Tennis drills for technique volley

  • Two backhands and two volleys are played.
  • First come the two backhands. Those may be played anywhere on other half.
  • Then they run forward and two volleys are played.
drawing Bra and Volley exercise
  • The players start in 1 corner of the field (mini-tennis) and try to play volley with each other to the other side and back.
  • How many times can they go up and down? 
drawing Warming-up: Volley volley together
  • The player across the field starts in the middle of the field (baseline) and gets a low ball thrown in
    • Requires the first ball slice to be played straight ahead.
  • The player on trainers side 
    • Start single line FH/BH (opposite line to first ball) 
    • Play out
  • Can you score with volley? = 3 points
drawing exercise 1 vs 1
  • The players leave in the middle of the field (baseline):
    • They get a lower ball played on their BH/FH 
    • Deep slice along the line
    • Follow on to the net and finish volley (aiming) on the tower of balls. (cone)
    • Practice the same other side or both sides at the same time. 
  • 1 set of BH slice - 1 set of FH slice - 1 set of BH slice....
drawing Box exercises: Slice play and finishing with volley
  • Players play 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 with both a racket in their hands.
    • There is a hoop in the middle between the teams.
    • They get a baby ball (purple ball) and they have to hit the ball into the hoop each time. 
    • If the opponents can't take the ball anymore =2x bounces = point.
    • Pass to each other
    • Do not disturb
    • So the players are constantly walking around their hoop, in order to make different angles for the opponent
  • 1 - 1 start = afterwards 2 vs 2
    • First play the ball up to yourself - then try to score ( 1 player -1 player)
    • Receiving the ball from opponents - play up (pass to team-mate) team-mate must play in the hoop ( 2-2 players)
drawing Fun Drill with racket (end):  360° ball
  • The players stand in the middle of the field
    • 1 player serves the ball via the foot and it must bounce in a service box
    • The other player is required to follow to the net. 

Lower level: do not follow to the net.