Tennis drills for technique service

  • The coach holds up two hoops at shoulder height
  • The players hit soft balls aimed through the hoops.
drawing Playing through the hoop
Closing the lesson: doubling
drawing Party
  • The players face each other.
  • With each player there are 4 pawns.
  • The goal is that you try to knock over your opponent's pawns in one go with the service.

  • You get 2 balls each time to knock over pawns.
  • If all 4 pawns are knocked over, you have won.
  • You take turns hitting two balls. When you have knocked down the pawns, it's your opponent's turn.
drawing Service
  • Have the players pass to each other where they stand.
  • After a number of times, change where they are standing.
drawing Singles in place
  • In pairs, place the players in a row facing the wall.
  • Per pair 1 tennis ball.
  • Player 1 stands closest to the wall and begins the exercise by throwing the ball against the wall.
  • Player 2 catches the ball.
  • Player 1 meanwhile runs back through the right side and then catches the ball that player 2 just threw against the wall.
  • Repeat at least 20 times.
  • Make the exercise more difficult by having the ball caught in a hat.
drawing Warming up
  • On the left side, about 1.5 meters, of the net, line up half the players with a racket and small soft ball facing the opponent on the other side of the net.
  • The opponents is the other half of the group each standing in a starting position; a hoop.
  • With a tray, which they hold with two hands, they try to catch the ball that the group plays from the other side with the racket over the net.
  • The catchers may step out of the hoop to catch/intercept the ball.
  • After a few times, the groups switch.
drawing Intercept the ball
  • The players try to get the ball off the ground via the foot and play the ball up in front of themselves
  • One can make and play a movement above one's hand
  • The ball may bounce from behind the baseline anywhere in the field
drawing Exercise with overhead serve