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Volleyball drills


  • throw up 2 hands
  • throw over 1 hand left and right alternately
  • throw over with bounce
  • smash with bounce
  • smash with bounce, do not catch but play OH once
  • OH pass, pay attention to position
  • OH pass, touch ground, stay low
  • one player throws on, other plays OH back, after playing touch pawn and return low
  • One player touches hard
  • OH overplay after player plays the ball, touch pawn, return low
  • 2 people facing each other, net in between
  • First throw the ball calmly over the net
  • Throw the ball over the net with increasing difficulty
  • Then via bounce under the net
drawing Warm playing duo
At the back line, place a bin of balls.
  • The players start with a ball in their hand and run to the two hats closest to the net.
  • They stand still between the hats and try to throw the ball into the bucket from there.
  • Successful. Then they run back to the ball pit. Grab a new ball and run to the two hats in the middle to throw the ball into the bucket again from there.
  • Failed. Then they run back to the ball pit. New ball and try again on that level.
  • The one who completes the three levels first wins.
a big circle and sit on the ground

  • stretch your legs and twist your neck around
  • right leg over your left leg, foot flat on the ground and torso twist
  • left leg over your right leg, foot flat on the ground and trunk turn
  • hold hands and turn around in the air
  • stretch your legs and bend forward
  • legs wide, and walk forward with your hands flat on the ground
3 groups of 4 players.

Phase 1:
  • 2 with ball on serve.
  • 2 in court.
  • Start with serve and reception to mat.
  • Non-reception player catches ball on mat and goes to serve.
  • Serving player enters the backfield.

Phase 2:
  • Phase 1 + pass is given and passed to mat -> targeted.
  • Player who skips moves to serve.
  • Mat can be moved to transfer to other direction.
drawing storage - reception to targeted passing
Game flow:
  • 1 row of pots where exercises are done around/over
  • Players do the exercises in pairs and keep looking at each other.
  • Fast forward - backward movement between the pots: 2 forward, 1 backward.
  • Lateral left-right movement: 2 forward, 1 backward.
Players follow each other in quick succession:
  • slalom sideways displacement
  • slalom around alternating left and right
  • Knee lift left leg over pots / right leg
  • Jumping push off with both feet together over pots with intermediate jump
  • Jumping both feet together over pots without intermediate jump
After the pots continue walking to the end of the field and return along the sideline.
drawing Warming up foot displacement
Starting position:
  • Net hangs at 1.10 meters - 1.50 meters
  • 2 teams on each side of the net.
  • Ball is passed underhand
  • Ball is caught after a collision
  • Run to the net for a key throw
  • Smash / overhead attack over the net.
  • Catch after bots.
  • serve phase
    • overhand serve
    • catch without collision
    • additional action
  • receptive phase
    • Pass-throw to partner at the net. Partner runs to the net.
    • Reception to the net.
  • pass
    • throw up for yourself + pass to attacker
    • direct pass to reception.
  • attack
    • catching ball + attack
    • do not catch ==> direct attack on pass
  • Two players run against each other.
  • Run through the pawns to the net.
  • Then sprint to the back line.
  • Whoever touches the back line first wins.
  • Course on full field.
  • Ball is thrown at position 3, then build up.
  • Ladder exercise.
  • Backward movement along the bench.
  • Attack home and attack.
  • Diving.
  • Half back roll and jumping over fence.
drawing Warming up course
Practice overhead serve.
Adjust as needed by trainer.

  • Points of attention:
    • Feet in the correct place - under the shoulders.
    • Hold the ball in front of you with your non-dominant hand.
    • Prepare your hitting hand - arm it.
    • Throw the ball up in a straight line in front of you, about 30 cm forward and 90 cm up.
    • Take a final step forward, toward the ball, and use your whole body to skip the ball.
      Start from pelvis ==> shoulder ==> elbow ==> hand.
    • Try to hit the ball with an outstretched hand.
  • Ball is played in from AVH position 4.
  • Playmaker departs from position 1.
  • Upon throwing up the ball from position 4, the playmaker departs, runs in and passes to the basket.
drawing Gamekeeper & reception
Exercise 1:
  • Key your ball up.
  • Bounce 1x and then dribble 2x.
  • After the last high dribble key up again.
  • When dribbling, alternate between left and right hands.
    • Note! Dribble Left = Right foot in front. Dribble right = Left foot forward.
Exercise 2:
  • Same as exercise 1 but with 1 single dribble.
  • Button up 2x, let collide 1x.
    • Note! Play your ball high enough above your head. Do not lower it.
Exercise 3:
  • Same as exercise 3 but with single key.
  • Key up and catch your ball. Keep your ball in the air by tapping it 3x with your right hand. Then key up again.
Exercise 4:
  • Same as exercise 1 but tap your ball with the left.
  • Key against the wall instead of up.
  • You tap the ball back 3x with your right hand.
Key against the wall and catch your ball. Tap the ball 3 times and key against the wall again. The one who can do that the longest without the ball falling to the ground has won.