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Volleyball drills

  • Players without ball on P2, P3, P4, P5/6 and P1/6.
  • Other players with ball on P6
  • Start with throwing, tossing or punting.
  • Later BH from the net and OH from the backfield.
  • From P6 pass the ball to P4 and run after it.
  • From P4 and P3 move the ball to P5/6 and P1/6 respectively and backward.
  • From P5/6 and P1/6 to P3 and P2 ball chase.
  • At P2 catch and connect to P6.
drawing Defending Zig-Zag
Tap game with 1 ticker. The rest must try to catch the stretch bands and eventually the tennis ball along two sides of the square.
  • If the ticker ticks you, you must put the stretching band back and try again.
  • The game can be made more difficult by, for example, enlarging the square or removing those who are tapped from the game.
drawing Fort Knox
  • 2 groups of 4 to 5 kids on half a field.
  • 2/3 on the serve. 1 player on the other side of the net for the pass. 1 player at the net.

  • There is a serve and the passer plays the ball to the player at the net.
    Who catches the ball and throws the ball to the serve.
  • The passer remains standing for 10 balls. The two players at the serve take turns hitting.
  • After 10 balls, turn to pass.
drawing Pass exercise
  • 3 pawns in a row.
  • Groups of two players.
  • Goal is to move the ball further per pawn.

  • On pawn 1 there is a ball.
  • Player 1 brings the ball from the back line back to the base and gives it to player 2.
  • The latter then runs with ball to pawn 2 and puts the ball there and runs back to the base.
  • Player 1 then rushes to the 2nd pawn to pick up the ball there and pass it to player 2 who then takes the ball to the 3rd pawn.
  • Then back from pion 3 to pion 2, to pion 1.
drawing Concentration relay
  • The player jumps over the fence and then jumps with 1 leg into the hoop and back for the next fence, continuing like this until the end
  • You jump sideways over the fence and then jump 1 leg into the 2 hoops. Are you at the outer hoop then you jump over the hoop back next to the fence.
  • You jump over one fence sideways and back with 1 big step you jump to the other fence and jump back over it and back again and then you sprint to the pawn. then over the ladder.
drawing Jumping Condition
Warm up exercise in relay form

  • Divide the players into groups of 2 or 3 players and place them on the left side of the field.
  • Give each player a tennis ball.
  • At the start sign, the 1st player of each group starts running to the other, right, side with a ball.
  • Once there, they put the ball outside the line and run back as fast as they can so that player 2 of their group can start running with his/her ball.
  • When all the balls are on the right side and the last player has returned to his/her group, it is over.
  • The first one back to his/her group wins.
Put the players in a row next to each other.
About 1 meter in front of them on the ground is a tennis ball.

  • Have them put their feet slightly apart.
  • Quickly run -dribble- in place.
At the trainer's instruction they do while dribbling:
  • Hands on knees.
  • Hands on toes.
  • Hands on shoulders.
  • Hands forward.
  • Hands in the air.
  • When the trainer calls Ball!, they grab the ball as fast as they can.

  • Repeat and throw the commands interchangeably for variety.
Warm-up exercise focusing on neat passing and moving:

  • 2 players with a ball stand about 4 meters apart.
  • Opposite them, 2 twos/threes stand without ball.
  • The players with ball play to the person opposite, this person plays the ball back cleanly and joins the other row shuffling.
  • Carry this through at a fast pace, making sure players are actively moving.
drawing Quick step
  • The players stand in a diamond in the field.
  • On the other side of the field, the hoops are in the corners.
  • The trainer/trainer serves easily to the other side.
  • On the other side, they try to pass 3 times and then try to drop down into the hoop.
drawing Find the corners with attack game
  • Players on the cabinets play a fast ball.
  • The net blocks and the back players pass the ball.
  • Play it out.
  • Bring balls to basket and distribute balls to cabinets.
drawing Defense and resolution
  • Playmakers switch between themselves.
  • Targeted attacking defender.
  • Defender catches ball.
  • Runs around pawn.
drawing Posted attacks
  • Trainer in the middle holding up ball to block.
  • Both blocks in the middle.
  • Connect on the side.
  • Under the net, block again.
drawing Block and connect