Tennis drills
- Lay a rope with a hat on one end.
- The players have their racquet and a balloon.
- They play the balloon up with the racket and while the balloon is in the air, they move the hat from one side of the rope to the other.
- You can make it a competition by suggesting a number of times.

At the back line, place a bin of balls.
- The players start with a ball in their hand and run to the two hats closest to the net.
- They stand still between the hats and try to throw the ball into the bucket from there.
- Successful. Then they run back to the ball pit. Grab a new ball and run to the two hats in the middle to throw the ball into the bucket again from there.
- Failed. Then they run back to the ball pit. New ball and try again on that level.
- The one who completes the three levels first wins.

- Two players run against each other.
- Run through the pawns to the net.
- Then sprint to back line.
- Whoever touches the back line first has won.

Closing the lesson: doubling

- The players face each other.
- With each player there are 4 pawns.
- The goal is that you try to knock over your opponent's pawns in one go with the service.
- You get 2 balls each time to knock over pawns.
- If all 4 pawns are knocked over, you have won.
- You take turns hitting two balls. When you have knocked down the pawns, it's your opponent's turn.

- The player stands in the middle of the backfield.
- His/her racket is on the back line.
- Five tennis balls are scattered around.
- The player runs as fast as possible to the balls and brings them to the racket one at a time.
- How fast are all five balls on the racket?
- Use a stopwatch to keep track of time.

Put the players in a row next to each other.
About 1 meter in front of them on the ground is a tennis ball.
About 1 meter in front of them on the ground is a tennis ball.
- Have them put their feet slightly apart.
- Quickly run -dribble- in place.
At the trainer's instruction they do while dribbling:
- Hands on knees.
- Hands on toes.
- Hands on shoulders.
- Hands forward.
- Hands in the air.
- When the trainer calls Ball!, they grab the ball as fast as they can.
- Repeat and throw the commands interchangeably for variety.