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Soccer drills

  • Player stands behind a set of steps.
    • Two feet per "step" in the staircase.
  • Watch your posture: 
    • Walk straight.
    • Knees slightly bent.
    • Short movements.
    • Arms should be active along the body.
  • Variation
    • Side-Step with two feet per step;
    • Zigzagging with one foot in, then two feet on the step, then one foot back in. (different from the first)
    • After kicking off, start sprinting and rebound at the pylon on the ball played in.
  • Then go back in line.


  • Make groups of 2 for this passing warm-up, with 1 ball per group of 2.
  • The players with ball line up, on the sideline. The other players stand opposite to eachother, about 6 meters from the player with ball.



  • Player A dribbles forward, while player B jogs backwards across the field.
  • As the players jog across the field, player A passes the ball to B, who passes back to A, just until they reach the opposite sideline.
  • The roles reverse when the players reach the other side of the field. Player A then runs backwards to the line where they started.


Variation possibilities:

  • alternate from right foot to left foot.
  • try to apply one hit
  • focus on quality over speed, it's not a race.
  • Pawns as on picture
  • Chase the ball
  • 2 variants
    • With handball after running in
    • With turning and passing
  • Note two roles for 1 player: handball and passer and then playable again for attack.

drawing Position pass exercise with rounding 2 variants
  • Put pawns as given
  • Each pawn 1 player
  • Start in the corner and pass as given
  • Player runs ball behind
  • Left bottom corner dribbles back to start (last player in the game)

drawing Pass exercise in two squares
  • The group divides into 2.
  • Each group does a warm up exercise to the potty on their right and then walks to the next potty.
  • After 5 min
    • Rest for 1 minute
    • Then increase the pace of the walk (3 min)
    • Increase pace even more (3min)
    • Maximum sprint (2min)
drawing Warm-up exercises in window
  • Player in red plays a long ball to the goalkeeper
  • Goalkeeper rebounds
  • Red comes running in and plays to blue
  • Blue takes the pass, turns and sends white deep
  • White crosses while blue defends on red

  • Red passes to Blue
  • Blue to White and
  • White to Red
drawing Long ball - Passing - Finishing
  • Within the defined field, play is 4x4.
  • At each edge a neutral player stands.
  • This player is not allowed to enter the field, but has to move (offer).
  • Switching is easy when every team has its own colour.
drawing Position game 8x4 with 4 neutral players (P01)
  • On half the pitch and with a large goal, overtal is played out.
  • The neutral players remain on the flank, but move about (offer).
  • The defence can score on a small pupil goal when they catch the ball.
drawing Position game 6x4+K on half field (P04)



The game is played 3:3 with extra players on the sides, the outfield players. These 2 players are with the ball-carrying team.
Encourage the offside players to play quickly.
The offside players can also dribble with the ball first
After a few minutes, they must either play directly or pass and play
If this is going well, you can also let the two offside players play directly.
The players on the outside are not allowed to score
After 10 minutes or a little less, change the outfielders.


After the offside players have to accept and play, the game runs better. There is
more football in the game
, while in the beginning the outfielders were running a lot with the ball

Points of attention:

Try to play directly.
Make sure they use the sides and do not always go for their own success.



The game is played 2 against 1. If there are 2 players left they play 1:1 on a smaller field.
The pair tries to score on the 2 little goals.
After about 8 minutes the players are changed.
If the 2 team has it too easy, you can move the 2 goals closer together.


Because of the many 1:1 duels you can soon see if they are doing well or not so well. Don't
give them instructions
in the first
game. Give them the chance to improve themselves.

Points of attention:

Prevent the opponent from shooting at goal.
Position yourself in such a way that it is difficult for your opponent to pass to his/her team-mate


On 2 fields 3:3, 4:4 or 4:3 is played.
You can score with a dribble through one of the two little goals.
First try to encourage them to make passing moves.
If that is going well, you can also try to make sure they make the right choice between passing and playing over.
After about 10 minutes a different opponent.


When changing opponents, you can indicate which nice passing actions you have seen.

Points of attention:

Do not use the passing move too far or too close to the opponent.
The body must move with the passing move in order for it to be successful.


On 2 or 3 fields play 4:4, 3:3 or 2:2.
Encourage shooting from distance.

Points of attention:

Technical execution of the kick with the inside of the foot
: Stand leg; point in the direction of play; bent at the hip, knee and ankle.
Playing leg; turned outward; knee and ankle bent.
Playing foot; perpendicular to the direction of play; sole of the foot parallel to the ground; toes raised;
no weak ankle
on the
A controlled swinging movement.

Technical execution of the kick with the inside of the instep
:Stand leg; 2 to 3 foot widths next to the ball; bent at the knee.
Tackle; on the inside of the spot where the laces begin.
Approach from an angle of approximately 45º.