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Soccer drills

  • Put pilons as on picture.
  • A course for 1 on 1 duel with big goal.
  • A course for 1 on 1 duel with small goal.
  • Two players as defender on both courses.
  • One goalkeeper on big goal.
  • Each course one row of players.
  • Player passes with defender. 
  • Goes into duel. 
  • Passes and completes.
  • Same on both courses. Players change courses after the exercise is completed.

drawing 1 v 1 duel, big goal and smaller goal



2:2 will be played on 2 fields. The players in the so called striker squares at the top and bottom serve as goals.

They can score by playing their fellow player in the striker area, he must get the ball under control in this area. After a goal, the other party may start.

After this, the game is played with a first-time ball. The striker gets the ball and has to play it directly back to a fellow player. Only now a point is scored.

The strikers are not allowed to come out of their box, and the other players are not allowed in the striker's box.

After 8 minutes of substitution

Points of attention:

First check if the other player has played the ball correctly, then ask for the ball through a running action.

If you pass cleanly, then the striker can also play back well.



There will be played 8 against 4.

6:3, 7:3, 7:4, 9:4 or 9:5 is also possible.

With more or less players the dimensions have to be adjusted.

The 8 may score after 5 passes.

The 4 may always try to score.

If the ball is intercepted by the 4, if the ball goes out or after scoring, there must be counted again.

After, in total, 5 goals or after 10 minutes, teams are switched

To make it easier or more difficult, the number of replaying can be changed.

Points of attention:

Use the left and right foot.

If possible keep the ball low

Assuming the right foot.

Correct ball speed.

Direct play.

  • Players in a circle hold each other's arms. pilons in the middle, 
  • Try to move the other one against a pilon. 
  • Whoever hits a pilon gets a penalty point. 
  • At 5 penalty points there will be prints etc.
  • player sprints to the ball (A)
  • he dribbles it to A1 where he leaves the ball.
  • at a steady pace to the sideline to get back to A1.
  • From A1, he sprints to the ball that is behind the pilon at A.
  • He dribbles to A2 where he leaves the ball.
  • So on to c2. 
  • The goalkeeper rolls the ball towards the goalkeeper and then finishes at goal. Try to take and shoot once.
  • Make two groups. 
  • Set out a course with four pilons in a row. Distance between them about 3 meters.
  • On signal the first one will sprint back and forth to the first pilon and back and further and further.
  • At the last pilon back and tap the next one.
  • Group that is back first is the winner.

drawing Sprinting from pilon to pilon
  • We'll start with number one.
  • - Number 1 plays number 2.
  • - Number 2 plays the ball back to 1.
  • - Number 1 sends number 3 away towards the back line.
  • - Number 3 gives the ball so number 4 can finish.

1 goes to 2

2 goes to 3

3 goes to 4

  • field 15 m wide.
  • Make groups of three. 
  • Each player of a group goes either left, straight or in the middle.
  • The player in the middle asks for the ball and plays it firmly to the other player
  • Player in the middle turns and asks for the ball again but on the other side.
  • 1m full on and then switch.
  • Dribbling through each other in a small area. Possibly followed by commands. (sitting on the ball, changing ball, ball dead under your foot)
  • two against each other, both have a ball. Dribble towards each other, chop and back again (vary which foot to tap).
  • Hang on! Pairs of two, one holds the other from behind to the waist and the front should try to move forward
  • On the back! One goes on the other's back and the runner has to run to the other side
  • all players on the left get the ball.
  • Player 2 runs in and asks for the ball.
  • Player 1 plays in and gets it right back.
  • Player 2 runs around the pilon and asks for the ball again.
  • Change role after 10 times.
  • Inside

    > heads

    >inside high


let them walk out after they've played the ball.

  • number 1 plays number 2.
  • number 2 plays the ball back to 1
  • 1 puts the ball in between 5 and 6. 
  • 5 plays to 6 
  • 6 puts him ready for 2 so he can finish on goal



  • No. 1 gives a long pass on no. 2
  • No. 1 presents itself for the 1 - 2
  • No. 2 enters the ball and passes the ball on no. 1
  • He's playing him on the inside
  • Player number 1 passes the ball with his right leg at number 2
  • Player #1 controls the ball or shoots directly at the goal
  • When working from the other side than using the left leg

Structure of the exercise form

  • Pairs of two with one ball
  • Players at number 1 have ball possession
  • After having worked change tasks and connect behind
  • Increasing/reducing distances


  • Play the ball tight
  • Play the ball on the inside so you have to play with the right.
  • The ball will then come to the finisher
  • Make sure players don't stand still for too long