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Soccer drills


Field setup:

Put out a field with 4 pylons at 20 by 20 meters.

Course of play:

Every 2 players get one ball. The purple player must try to shield the ball in front of the blue player. The blue player must try to get the ball without making a foul.

Rules of the game:

  • If a player takes the ball, then this player may shield the ball and the other player must take the ball back.
  • On the whistle signal of the trainer you have to switch players.
  • You may not switch to another player that you have already played against once.
  • When shielding the ball, use your body well.
  • Put pylons as on picture
  • Player 1 passes to player 2
  • Player 2 passes back to player 1
  • Player 1 plays long pass on player 3
  • Player 2 sprints to the 16 meter line in front of the goal
  • Player 3 gives hard pass over the ground for the 16 meters
  • Player 2 completes directly

drawing Finishing with passes
  • Duration:
  • +- 20 min.
  • Distances:  
    • Width of field.
    • Length: 10 meters from center line 2 small goals.
  • Execution: 
    • Goalkeeper kicks the ball from the 5 meters to player A or B.
    • From there on red tries to score.
    • When blue gets to the ball they can score on the big goal.
    • The game is over when a goal is scored or the ball is outside the lines. 
    • The ball starts again at the goalkeeper.
  • Coaching moment: 
  • Player A and B need to clearly break away from opponent and shield the ball.
  • Defending back immediately joins in attack when midfielders get the ball. 
  • Other back come in as CB immediately.
drawing build-up active defenders
  • Duration:
    • +- 20 min
  • Distance:
    • 10 meters wide
    • 15 meters long
  • Execution: 
    • Blue defenders play the ball to the attackers.
    • Blue defends the goal.
    • Press opponent. 
    • One player puts pressure.
    • Another goes behind it diagonally for back cover. 
    • Play is over when ball is out or a goal is scored, switch teams.
  • Coaching moment: 
    • Defenders keep calm keep switching well with back cover. 
    • Attackers high ball tempo field wide keep playing defense.
    • Through ball between them.
drawing 3-2 back coverage
  • duration: 
    • 20 min
  • Distance: 
    • Red to blue pylon 10 meters. 
    • Between blue and blue 5 meters.
    • Width 15 meters. (depending on number of players)
  • Execution: 
    • 3 men play the ball around and try to get the ball to the other box. 
    • The blue players stand with 2 men in one box.
    • 1 in the blue square to cut the pass line. 
    • If the ball is in the other box, the man in the blue box moves on.
    • Then another player of blue takes over this position.
    • Play ball to other box= 1 point.
    • Between 2 players = 2 points. 
    • Blue takes the ball away = 1 point.
    • Switch after +- 3 min 
  • Coaching moment:  
    • Red 
      • Keep game wide 
      • Fast paced 
      • Open well 
      • Keep up the pace 
drawing Positioning by playing in between the lines
  • Duration: 
    • +- 30 min
  • Distance: 
    • 20x30 meter (estimate on number of players but keep a rectangle)
  • Execution: 
    • Positioning game 
      • 7:4 
      • 8:4 
      • From 13 players you make 5 players who will hunt for possession. 
    • After 3 minutes you change hunters.
  • Coaching moment:  
    • When the team has the ball, the players have to stay in position to play soccer. 

drawing positioning A
  • Duration: 
    • +-20 min
  • Distance: 
    • 16 meters area
  • Execution: 
    • Defenders start next to the goal. 
    • They play to the middle attacker.
    • Then run into the 16 meters for defense. 
    • First keep a fixed group of attackers and defenders.
    • Change after a few minutes
  • Coaching moment: 
    • Attackers 
      • Remain playable in 3 angles
      • Right time through-ball
    • Defenders 
      • Compact together
      • Provide back coverage
drawing finishing 2-3
  • duration: 
    • +- 15 min
  • distance: 
    • 10 meters per pawn
  • Execution: 
    • 1:
      • A plays B. 
      • B turns open.
      • B plays to C.
    • 2:
      • A plays to B. 
      • B bounces back to A.
      • A plays to C.
  • Position switch: 
    • A to B. 
    • B to C.
    • C to A.
  • Coach moment: 
    • Play directly as much as possible.
    • Play balls in such a way that your fellow player can act immediately.
      High tempo.
  • Make 2 groups.
  • Make a competition of who is the fastest all round.
drawing Passing Y
  • Duration: 
    • Remainder of training
  • Distance: 
    • Depends on number of players, there is assume enough space.
  • Coaching moment: 
    • Always stay in lineup  
    • At the kick-off, stand behind the ball immediately in position
    • If the game is completely chaotic, stop it and point this out. 
    • defending
      • compact
  • pay attention!
    • Without goalkeeper.
drawing Game positions
  • Duration: 
    • 20 min
  • Distance: 
    • box 10 by 10 meters 
    • goals 3-1 in the middle of the line
  • Execution: 
    • 2 to 3
    • Middle player of 3 starts on the same line as defenders. 
    • The builders are required to play the middle player first. 
    • Then build up to a goal.
    • Game is over when one of the 2 parties has scored or the ball is out of the field. 
    • After that, switch positions 
  • Coach moment: 
    • Center player comes loose and shields the ball well.
    • Play short combinations so that the other player can act immediately.
drawing 3-2 build-up under pressure
  • Expensive: 
    • 15 min
  • Distance: 
    • 2 boxes 8 by 8 distance between the boxes 8 meters.
  • Execution: 
    • Teams start numbering 1.2 to capture the ball in opponent's square. 
    • Once this is done, they switch back to their own square and the no. 1,2 of the other team come to their square to capture the ball. 
    • In this way they rotate with numbers all the time. 
    • In the box where no defenders try to take the ball, they play the ball around quietly.  
  • When it doesn't stay in the team and goes out of the box this means 5 push-ups!!!!!.
  • Coaching: 
    • Also here it is determined to keep half time and overview they are only 2 opponents. 
    • Furthermore it is important to be attentive when you have conquered the ball and switch immediately to your own box. 
    • For the team that lost the ball try to switch faster than the 2 defenders so they have 2 people less to play the ball around. 
drawing positioning and countering
  • 4 pilons as on picture
  • Each pilon 1 player
  • Rest of players at 1st pilon
  • Player 1 plays first left player 2
  • Player 2 bounces back on player 1
  • Player 1 gives a deep pass on the same left side to player 3
  • Meanwhile, player 2 walks to the 16 meter line
  • Player 3 moves wide, player 2 moves round
  • Player 1 to player 3 position
  • Player 3 to player 2 position
  • Player 2 (who has completed) takes ball and joins row of player 1 (start)
  • Then on the right side the same
drawing finishing exercise throughball and finishing