficult by hitting once.
  • You can play with two balls
  • Player 1, who has given the pass, should try to tap the player who has played the pass (player 2) before playing the ball to player 3, etc.