Soccer drills



The game will be played 8:4.

6:3, 7:3, 7:4, 9:4 or 9:5 is also possible.

With more or less players the size has to be adjusted.

The 8-team may score after 5 replays.

The 4-player team may always try to score.

When the ball is intercepted by the foursome, when it goes out or after a goal has been scored, a new count must be made.

count again.

After, in total, 5 goals or after 10 minutes substitute.

To make it easier or more difficult, the number of replays can be changed.

Points of attention:

Use the left and right foot.
If possible, keep the ball low
Correct ball speed.
Play directly.


Field setup:

2 large goals

How the game progresses:

This can be done in 4 v 4 or 3 v 3 or even 2 v 2 formation. Players must always pass 1 player before the ball is passed to the teammate.


  • If there is scored or shot over the line the ball must be given to the other team.
  • A goal may not be scored from the team's own half.
  • One player must always be passed before a pass can be made. If this is not done, it is a free ball for the other team.


Field position:

1 starting pawn at 30 meters from the goal. A defender at 10 meters from the goal. A goalkeeper on the goal. A second defender with the rising attacker.

Sequence of play:

According to the numbering in the diagram, the pass from the attacker through the midfielder is played deep. The defender runs with the attacker while the midfielder runs towards the goalkeeper to get the ball there and tries to score.


  • Defenders start at 50% effort and increase it later.
  • Make sure the ball is played deep.
  • The cross can be hit from the left or from the right.
  • A variation on this is to play with 2 midfielders and have 1 run towards the far post.


Field setup:

Field set up with 4 pawns at 10 by 10 meters.

How to play:

There are 2 groups made. One group runs horizontally from left to right and the other group from bottom to top. When the other side is reached, the whistle must be blown and the group goes back.

Rules of play:

  • You may not hit another player or the player's ball.
  • If you hit someone, you and the player you hit get 1 penalty.
  • You may not run over until the coach whistles.


Field position:

1 starting pawn at 30 meters from the goal. A defender at 20 meters from the goal. One goalkeeper on the goal.

How to play:

Player dribbles towards the goal and tries to pass the defender and then score a goal at the goalie.


  • Only when the first player is finished can the second one, etc.
  • Start with 50% defence and increase it later on.
  • Try different passing moves.
  • Always try to get the ball in front of your shooting foot after the pass.
  • For the goalkeeper: only when the attacker has passed the defender should he run out


Field setup:

4 x 4 pawns in a rectangle arrangement.

Sequence of play:

At the 1 x whistle, all players run with the ball to square 1, at 2 x whistle to square 2, etc.

Rules of the game:

  • The player who gets the ball to the square first gets 1 point.
  • The last player to reach the square must sprint around the whole playing field.


Field position:

4 to 6 pawns along which to dribble. 2 x a pawn in the goal.

How to play:

Player dribbles along/through the cones and tries to knock over one of the cones in one move with a hard shot (so top foot).


  • The player must retrieve his ball from the net himself.
  • The player must retrieve his ball from the net.
  • The player must retrieve the ball himself.
  • Another player can only start when the first player has taken his ball away.


Field setup:

4 x 4 pawns in a rectangle arrangement.

How to play:

Each player sprints from the square of cones to the square of cones on the other side. Once there, they head the ball in the opposite direction (either with the inside or outside foot).

Now they sprint to the other side again to send the ball in the other direction in that square as well with a cutting movement.

Rules of play:

  • The ball is not allowed to go outside the square of pawns.
  • You have to sprint back and forth twice before the next player can play.


Field position:

1 pawn to be started from.

How the game progresses:

Player sprints with the ball towards the goalkeeper and tries to score.


  • The player must retrieve his ball from the net himself.
  • The player must retrieve the ball he missed by himself.
  • Another player can only start when the first player has taken his ball away.


Field position:

Line up 2 x 4 x 2 pawns side by side to create two streets of pawns.

How to play:

Players must try to pass exactly through the street of pawns and then sprint through it chasing the ball. Another player (white) receives the ball and dribbles to the other street. There this player does exactly the same towards player 3.

Player 3 starts again on the same spot as player 1.

Rules of play:

  • The ball must go through the street of pawns.
  • If you hit a pawn, you must sprint to set it straight and try again.
  • The ball must pass all cones before the receiving player can receive it.


Field setup:

5 pawns including 2 x 2 on each side and 1 in the middle as the starting position.

How to play:

Player number 2 passes the ball to player number 3 who passes the ball back to player number 2. Player number 3 runs on to the pawn in front left and waits to receive the ball from player 2. Player 2 himself runs on to the cone in front of the goal. Player number 3 passes the ball and player 2 tries to score on the goalkeeper.


  • The numbers in the image to the right indicate the order.
  • Try to pass the ball from the left as well as from the right side. Swap when everyone has been there once.
  • To make it easy at first you can also start without a goalie.

Field setup:

Line up 2 Pawns per player group opposite each other with starting 5 meters in between. Later this can be extended to 10 or 15 metres.

How the game progresses:

The players must try to knock over each other's cone.

Rules of the game:

  • You are not allowed to stand in front of your cone but must always stand behind it.
  • When you shoot, you can put the ball on the left or the right side of the cone.
  • If you hit the cone you get 1 point.
  • When the trainer whistles you have to change with another player.
  • You may not stand opposite the same player.