Volleyball drills
Start corner position 1
- 2 turns around field: normal
- 2 turns around field: heels lift - long lengths
- 2 turns around field: knees seat - long lengths
- 2 turns around field: sideways - long lengths
- 2 revolutions around field: dive - long lengths - at least 3 dives
- In the field there are all sorts of obstacles, such as mats, hoops and cones.
- The trainer walks in front along these obstacles, the children follow him.
- Variation
- The children walk in pairs along the obstacles.
- They walk backwards.
- They walk with sideways steps.
- The children walk in pairs through the room.
- One child tries to follow the other.
- Variation
- The child in front has to change pace suddenly.
- The child in front has to change direction sharply.
- Groups of four or five children.
- Groups of four or five children and on signal the back one sprints to the front and then indicates the track.
- The entire group is lined up behind a line on the side of the field.
- On signal they walk over to the other side.
- Variation Starting Positions:
- Squat,
- knee,
- prone or supine,
- sit with the back to the walking direction.
- The group is lined up on the short side of the field in a few relays.
- On a sign, they all walk to the other side at the same time and sit back to back in a random order.
- Which group sits first?
- Variation
- Varying the starting and finishing poses.
- At the other side touch a line, return and sit in a row again.
- From the group, a scapegoat is appointed.
- The game is played all over the field.
- The group is lined up on one side of the field.
- On sign the children cross the field.
- One of the catchers tries to catch as many children crossing the road as possible.
- Variation
- The children walk to and fro on a signal.
- Back and forth without waiting for a signal.
- The children are not free on the other side.
- With two tappers.
- With boxes where there is one ticker in each box.
- The children can be tagged in every cell.
- Who has not been tagged on the way out and on the way back?
- Or which group of tickers has managed to tick the most children?
- The group stands on one side behind these hoops.
- When told to do so, the children steal objects from the other side and place them in the hoops on their own side.
- If they are caught by a ticker, they have to put the object back.
- The group is lined up in the four corners of the field.
- A ticker with a party ribbon
- At a signal they cross the field in three directions:
- the short side, the long side or diagonally.
- On their return, they score one, two or three points respectively.
- A ticker operates in the room and forces the ticked children to go back to his corner before he can cross again.
- How many points can you get in an agreed time?
6-team plays out the rally:
Trainer plays:
- free ball over the net.
- At that point, everyone runs according to the arrangements.
- Left and right forwards who are at the net, ready for the block, walk to the back, to help with the pass, and to be ready for the run-up attack pass.
- ball to SV in own half.
- This divides the game to the left and right.
- Opposing team (6 team) responds to the attack.
- SV connects with li/re in front to block. li/re who does not need to block moves to the back.
- Libero covers the block.
- Changeover, free ball/attack.
- Turn over, turn over with fixed SV.
SIDE A: 2 persons with ball on 4 meter line position 5 - 1 without ball on 4 meter line position 1SIDE
B: 2 persons with ball on 4 meter line position 1 - 1 without ball on 4 meter line position 5
- Passing on:
- Position 5 side A throws straight over the net to position 1 side B - position 1 side B moves diagonally to position 1 other side, side A
- Position 1 side 1 throws straight over the net to position 5 side B - position 5 side B moves diagonally to position 5 other side, side A
- Discard
- Pass over the net + play reception to referee
- Technical attack from 3 to 4 meter line + reception to referee's chair
- Technical calm attack from 5 to 6 meter line + reception to referee's chair
- Steady service from behind line + reception to referee's chair
Everyone ball and distribute along two sides of the net.
Gather at the right post
- Block move with a small step: during the block balls tap each other
- After the first move, switch sides
- Block move with one big step: during the block balls tap each other
- Move the block with two small steps in a row: during the block, balls tap each other.
- Block displacement with two big steps: during the block balls tap each other
- Block displacement with first small step and then big step: during the block balls tap each other
- Block displacement with exit: during the block balls tap each other
Place 2 benches at the net - 3 persons with ball on the bench - 3 persons at the pole at the net
- 3x 3 times blocks with displacement (then change)
- Move weightball from backline to 3m line
- Hurdle jump (3x) and move to wall and curtain
- Per 2: sit-up with weight ball
- Planks
- Jumping on and off bench