Volleyball drills
- 3 players on 1,6, and 5
- defend balls of the trainer
- after 3 balls, they move up and a new player joins, on 5
- Other players catch balls in the ball pit
- other players position themselves at the side of the field at 1 and 6
- Trainer plays the ball on 3 defenders, at the moment of passing the ball the outfield players have to catch it on 2 and 4 which the trainer plays.
- Pairs face each other.
- Ball between them.
- Players stand with their hands behind their backs.
- As soon as BAL is called they try to grab the ball as fast as possible.
- Who catches it first, wins.
- 3 players at the net with a ball
- they play alternately short and long
- defenders move from right to left
START: attack position 4 #STRAATMAT
- Position 3: pass
- Position 5 reception
- Position 4: attack
- Position 3: attack (centre)
- Position 2: pass
START: attack position 4 #diagonalMAT
- Position 3: pass
- Position 5 reception
- Position 4: attack
- Position 3: attack (centre)
- Position 2: pass
START: attack position 2 # streetMAT
- Position 2: attack
- Position 3: pass - back
- Position 3: attack middle
- Position 5: reception
- Position 2 opposite: pass
START: attack position 2 #diagonalMAT
- Position 2: attack
- Position 3: pass - back
- Position 3: attack middle
- Position 5: reception
- Position 2 opposite: play
The game is played with at least 4 players
- 1 mouse who has a t-shirt or piece of cloth in the back of his trousers
- 1 dog who has a tennis ball
- 2 cats without attribute
- the mouse runs around with the dog,
- the cats try to grab the tail of the mouse and bring it to their cone
- But the dog can tap the cat with the tennis ball and it will do a punishment of its choice in the camp.
- If there are more players a group can be created and 2 games can be played together.
- Player on position 3
- Player on position 6
- Position 5 -> attack at position 4
- Position 1 -> attack at position 2
- 2 or 3 raisers position 5 - straight ahead
- 2 or 3 raisers for position 1 - straight ahead
- Mat position 1 - diagonal
- Mat position 5 - diagonal
- Mat position 2 short behind "block" = always point
- Mat position 2 short slanted behind "block" = alwayspoint
- Mat position 4 short slanted behind "block" = always point
Quiet storage straight ahead
- Storage between position 5 and 6 // storage between 6/1
- After reception Marie moves closer to position 1 to take the reception
- Reception - pass - attack
- Pass in turn
- Position 5 and 1 attack position 4 and position 2
- Ball does not fall to our side on attack = SOLVE
- Bad pass = SOLVE
- Taking risks is allowed
Per 3 one ball - starts on back line
- Ball is thrown short at position 4 - 3 - 2
- 5 takes position 4
- 6 position 3
- 1 position 2
- Going towards the ball and touching it is enough
- Immediately afterwards 2nd ball - from the back of the field
- On 2nd ball - reception - pass - attack
- Attack by the person who took the first ball
- Attack position 2 or position 4
- Block position 2
- Block position 3
- 2 with ball at position 6
- 2 with ball at pole position 2
- Player on position 3
- Player at position 5
- Attack position 4
- Ball is passed to position 5
- Position 5 brings reception - Position 3 makes pass
- Attacker attacks in the street #compulsory
- Matt at position 1
- Block tries to block ball
- Positions 3 & 5 in coverage
- IF BAL IS BLOCKED = pos 3 & 5 have cover ball
- Cover ball - pass - attack
- Cover ball - pass - attack
- Meanwhile position 6
- Throw it yourself - attack behind 3 meter line position 6
- Attack towards position 1 #REQUIRED
- Turn over:
- Attacker becomes block position 4
- Block position 4 becomes block position 3
- Block position 3 becomes reserve at position 6 (behind 3 attack)
- The one who attacked behind 3 meter line, comes to play ball
- 2 persons seated position 1
- 2 persons strike position 6
- 2 persons save position 5
- 30 serves: 5 serves each
- 30 serves: 5 serves each
- 1 person position 5
- 1 person position 6
- 1 person position 1
Storage - reception - trainer catches up
- At least 20 receptions good, if not:
- Number of receptions less than 20 = times 5 sit-ups
Goal: improve the prick ball, high at the net.
- 4 against 4.
- Trainer throws the ball from pos. 6 in such a way that the midfield and possibly the left and right front have to prick the ball.
- Try to push the ball down with 2 hands, big hands.
- Also push left and right.
- Opposite 4 team, also try to pick up/block the ball.
- 4 against 4
- up to 15 points
- 3 games
SIDE A: 4 persons
- Net position 4
- Net position 2
- Corner position 1
- Corner position 5
SIDE B: 5 persons
- Net position 4
- Net position 2
- Corner position 1
- Corner position 5 + reserve
Play to position and follow ball
- Release
- Hits
- Pass in