Volleyball drills for technique 1,5 meter / corona / covid-19
Do you want to get in shape? You can, but you need a few things for it.
- What do you need?
- Pawns
- Soccer
- Clothes you can work out in
- Stairs
- First of all, it's important that you warm up well before you start working on your fitness!
- What do you need to do?
- Run 2 cones to the front 1 to the back and repeat this every time.
- Do that twice
- Take the ball and run with it in 5 circles.
- This will give you ball control and also ensure that you have worked on your fitness for a while.
- You can also do exercises for your condition inside by running 5 times up and down the stairs.
- Run 2 cones to the front 1 to the back and repeat this every time.
- Of course you can give your own twist to how you want to do it, but I find these are the nicest and most fun ways to improve.
- Don't try to run fast the first day without stopping, do it in steps!
Place 1 or 2 ladders in a row, to create an exercise on length.
Perform a number of variations, starting with easy exercises and slowly working your way up to more difficult ones. Continuously ending with a 10 meter sprint
- Start simple, with 2 feet continuously in the ladder.
- Short quick movements
- Next,
- 1 foot outside ladder,
- 2 feet inside ladder,
- 1 foot outside the ladder.
- hopscotch,
- 1st box: only left foot.
- 2nd compartment: both feet.
- 3rd box: right foot.
- etc
- jump off your left foot, onto the left side of the ladder.
- --> to the other side of the ladder, landing on your right foot (one square further).
- Jump to the end in a slalom fashion.
- Stand horizontally with your hands in the ladder.
- And go sideways through the ladder, hands together continuously in one compartment.
- Do it again, but with a push-up between the different squares.
- Lateral knee lifts through the ladder
- Place a pawn/stack of hats in every odd ladder square, which must be jumped over.
- Continuous jumping, using both feet (arms in the air)
Reception Drill:
- 2 balls per 3 players.
- Player A serves, immediately after the serve the server throws the second ball to the server,
- Player B takes reception to the distributor.
- The distributor is the one who runs after the lost balls, the server tries to play a good number of balls to the receiver.
- Passing after, either 1 minute, or 15 receptions, or 5 + receptions (with max of e.g. 20)
Buildup options:
- storage:
- throw underhand,
- overhand,
- private storage,
- float serve,
- attack stroke,
- plinth serve
- reception:
- catch-and-throw,
- mandatory underhand,
- compulsory overhead,
- start from knee up,
- start 2m left of centre,
- start at 3m,
- start at 8m...
Circling around the field, doing something different each time.
- Cross pass
- knee lift
- heels/buttons
- sprint
- Storage-Reception exercise
- Targeted serve to position 5-6
- Set-up to position 4, followed by attack (street) and drop ball.
- Reception players and setter move to cover and defend the ball high, centrally in the 3-meter zone.
- Best to provide spare balls to keep the pace high!

- Leg swing 20x forward left and right
- Leg swing 20x sideways left and right
- Lunge with twist: Big step forward, good to the ground, and rotate trunk to left and right 20x
- Plank: 30 sec
- Side plank: both 30 sec
- 15 sit-ups both sides
- 15 push-ups
- 10 burpees
- Stomp, slowly build up to 100% and loose to sprint
Arrangement of material:
- Cupboard with all the cones on it.
Game flow:
- The players stand at a certain distance from the cabinet, and throw/strike at the cones.
They try to throw off as many as possible in one go.
- This can be done 1 by 1, but you can also have all the kids together knock the cones off.
- Can also be part of an exercise (reward).

Arrangement of equipment:
- The trainer stands with a large ball ready in his hands.
- The players all hold a regular volleyball.
Course of play:
- The players throw their ball to the trainer.
- The trainer lets the ball bounce on his big air ball.
- The ball will bounce to different sides, the children try to catch the ball.

set up of equipment:
- Goal in the middle of the field, with someone in it
- Other players on the other side of the net.
Course of play:
- The players throw/strike the ball towards the goal and try to score in the goal.
- The player in the goal (blue) tries to keep the balls out of the goal.
Set the net as low as possible.

Arrangement of material:
- Mat against a wall
- Player 1 (blue) near the mat
- Other players (red), behind a certain line (depends on players)
Game flow:
- The players behind the line throw the ball to the mat
- Player 1 tries to keep the ball from the mat, he can do this with various movements.
As soon as one of the players touches the mat, they may take a marker from Player 1.
If Player 1 has no more marker disc, he loses and another player may take it. (number to choose, for example 5)

- Players start on the three-metre line in pairs facing each other.
- One player has the ball.
- At 6 meters from the net there is a cone behind each player.
- Players do a control key and then pass the ball over the net.
- Then they run around the cone behind them.
- The same, but after passing the ball they dive to the cone and get ready again.
- Player does a control key, turns around and keys the ball backwards over the net.
- Then he does a block and returns to his home position.
- Per trio.
- Player A does the control key and plays the ball over the net.
- Player B does reception, C stands at the net and taps the ball high over, then he dives through B's legs and they switch places.
- Players play two against two.
- Each time the ball is over, they walk over to the other side of the net and join in behind.
- The goal is to keep the ball in play as long as possible.
- If a team makes a mistake, they have to dive to the other side.