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Volleyball drills

Group divide over both courts.

  • Play the ball in a maximum of 2 actions UNDERhand over the net.
  • After each net passage the team rotates one position.
  • If the ball falls on the floor or an opponent has to play the ball differently, the team that played the ball over the net scores.
  • In principle, the game does not have to stop.
  • Should this happen, the ball is brought back into play through an OH service from the backfield.
  • Who has the first 15 points?
Depending on the level, the 2nd ball out of position may be attacked from the backfield.

drawing Only by private treaty
  • Batted ball
  • Roll over and beaten ball
  • Jump over fence and batted ball
drawing Defense after action
  • Trainer throws to
  • Player hits
  • 2 sides attack
  • All in run
drawing Attack after being thrown on by trainer
  • Throwing the ball high
  • Get under the ball
  • Playing the ball to the high hoop
drawing Overhead along the net
  • The libero and outside attackers practice defense.
  • The middle practice the attack.
  • 1 court.
Defense after movement
  • roll + pass
  • jump forward + pass
  • jump sideways left + pass
  • touch right + pass.
Center attack
  • SV and middle.
  • Two mats on sides. Turn away to the mats. Making corners for your attack.

drawing Libero and outside attacker practice
Goal is action block, good exit and then attack

  • Block middle
  • Block outside
  • Good exit
  • Passing back overhead
  • Attack to a corner
drawing Middle man exercise
In pairs

  • Throw the ball up high
  • Making an attack run
  • Catch the ball high in the jump
  • Possibly extend with a stroke when it is clear that the ball can be caught high
drawing Catching ball high with jump
Team setup:
  • High tempo of attacks
  • Always choose position
  • Attack looks carefully to see if team is in position
drawing Capture by SV
Rally from three yards.
Constant running.
Everyone behind the three attacks.

Separate: Libero drills and for other players:
  • Head roll and pass
  • Side jump over stick
  • Forward jump over stick
drawing Position after 3-meter attack
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored. Each playing card shows a "color," clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds. Each color represents a fitness exercise.

Hearts: Push-ups, Spades: Squat, Clubs: Burpee, Diamonds: Lunges.

Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise, they do this the number the card indicates. For example, Hearts 4 = 4 push-ups. Then they may continue shooting again. Group with the most cards, has won.

Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored. Each playing card shows a "color," clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds. Each color represents a fitness exercise.

Hearts: Push-ups, Spades: Squat, Clubs: Burpee, Diamonds: Lunges.

Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise, they do this the number the card indicates. For example, Hearts 4 = 4 push-ups. Then they may continue shooting again. Group with the most cards, has won.

  • Two teams
  • Rally game
  • Not just playing on your own position
  • Ball over the net, rotate through one position
  • Filling all positions
drawing Position game