Volleyball drills for technique attack / smash / spike / hitting
Goal: Make a good run
Accent : Both arms go up
- One line on the outside, nr 2 throws the ball to SV, nr 1 attacks
- One row at the centre or at position 2, nr 2 throws the ball to SV, nr 1 attacks.
- Line at position 5
- Queue at position 6
- Thrower throws ball at position 5, pass to SV at position 2-3, set up to position 3
- Thrower throws ball at position 6, pass to SV, set up to position 4
- Attacker gets ball and goes to the back of the line
- Then with a block and block defense
Goal: Block in the right position, hands opposite the striker's arm
- All 1 ball and first try to play overhead on 1 spot, then
- All 1 ball and hit the ground against the wall.
- Hit the ball so your wrist is over the ball.
- Remember to get out and both arms in the air.
- start with throwing extend to attacking
- 4 attacks calmly on 3 over the block of 1 and 2
- 3 pass to SV
- 1 turns around after the block and attacks the middle
- 4 blocks
- 2 and 3 attacking.
- Variation: same on left ; same on right.
- 3 teams of 3
- on each half 1 team stands
- the other team is in reserve
- in case of a point, the team that won stays in place, the other team changes.
- 1 hits a ball to a passer at position 6 who passes to pos 2/3
- player S gives a set-up to position 4, whereupon player 4 attacks straight ahead
- player 2 stands in the starting position block and puts a block on the position where the ball goes over the net
- player 4 retrieves his attacked ball and puts it in the ball pit
- reserve becomes player 4
- after 6 block jumps the blocker changes with player 1 and starts hitting.
- player 1 moves to position 6
- player position 6 becomes player position 4
- player 4 starts blocking
- Each good block is a point
- player penetrates from position 1 to position 2/3 and gives set-up
- A serves to B.
- B passes the ball to the playmaker, who then plays a high ball into the backfield.
- B defends this ball back to the playmaker, who then gives a setup for B.
- B attacks this setup.
After the attack, A takes B's place and B becomes a reserve. The playmaker stays.
The attackers use the left half of the court with one playmaker. The middle attackers and diagonal attackers use the right half with another playmaker.
- After the service, A takes a second ball.
- After B's attack A throws this ball into the field.
- B plays this ball to the playmaker, the playmaker gives a setup.
- B attacks again.
- Row of attackers on the outside without the ball
- Trainer throws ball to SV
- No 1 attack on outside, paying close attention to the run up and one must use 2 arms to come up. Attacker gets the ball and puts it in the ballcar.
- Calm pace at first and later at a higher pace. But both arms must be raised!
Improving the attack by raising both arms
Accent: Paying attention to both arms
In pairs:
Batting towards each other, with the players paying attention to their arms
- Hitting over a low net,
- whereby the left arm points to the ball and the right arm goes back along the ear
- The palm of the hand must first touch the ball
- Then the hand unwinds over the ball / the fingers last.
- The other rolls it back, after 5 changes
One person throws it for the other, hitting, while paying attention to the arms again, after 5 changes
- 1 throws the ball underhand
- 2 set up second tempo
- 1 runs, makes attack and raises both arms
- 3 defends, retrieves ball, rolls to 4
- 4 gives ball to 1
- after 5 good balls 1>3>4>1 turn over
- Then 3 throws the ball to 1
- 1 passes to 2
- 2 gives set up to 1
- 1 makes an attack and raises both arms
- 3 defends or gets ball from 4
- after 5 good balls, 1 >3>4>1
- player throws ball to defender
- the defender passes to SV
- SV gives setup
- Attacker hits, thinking about the arms,
- If set up is not good, play smart on position 1, 5, or short on 2 or 4
- Attacker gets ball, puts it in the box and stands in line of passers.
- Passer becomes attacker
- Batting on both sides of the net,
- expandable with defense and blocking (1 man)
- Line of attackers on the outside,
- nr 2 throws ball to SV
- No. 1 attacks on the outside, paying attention to the run.
- After that row of attackers in the middle.
- C attacks diagonally on 3 and 4
- 1 and 2 after block attack
- 3 and 4 defend, defender comes in
- Set-up to 1,2 or 3, attack to 3 defenders.
- They defend for themselves and put the ball in the box.