Soccer drills
- Players on 1 side of goal next to post.
- 1 handball player-the trainer-at the height of 16 meters.
- Player must pass in tightly around handball player sprint maximum and finish.
- Let the player get the ball himself.
Defenders push attackers to the side to get the shot out.
Defenders push attackers to the side to get the shot out.
- Goalkeeper plays ball to attackers.
- Attacking side starts between small goals with 4 players.
- Defending side plays with 3 players + goalkeeper.
- Attacking side tries to score as quickly as possible.
- Defenders try to prevent this by taking out the shot.
- Try to push the attacker to the sideline.
- Dare to put pressure forward.
- Switch sides immediately.
- Communication from the goalkeeper.
- Players face each other
- 1 side plays ball in and immediately becomes defender
- Player takes ball and tries to make action and dribble across the line
- Defending directly forward
- Duel on the ball
- Moment of entry must be at the moment attacker dribbles ball forward
- Ball starts in circle.
- Triangle player makes running action to the circle in the same color.
- So two consecutive circles are two offers/run actions.
- Dotted line is running line.
- Tight line is pass line.
Ball possession.
A match without goals.
A match without goals.
- Keeping the ball in the team as long as possible
- Running free and retrieving the ball
- Ball restriction of touching 2x or touching 1x.
- Adjust the space according to the amount of players.
- Player 1 passes the ball to player 2.
- Player 1 runs through and player 2 lays the ball wide.
- Player 1 passes the ball to player 3.
- Player 2 meanwhile has run on to the goal.
- Player 3 passes a cross to player 2 and and then player 2 finishes.
- Player 2 dribbles with ball from A to B and passes to C
- Player D passes to A
- Player from B to D
- Player 3 dribbles with ball from C to B and passes to A
- Player D to C
- Player B to D
Dribbling exercises:
- Dribbling around the pawns, close together with 1 foot inside-outside foot
- Dribbling around the pawns, close together with 2 feet,
- going left, right foot inside foot, left foot outside side, etc.
- then to the right, left foot inside side, right foot inside side
- 4 pawns in diamond, start and go as in picture tightly past the pawns and same route back.
- Make a quadrant with 4 pawns, dribble tightly around them, left and right turns
- 8 pawns in four squares, two opposite each other.
- Dribble between the pawns from 1 to 2 and back, 1 to 3 and back 1 to 4 and back.
- On reversals cut off or behind stand leg as quickly as possible.
Release ball quickly while intensity of run continues
Release ball quickly while intensity of run continues
- A plays the ball to asking B
- B rebounds the ball and then runs around the cone and offers to C
- C receives the ball from A
- C does a 1-2 with B
- C joins in behind
The exercise is performed in two groups.
Conditional finishing in different match situations
Finishing form focused on finishing on goal.
The aim is to finish at a high tempo, while also addressing the conditional aspect.
Finishing form focused on finishing on goal.
The aim is to finish at a high tempo, while also addressing the conditional aspect.
- A dribbles to edge of 16 meters.
- A finishes.
- A sprints back to middle pylon and asks ball to B.
- B gives ball to A
- A rebounds to B.
- B works off.
- A sprints to 3rd pylon and asks ball to C.
- C rebounds ball to A.
- A gives deep ball to C.
- C sprints to side.
- C passes ball across the ground.
- A-B switch positions.
- A-B work off.
- Starting on time.
- Play the ball hard to the team-mate.
- Move on immediately.
Defenders push attackers to the side to get the shot out.
Defenders push attackers to the side to get the shot out.
- Ball always starts with attacking side.
- Attacking side starts between small goals with 4 players.
- Defending side plays with 3 players & goalkeeper.
- Attacking side tries to score as quickly as possible.
- Defenders try to prevent this by taking out the shot.
- Try to push the attacker to the sideline.
- Dare to put pressure forward.
- Switch sides immediately.
- Communication from the goalkeeper.
Put intense pressure on the ball.
Put intense pressure on the ball.
- We play 4 against 4, rest of the players along the side
- 4 minutes of party play without rest
- ball out is asking players along the side
- players along the side also fetch the balls
Field size:
- 20 x 20
- 4 small goals
- ball out or goal, ask ball directly along side
- switch at ball loss
- direct pressure on the ball