Tennis drills for technique warming-up
- The players start in 1 corner of the field (mini-tennis) and try to play volley with each other to the other side and back.
- How many times can they go up and down?

- The players will face each other in pairs from the circle area.
- That circle area is delimited with strips or cones or pots.
- The trainer gives a start signal and then they try to tap each other.
- They may only move around the area by sideways movement (tag axes)
- Racket in hand
- Tap with racket
For the first time 3 points

- Jump where you stand:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Concentrate on a point on the floor and hop up and down where you are standing.
- Side jump:
- Stand up straight, keep your hands in front of you and jump from side to side.
- Butt Kicks:
- Stand up straight, and keep running in your place while your heel touches your buttocks with every step.
- High stepping:
- Raise the leg with the knee at a 90 degree angle.
- Quickly alternate with the other leg.
- Standing bike crunches:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Bring your knee to your opposite elbow.
- Go back to the starting position and repeat with the other side (belly / legs).
- Sumo squat:
- Stand with your feet 6-12 inches apart.
- Stretch out your arms in front of you.
- Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise (legs / buttocks).
- Jumping without a rope:
- Hold your arms along your side and pretend you're holding the end of a jump rope in each hand.
- Jump up and come down alternately on the ball of each foot, while at the same time turning your wrists as if you were letting a rope go around.
- Jumping without a rope
- Hold your arms along your side and pretend to be holding the end of a skipping rope in each hand.
- Jump up with 2 feet while simultaneously twisting your wrists as if you were making a rope go around.
- Arm Swings clockwise:
- Stand on the ground with your arms straight outstretched to the side at shoulder height.
- Move your arms quickly in large circles clockwise (arms).
- Arm Swings counterclockwise:
- Stand on the ground with your arms straight outstretched to the side at shoulder height.
- Move your arms quickly in large circles counterclockwise (arms)
- Toy soldiers:
- Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your legs and arms stretched.
- Kick up your left leg until your right hand touches your toes.
- Repeat with the other side (belly / legs / arm / shoulder).