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Soccer drills

  • Player A begins slalom with ball between hats.
  • At 2nd hat, player B begins slalom without ball through hats.
  • Player C begins running motion around cones.
  • Players A and B attack.
  • Player C and the goalkeeper defend.
  • Finishing on goal.
Passing: A becomes C, B becomes K, K becomes A and C becomes B.

Duration: 8 minutes, while waiting their turn juggling the ball.

drawing Warming up
  • Player A begins slalom with ball between hats.
  • At 2nd hat, player B begins slalom without ball through hats.
  • Player C begins running motion around cones.
  • Players A and B attack.
  • Player C and the goalkeeper defend.
  • Finishing on goal.
Passing: A becomes C, B becomes K, K becomes A and C becomes B.

Duration: 8 minutes, while waiting their turn juggling the ball.

drawing Warming up
  • Player A begins slalom with ball between hats.
  • At 2nd hat, player B begins slalom without ball through hats.
  • Player C begins running motion around cones.
  • Players A and B attack.
  • Player C and the goalkeeper defend.
  • Finishing on goal.
Passing: A becomes C, B becomes K, K becomes A and C becomes B.

Duration: 8 minutes, while waiting their turn juggling the ball.

drawing Warming up
  • Players dribble through the square with ball on foot for 3 minutes.
  • Active rest of 2 minutes.
  • Players dribble through the square with ball on foot for 3 minutes.
During 1 and 3, different sub-tasks can be given on a whistle:
  • stop & go
  • sit on ball
  • put ball in the air
  • ball back and forth between feet
Size of square can be adjusted according to level of group: the higher level, the smaller the space.

drawing Warm-up 5v5
  • Players Red and Blue leave together from starting point with ball on foot to inside cones.
  • At first cone ball on outside hand -on side of cone-.
  • They walk shoulder to shoulder through the cones.
  • They try to keep their ball on the hand without it falling.
  • Speed does not play a role, coordination and body control do.
  • After last cone walk back with ball on foot.
  • Rejoin your row.
drawing Body Control
Field 15 x 15 meters.
Goal 5 x 2 with 5 cones: outer 2 = 5 pt, next to them = 3 pt, middle = 1 pt

  • Player A starts next to own goal and dribbles ball in through gate.
  • Diagonal pass to player B.
  • Player B takes on plays through to player C.
  • Player C turns left or right away from defender or cone in his back.
  • Player C shoots at goal and tries to score as high as possible.
Whoever gets the most points after several rounds of this exercise wins!

Passing through: A to B, B to C, C takes ball and joins on other side of goal. There the same exercise in mirror version.

Skills: dribbling, passing, taking on and passing, turning away from defender, targeted kicking, finding corners.
drawing Intermediate form 5v5
  • 5v5
  • Players face each other next to pots of A.
  • Distances 5 meters between A and B, 8 meters between both B's.
Player blue and red leave simultaneously with ball on foot from A to B, stop ball there, walk to opposite B and take ball from colleague there with foot to pots A.

Variant 1:
  • Player blue leaves with ball on foot, at the same time player red leaves without ball.
  • At potty B blue passes to red who accepts and passes back to blue.
  • Blue pulls ball under him, turns around and dribbles back to A.
  • Player red turns around from B and runs to A.
  • Then same, but player red with ball and player blue without. Alternate each time.
Variation 2:
  • Both players dribble with ball on foot to each other, cut each other off and run on to opposite A.
  • Change feet each time, so first e.g. pass on left and next time on right, etc.
drawing Dribbling skills
  • 5v5
  • Players face each other next to pots of A.
  • Distances 5 meters between A and B, 8 meters between both B's.
Player blue and red leave simultaneously with ball on foot from A to B, stop ball there, walk to opposite B and take ball from colleague there with foot to pots A.

Variant 1:
  • Player blue leaves with ball on foot, at the same time player red leaves without ball.
  • At potty B blue passes to red who accepts and passes back to blue.
  • Blue pulls ball under him, turns around and dribbles back to A.
  • Player red turns around from B and runs to A.
  • Then same, but player red with ball and player blue without. Alternate each time.
Variation 2:
  • Both players dribble with ball on foot to each other, cut each other off and run on to opposite A.
  • Change feet each time, so first e.g. pass on left and next time on right, etc.
drawing Dribbling skills
  • Goals at 8 meters from center -cone-.
  • Players start simultaneously from the 4 goals, ball at foot to about 2 to 3 meters from the opposite goal and then finish.
  • They recover their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and rejoin there.
Variation 1:
  • Players dribble up to the cone in the middle, hold ball still under foot and pull it under then turn and finish themselves into their departure goal.
  • They recover their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and reconnect there.
Variation 2:
  • From goals 1 and 3 the main exercise and from 2 and 4 the variant 1.
  • Ball recovery and passing as previous variants.
drawing Dribbling skills
  • Players face each other next to pots A.
  • Distances 5 meters between A and B.
  • 8 meters between both B's.
  1. Player blue and red leave at the same time with ball on foot from A to B.
  2. Lay off the ball there.
  3. Walk to opposite B and there take ball with foot from other player.
  4. Then they take the ball to pot A.
  1. Player blue leaves with ball on foot, at the same time player red leaves without ball.
  2. At potty B, blue passes to red who accepts and passes back to blue.
  3. Blue pulls ball under him, turns around and dribbles back to A.
  4. Player red turns around from B and runs to A.
  5. Then the same, but player red with ball and player blue without. Alternate each time.
drawing Dribbling skills
Goals at 8 meters from center - cone-.

  • Players start simultaneously from the 4 goals,
  • Ball at foot to about 2 to 3 meters from the opposite goal and then finish.
  • They recapture their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and rejoin there.
  • Players dribble up to the cone in the middle, hold ball still under foot and pull it under then turn around and finish in their departure goal themselves.
  • They recapture their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and reconnect there.
drawing Dribbling skills
  • There will be 4 rows of hats, each spaced 10 meters apart. As many lanes as you have pairs.
  • Each lane has a 2-pair with 1 ball.
  • Players line up at the first 2 rows of hats.
  • The ball is at blue's sideline. This passes across the ground to red. This passes back across the ground and runs backwards to the next hats.
  • Now blue passes with a firmer pass to red. This one passes back firmly and runs backwards to the last row of hats.
  • Then blue passes to red with a high ball and runs himself to the row of hats closest to red.
  • Now red stays on the back line and blue runs backwards to the next row of hats after each pass.
Pay attention to good kicking technique and good ball-taking.
drawing Pass trap exercise