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Soccer drills

Player A delivers a cross towards the far post to incoming player one. This player tries to finish on goal.
After this it is player B's turn, who sends a cross in the direction of the far post to player two, he also tries to finish.
Player A sends a cross to player three at the far post, player three hits the goal.
Player B sends a cross to player three at the far post, player three shoots at the goal, player four shoots at the goal
The players who finish (players one to four), shoot the ball back to the players who cross the ball.
Players one to four swap as follows:
After two to three minutes, the players who finish and cross swap.
Try to do this five times in a row. As an element of the competition you can keep track of which player scores the most goals.

Points of attention

The goalkeepers must be concentrated and ready for the crosses, and have a good starting position.
The goalkeepers are allowed to take the ball at all times
Players who finish on goal run straight at the ball, and not around it.
A rebound may also be completedCoach
the players to time their runs well.

This is a technical football exercise in a pass and kick form.

Mark out a square of 15 by 15 meter.

Place three or four players at all yellow cones. If you have sixteen players or more, it is best to mark out two sections. The exercise starts with four players at the same time. All four players dribble to the blue pawn in the middle of the square. When they reach the blue pawn, they cut the ball off to the left or right.

The first player of pawn A passes to the second player of pawn B. He receives the ball and now it's his turn to dribble to the blue pawn and pass to the left or right.

Player A runs after the ball and thus joins the line at the pawn again, keeping the players in a circle. Make sure all players run in the same direction (left or right). After a while, you can switch between left and right.

Coach moments

The ball touches must be good, make sure the players move on their front feet and have an active position to catch the ball

Make sure that the cutting movement is exaggerated and that the ball is in a good position to be passed into.

The ball should be played in hard again and again, in order to keep up the pace and speed of the ball

The dribbling must also be done at a high speed, with the ball close to the foot.

Variants of this type of exercise: (can be performed with the left or right foot)

Cutting with the inside and outside of the foot

Pull back with the left and then turn open with the right

Step over with the left and then take the ball over with the right

Retrieve with the left and tap the ball with the right behind the supporting leg


Try out different sizes of box When you have a larger section, you are training for fitness and a tight ball When you have a smaller section, you are mainly training for speed of action

Work through this type of exercise in three to five-minute sessions

Try to ensure that the four players who are walking towards the blue cone start at about the same time

Make sure there are enough balls at pawns A and B.

You can do this exercise with six to eight players.

If you have enough players, you can make two squares.

Explanation soccer training

Player A plays the ball on the ground to his teammate at pawn C. The player at pawn B does the same to the player at pawn D.

The player at pawn C actively asks for the ball from the player at pawn A and then immediately plays it to the player at pawn F.

The player at pawn C first makes a pre-action and then asks for the ball from the player at pawn A, after this, he plays the ball directly to the player standing near pawn F. The player standing near pawn D does the same to the player near pawn C.

Player A and B have passed to Pawns E and F after the pass and are now defenders. The players at Pawns E and F turn away from players A and B who are now at their backs.

Players A and B, after their defensive action, run on to Pawns C and D. The players at Pawns C and D run on to Pawns E and F. The players who have turned away from their defender go to Pawns A and B.

Coaching moments

The ball speed must remain high, so the balls must be hit hard. This is best done over the ground at a short distance (15 to 20 metres) and through the air at a long distance (35 to 40 metres) At a distance of about 8 meters it is best to bounce the ball.

Make sure the players of pawns C, D, E and F have an active attitude and stand on their front feet. They really have to want the ball and must also make a front pass.

Make sure that, after turning in, the players turn open and place their bodies between the defenders and the ball They should also keep the ball close to them When they have opened up, a slight acceleration takes place

  • In this game form we play eight against four.
  • Do you have more or less players? You can also choose to play six against three, seven against three, seven against four, nine against four or nine against five.
  • Make sure you adjust the dimensions of the field with more or less players.
  • After five replays, the eight team may score
  • The eight team can score after five replays.
  • The team with four players can always score
  • Every time the ball goes out, after a goal is scored or when the ball is intercepted by the foursome, start the count again.
  • Swap after five goals or up to 10 minutes.
  • You can adjust the difficulty by having them pass more or less often for a point.

Points of attention

  • Correct ball speed
  • The ball must be held low over the ground
  • The left and right foot must be used
  • Takeover with the right foot
  • Make a square of 20 by 20 meters.
  • Have half of your players (A) with ball scattered on the outside of the square.
  • Have the other half of your players (B) stand in the middle of the square, without ball.


  • Players B move around the middle area and by calling ask for the ball a players A.
  • Player A plays the ball to player B, who does the desired action and passes it back to player A.
  • Player A must always stand on his toes to make the pass.
  • Player B must accelerate slightly when asking for the ball (to outrun a defender in a normal game).
  • The tempo is medium to high so you have to switch within 45 seconds and 60 seconds, B to outside, A to inside. You can switch multiple times and have the players make different actions.


  • Each pass should be high quality and accurate.
  • Players in the middle must speed up their pace when they get into the ball.
  • Players on the side are always on their toes.
  • As the difficulty increases, the quality must remain high.
  • All balls must stay in the square.
  • Don't forget to encourage successes!


  • Build up skills, e.g. 1st time for each group hit 2 times
  • Then 1 only hit once
  • Then hit only once and play back to another outfield player
  • Add a passive defender, the players inside must accelerate to shake off the defender.
  • You carry out this warming-up in two lines, for example from one side to the other side of the field or around it.


  • Players walk at a jogging pace and a few feet away from the player in front of them.
  • The coach or a player is leading this warm-up by calling out instructions.
  • Example: Walk from sideline to sideline, the captain leads the warming-up.
  • He/she shouts e.g. jump, left or right hand on the ground. Another possibility is that the captain calls out “back to feed†and at “go†the two back players sprint forward.


  • It is a joint, team warm-up. All players keep the same pace.


  • Back to front, the back players run forward
  • Front to back, the front players sprint forward five meters, then walk backwards and join the back of the line.
  • Have the players run five metres apart. The back player sprints forward slalomming through the other players, or the front player turns around and sprints backwards slalomming.
  • Use this as a conditioning exercise towards the end of a football training session, you can do it for up to 10 minutes.
  • You can add all kinds of movements to this exercise. Experiment!
  • Make three lines with four to five players each.
  • With pawns, make a start and end point at a distance of 10 to 15 metres from each other.


  • Have your captain lead this exercise.
  • Players walk as a group, in lines of three, from the start to the end. At the end they turn around and form the same line again.


  • This exercise should be sharp and fast paced.
  • Variety of activities can be done: knee up, heels buttocks, short sprints, running backwards, etc.


  • Increase speed/sharpness as players get warmed up

For this soccer practice, each 2 players are given one ball. They stand about five meters away from each other.


  • The players do each of the following exercises 10 times with each foot
  • Hitting once
  • Hit twice (accept and pass again)
  • Volley in the feet or on the chest of the team-mate
  • With the instep back to the hands or feet
  • Thigh, then volley, 10 each leg.
  • Chest, then volley, 10 total.


  • Players stand on their front feet each time during the drill
  • All passes must be completed as accurately as possible

The players line up in a circle, ideally 6 to 8 players per circle. Per circle you have only one ball.


One player passes the ball to another player, runs after the ball towards the player he plays in â€" the second player receives the ball and plays it again to another player from the circle, he too runs after the ball again towards the player he just played in. This keeps repeating itself.


  • Passes must be clear and accurate.
  • The passes are played over the ground, keep the ball low!
  • Just after the pass, the players accelerate (short sprint)
  • The players call out the name of the player they want to play in
  • All players are constantly on their toes, not flat footed, this is to improve handling speed.


  • You can make the game more difficult by applying one hit
  • You can play with two balls
  • Split your team into three teams of four
  • 1 ball per team


  • Players play the ball around within their team of four in the marked area


  • Players keep moving constantly, with many tempo changes to find space.
  • Each team must try to maintain a diamond shape
  • Players should all communicate with teammates, asking for the ball and calling out the name of the player by the person passing the ball
  • Passes should arrive well, in space or at the feet.
  • Players may not touch each other, nor may the balls touch each other.
  • This drill requires great attentiveness from the players.


  • Limit the number of touches to one or two.
  • Add a passive defender who can defend every ball.
  • Add a defender who may conquer the ball.

For this fun and interactive football warming up you let the players make a circle around you, about 15 metres away from you. You stand in the middle of the circle.


  • The starting point of the players is their spot in the circle, they stay “jogging†on their spot.
  • Call: “Inside†and all players sprint towards you up to a meter or two away from you. Then they turn around and quickly sprint back to their spot keeping moving.
  • Call out “outside†and all players sprint away from you until you call out “backâ€, then everyone returns to their starting position in the circle.


  • Make sure players are not standing on their flat feet, but always on their toes.
  • Players should sweat profusely after this drill.


  • You can add different variations: sit-ups, push-ups, jump up, knees up at base position, sprint to the right or left while maintaining the circle shape.
  • Make groups of 2 for this passing warm-up, with 1 ball per group of 2.
  • The players with the ball line up on the sideline. The other players stand opposite, about 6 meters from the player with ball.


  • Player A dribbles forward, while player B jogs backwards across the field.
  • As the players jog across the field, player A passes the ball to B, who passes it back to A, until they reach the opposite sideline.
  • The roles reverse when the players reach the other side of the field. Player A then runs backwards to the line where they started.


  • Have passes alternate from right foot to left foot.
  • Players should try to hit the ball once, only if it is really necessary can they hit it twice.
  • Focus on quality over speed, it's not a race.
  • Don't forget to encourage successes!


  • Play the ball on the thigh, bring the ball under control and volley back to partner.
  • Play the ball on the chest, bring the ball under control and volley back to partner.
  • Play the ball on the head, head the ball back to partner.