Tennis drills for technique smash
Closing the lesson: doubling

- Stay in the rally The student is able to:
- To strike forehand- and backhand techniques in doubles and singles in different ways.
- To indicate which principles apply when building up a point.
- To start up and maintain independent play and practice forms.
- Participate in the lesson with attention and understanding, focus, hungry for work and combativeness.
- To work and consult together.
- Apply knowledge of the rules.
- The players leave in the middle of the field (baseline):
- They get a lower ball played on their BH/FH
- Deep slice along the line
- Follow on to the net and finish volley (aiming) on the tower of balls. (cone)
- Practice the same other side or both sides at the same time.
- 1 set of BH slice - 1 set of FH slice - 1 set of BH slice....

- The players stand in the middle of the field
- 1 player serves the ball via the foot and it must bounce in a service box
- The other player is required to follow to the net.
Lower level: do not follow to the net.