Soccer drills for technique warming-up
First walk slowly for 3 to 5 minutes to allow your body to switch from a resting to sport mode
Distance 15 meters:
- Heels, buttocks
- Lift the knee
- Connecting step 3 times per side
- Cross step right
- Cross pass left
- Step with knees
- Cross-step/arms
- Groin in
- Groin out
- Swing the leg straight up
- Swing the leg in at an angle
- Quick footwork, tripping
Finish with a short sprint over 30 meters.
- The goalkeeper passes to a player from red
- Then 2v2 starts
- Whoever scores first wins
- Blue passes the ball to red and joins red
- Red passes the ball back to blue and jumps over the fences and then joins blue
- players pass the ball low
- players pass the ball high
- Players divide among the cones
- Blue passes the ball to red and joins red
- Red passes the ball back to blue and jumps over the fences and then joins blue
- Players pass the ball low
- Players pass the ball high
- Players divide among the cones
- Blue passes the ball to red and joins red
- Red passes the ball back to blue and jumps over the fences and then joins blue
- Players pass the ball low
- Players pass the ball high
- The players walk to the right jar
- They then walk to the left jar
- Finally they walk to the middle potty
- Then they join the right group
- Player A begins slalom with ball between hats.
- At 2nd hat, player B begins slalom without ball through hats.
- Player C begins running motion around cones.
- Players A and B attack.
- Player C and the goalkeeper defend.
- Finishing on goal.
Passing: A becomes C, B becomes K, K becomes A and C becomes B.
Duration: 8 minutes, while waiting their turn juggling the ball.
- Player A begins slalom with ball between hats.
- At 2nd hat, player B begins slalom without ball through hats.
- Player C begins running motion around cones.
- Players A and B attack.
- Player C and the goalkeeper defend.
- Finishing on goal.
Passing: A becomes C, B becomes K, K becomes A and C becomes B.
Duration: 8 minutes, while waiting their turn juggling the ball.
- Player A begins slalom with ball between hats.
- At 2nd hat, player B begins slalom without ball through hats.
- Player C begins running motion around cones.
- Players A and B attack.
- Player C and the goalkeeper defend.
- Finishing on goal.
Passing: A becomes C, B becomes K, K becomes A and C becomes B.
Duration: 8 minutes, while waiting their turn juggling the ball.
- Players dribble through the square with ball on foot for 3 minutes.
- Active rest of 2 minutes.
- Players dribble through the square with ball on foot for 3 minutes.
During 1 and 3, different sub-tasks can be given on a whistle:
- stop & go
- sit on ball
- put ball in the air
- ball back and forth between feet
Size of square can be adjusted according to level of group: the higher level, the smaller the space.
- Players face each other next to pots A.
- Distances 5 meters between A and B.
- 8 meters between both B's.
- Player blue and red leave at the same time with ball on foot from A to B.
- Lay off the ball there.
- Walk to opposite B and there take ball with foot from other player.
- Then they take the ball to pot A.
- Player blue leaves with ball on foot, at the same time player red leaves without ball.
- At potty B, blue passes to red who accepts and passes back to blue.
- Blue pulls ball under him, turns around and dribbles back to A.
- Player red turns around from B and runs to A.
- Then the same, but player red with ball and player blue without. Alternate each time.
Exercise begins at the two middle cones.
- S1 passes diagonally to S2.
- S2 rebounds to S3.
- S3 rebounds diagonally to S2 who presents at middle cone.
Exercise then continues on the other side.
6 pots, 2 balls and 6 players.
6 pots, 2 balls and 6 players.