Soccer drills

  • Player ''WHITE'' Sinks in to retrieve the ball from the goalkeeper.
  • Goalkeeper passes ball to ''WHITE''.
  • Player ''WHITE'' Dribbles towards player ''BLUE''.
  • At his starting point, he passes to Player ''BLUE'', ''WHITE'' runs on.
  • Player ''BLUE'' rebounds the ball to ''WHITE''.
  • Player ''WHITE'' passes to player ''RED''.
  • Player ''RED'' dribbles towards the 16.
  • Around the middle of the field, RED passes to BLUE2.
  • Player "BLUE2" rebounds the ball to "RED".
  • Player ''RED'' shoots the ball on goal.
  • The ball goes through the goal.
  • WHITE takes the position of BLUE.
  • BLUE takes position of RED.
  • RED takes position from BLUE2.
  • BLUE2 takes position of goalkeeper. (not necessary if you have a goalie).
  • Minimum 5 persons, to get and keep speed at least 7.
drawing Pass/Tack/Tackle
  • Within the defined field, play is 4x4.
  • At each edge a neutral player stands.
  • This player is not allowed to enter the field, but has to move (offer).
  • Switching is easy when every team has its own colour.
drawing Position game 8x4 with 4 neutral players (P01)
  • On half the pitch and with a large goal, overtal is played out.
  • The neutral players remain on the flank, but move about (offer).
  • The defence can score on a small pupil goal when they catch the ball.
drawing Position game 6x4+K on half field (P04)
  • Pass kick with variations in finishing and build-up.
    • Goalkeeper throws out.
    • Forward passes and closes in.
    • Handball.
    • Goalkeeper shoots out,
    • forward with his back to the goal.
    • He turns away.
drawing (A07) Pass kick with long ball and finishing
  • Stability:
    • Stand on one leg.
    • Pull up the other leg, so that the upper leg is horizontal.
    • Lower leg vertically at an angle of about 90 degrees.
    • Toes of the raised leg point upward.
    • Contra arm to the front.
    • After 5 seconds, switch legs (provided that the player is stable).
  • Same as before, but with forward and sideways step.
  • Same as before, but from a forward movement.
  • Various plank exercises in closed and open chain.
  • All poses should be held for 15-20 seconds.
  • Split group into 2 groups.
  • 1 group starts with exercise 1.
  • 1 group starts at exercise 2.
  • 4 minutes per exercise with 2 min rest.
  • Exercise 1:
    • Running Ladder:
      • Knees low frequency high.
    • Low hurdles:
      • Punching jumps.
    • Zig zag pawns.
    • Sit low and moment at pawn short.
    • Sticks LOOP.
  • Exercise 2:
    • Running Ladder:
      • Sideways knees high.
    • High hurdles:
      • Hopscotch jumps.
    • Zig zag forward.
    • Canes SPRING.

drawing Walk / jump ABC AD
  • In a circle
  • Exercises mobility.
  • See stretch card mobility.
  • Sets of 10 repetitions
  • Stretch the groin.
    • Sit on one knee.
    • Other leg sideways.
    • Light spring from the hip
  • Hip stretch.
    • Sitting on 1 knee.
    • Other leg forward (lunge)
  • Stretch lower back.
    • Lie on your stomach and put your arms forward.
    • Come up with your upper body.
  • Stretch hamstrings.
    • Sitting with one leg extended forward and one leg drawn in.
    • Both hands on the foot of the stretched leg.
  • Stretch gluteal region.
    • Lying on your back, grasp one leg by the upper leg and pull it towards you.
    • Bend other leg and place it on the upper leg at knee level.
  • Bridging:
    • 2 sets of 20 repetitions
  • Planks:
    • 2 sets of 20-30 seconds
  • Squats:
    • 2 sets of 20 repetitions
  • Push up:
    • 2 sets of 15 repetitions
  • Burpees:
    • 2 sets of 10 repetitions

  • Groups of 3 (if the number is wrong, make a group of 2).
  • Player 1 and 2 both have a ball.
  • Player 2 moves sideways (with his face to player 1) to stick a and goes around the stick and gets the ball in the middle of player 1.
  • The handball is entered and player 2 goes sideways to stick 2.
  • At stick 2 player 2 turns around his axis and gets the ball in the middle played to him by player 3.
  • 3 ( 3x1 minute).
drawing WU 3 players - 2 balls and 2 sticks

Special goalkeeper training, reaction

drawing (K07) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K06) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K05) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K04) Goalkeeper Training