Volleyball drills for technique attack / smash / spike / hitting
- Libero throws the ball to trainer SV.
- At the moment of passing, the 3 net players step back (for the attack).
- SV gives pass, finish game.
- Variation:
- No pass from libero, but pass from smash. Other SV
- Form of play 2 games.
- obligatory smash.
- free game
- mandatory short ball
- free game
Passing on/ reception/ pass/ attack - Jore on 5 - Lene on 3
Two groups: group A: 4 players and group B: 5 players
- START group A: Jore - Lene - Marie - Julie
- Jore on 6 - Lene on 3
- 1 person (Marie) at the other side with the ball - 1 person (Julie) on position 5 next to Jore
- If there is a centre, only libero/ corner player reception.
- Start group B: Axelle - Nina - Sun - Inne - Lise - Lene as floating masseur
- Axelle at 6 (fixed) and Lene at 3
- 1 person (Zonne) across the field with the ball - 1 person (Nina) on position 5 next to Axelle
- If there is a centre, do only libero/ corner reception.
- Lise starts as a block
- Inne behind Zonne as reserve
- Passing on:
- Pursuivant -> reception -> attacker -> (block) -> pursuivant
- JORE: learns to agree, dares to catch or dare to pass
- LENE: pass and dare to speak, dare to play, dare to throw, dare to ...
- serves
- passes
- gives set up
- attacks
- blocks
If the ball doesn't come right and you can't hit it, you play overhand into a hoop
- Thick mat against the net
- Batting from one side of the net
- Block defense on the ball coming from the mat
- Defense on the short ball which comes over the mat
- Short ball is processed into pass, setup, jump ball back
- A serves to B.
- B passes the ball to the playmaker, who then plays a high ball into the backfield.
- B defends this ball back to the playmaker, who then catches the ball.
- A takes B's place and becomes B's reserve. The playmaker remains standing.
- The offside attackers use the left half of the field with one playmaker.
- The middle attackers and diagonal attackers use the right half with another playmaker.
- B can attack instead of catching.
- B instead of long ball passing, short ball surfacing.
- Two teams of at least 5 people
- Trainer (white sideline) throws ball on the MA (position 6)
- Pass to playmaker
- Distributor gives high ball to left front and right front near the 3 meter line
- Attack on 3 meter
- Opponent defends the ball and builds up a new attack in the same way, if not defended, trainer throws in a ball
- Defender (mid-back) takes place of attacker (left or right)
- Attacker goes to position MV (position 3)
- MV runs out of the field and joins group on back line
Team sets up, opponent has serve.
- Ball 1: serve
- Ball 2: free-ball at the side with 3 players
- Ball 3: free-ball at the side with 6 players
- Ball 4: T plays ball to the side with 6 players
- Free-ball, attack net, drop, attack behind 3 meter line
- Trainer throws ball at the mid-back, position 6
- Pass to playmaker
- Distributor gives high ball to the left and right front, near the 3 meter line.
- Attack
- Two teams of at least 5 people
- Trainer (white sideline) throws ball on the MA (position 6)
- Pass to playmaker
- Distributor gives high ball to left front and right front near the 3 meter line
- Attack on 3 meter
- Opponent defends the ball and builds up a new attack in the same way, if not defended, trainer throws in a ball
- Defender (mid-back) takes place of attacker (left or right)
- Attacker goes to position MV (position 3)
- MV runs out of the field and joins group on back line
- 1 gives setup to 2,
- 2 defends the ball and makes a technical move to 3
- 3 defends on the ball she receives from person 2.
- Person 3 then makes a technical move to person 2.
- Person 2 defends and makes technical hit to 1. 1 defends and then makes technical hit to 2 again
- The exercise starts again
- Trainer throws in ball to player 1 or 2
- Reception to P, pass to A4,
- choice of attack street or slide
- with more players: defend on offense, reserve A, serve instead of throw in the ball
- less players: no block, 1 S