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Soccer drills

  • 3 white players remain standing.
  • Center player may have position taken over by front side though.
  • White players are always in team ball possession.
  • We assume 1x hit. Maximum 2x.
  • If blue takes the ball, they make it big quickly.
  • Red conquers the ball and makes it small quickly.
drawing 7 versus 4 with transition large-small
  • Starting in circle center line.
  • Number 10 offers but chooses which side.
  • Other players must therefore pay close attention. Depending on that choice, we assume left at green hat or right at orange hat.
  • In this example the green hat is on the left.

  • Number 10 offers and passes the ball to number 6. He immediately passes to the right sacked striker.
  • At the moment the sagging striker is played in, the other striker begins his run.
  • The striker again has a choice:
    1. Dropping on the returning number 10
    2. Immediately play into the flank.
Continued if choice 1:
  • Number 10 pokes the flank midfielder away by a deep pass towards the corner.
  • The other flank midfielder starts his run to eventually end up at point 16, about the time the cross is going to be delivered.
The crosser then has 3 choices:
  • First post -> run-through 'cross' striker.
  • Second post -> passed flanker
  • Edge 16 -> runaway sagging striker
Continued if choice 2:
  • The sagging striker plays the ball tightly into the feet of the midfielder trapped on the touchline. The midfielder is then left with two options:
    • A stab pass to the crooked second striker who has run out behind the sagging striker.
    • An early cross toward the far point 16, here the other midfielder connects and lays the ball wide to the striker.
drawing Attacking Ruit in midfield.
Dribbling exercises:
  • Dribbling around the pawns, close together with 1 foot inside-outside foot
  • Dribbling around the pawns, close together with 2 feet,
    • going left, right foot inside foot, left foot outside side, etc.
    • then to the right, left foot inside side, right foot inside side
  • 4 pawns in diamond, start and go as in picture tightly past the pawns and same route back.
  • Make a quadrant with 4 pawns, dribble tightly around them, left and right turns
  • 8 pawns in four squares, two opposite each other.
    • Dribble between the pawns from 1 to 2 and back, 1 to 3 and back 1 to 4 and back.
    • On reversals cut off or behind stand leg as quickly as possible.
drawing Dribbling exercises
  • Divide the players into 2 groups of 3 versus 3.
  • When the defending, red, side takes over the ball, they must play through the lines.
  • There new 3v3 is created.
  • If odd number then put a player at the level of the 16 who is the only one allowed to play in both squares, with the currently ball-possessing side.
drawing Party form with line pass
Release ball quickly while intensity of run continues


  • A plays the ball to asking B
  • B rebounds the ball and then runs around the cone and offers to C
  • C receives the ball from A
  • C does a 1-2 with B
  • C joins in behind
The exercise is performed in two groups.
drawing Handball walking exercise
Exercise revolves around keeping pace with the ball. Running through without the ball.
  • Running through alphabetically (ABCDE).
  • Exercise:
  • A to E
  • E drops to B (and E runs through outside)
  • B to C
  • C to D
  • D in the run at E
  • E finishes in (mini) goalmouth.
Both sides same exercise.

drawing Baltempo
Conditional finishing in different match situations
Finishing form focused on finishing on goal.
The aim is to finish at a high tempo, while also addressing the conditional aspect.

  • A dribbles to edge of 16 meters.
  • A finishes.
  • A sprints back to middle pylon and asks ball to B.
  • B gives ball to A
  • A rebounds to B.
  • B works off.
  • A sprints to 3rd pylon and asks ball to C.
  • C rebounds ball to A.
  • A gives deep ball to C.
  • C sprints to side.
  • C passes ball across the ground.
  • A-B switch positions.
  • A-B work off.
  • Starting on time.
  • Play the ball hard to the team-mate.
  • Move on immediately.
drawing Finishing form
  • Short Rondo prior to training to get warm.
  • 2 laps around half court.
drawing Warm-up routine
  • Goalkeeper in goal. All balls in starting zone.

  • One player has free starting ball which is compulsorily played into Phase 1.
  • After ball lands in Phase 1, starting player joins in box. This becomes 4v4.

  • In the intermediate line is one player that the defending team is not allowed to enter. That is used to move the game from Phase 1 to Phase 2.
  • The player in the intermediate line then joins in Phase 2 for a 3v3.

  • If the defensive side takes the ball away then they set up the counter to the small goal.
  • This remains 3v3 and 4v4, the boxes being the boundaries.
Does attacking take over the ball from defending then everyone recovers their position and we start again.

drawing Breaking line in position/party form
Defenders push attackers to the side to get the shot out.

  • Ball always starts with attacking side.
  • Attacking side starts between small goals with 4 players.
  • Defending side plays with 3 players & goalkeeper.
  • Attacking side tries to score as quickly as possible.
  • Defenders try to prevent this by taking out the shot.
  • Try to push the attacker to the sideline.
  • Dare to put pressure forward.
  • Switch sides immediately.
  • Communication from the goalkeeper.
drawing 3 & goalie against 4
Put intense pressure on the ball.

  • We play 4 against 4, rest of the players along the side
  • 4 minutes of party play without rest
  • ball out is asking players along the side
  • players along the side also fetch the balls
Field size:
  • 20 x 20
  • 4 small goals
  • ball out or goal, ask ball directly along side
  • switch at ball loss
  • direct pressure on the ball
To maintain speed, position B is manned by 2 players.

  • Player A sprints toward the first pole.
  • Taps this pole, turns around and accelerates to pole 2.
  • Turns briefly around pole 2 and jumps over the fence.
  • Player B plays a tight ball into the run of player A at the moment of jumping.
  • Player A lays one well and finishes in mini goal.
Player A picks up ball and joins B. Player B becomes player A.
Mirroring possible from 12+ players.
drawing Trio pace