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Volleyball drills for technique block / net defense

  • 5 - 1 line-up,
    • 3 players on the serving side
    • and 5 players on the defensive side.
  • Trainer (Libero) defends on POS VI,
  • Passeur stands at POS I and then 3 attackers at POS II, III (mid) and IV.
  • 3 defenders on the other side and try to defend the ball, we play the rally on!
  • It is allowed to block.
  • row of attackers and blockers on the 3 -metre line
  • C plays rally ball on attacker 1
  • blocker 4 goes to the net
  • 1 pass to S and calls where he wants the set-up
  • (left, centre or right)
  • blocker follows the attacker and blocks
  • Attacker gets the ball, connect behind your own line.
  • If the attackers score 10 times, the attackers and blockers change places.
  • and blockers


Side a:

  1. Lene
  2. Axelle
  3. Nobody
  4. Inne
  5. Lise
  6. Sun

Side b: Marie on position 6 - Diede on position 5

Side a
:The first set ball, Marie's serve, is played quietly to Marie and Diede. Diede and Marie play over and then it's about the point.
Side a is obliged to play diagonally (position 4) or in the street (position 2).

  • Ball 1: serve Marie
  • Ball 2: Free ball to Marie, Marie plays free over
  • Ball 3: attack Marie

gets 3 balls, at least 2 of them MUST be scored. If no 2 balls scored, 5 sit-ups

Side a: 3 persons - position 1 - 6 - 5
Side b: 3 persons - position 1 - 6 - 5

  • Person on position 1 succeeds on
  • Reception, pass, attack: REQUIRED DIAGONAL
  • Play out until someone makes point

Then, Diede plays a freeball from each side.

Turn over position after 3 hits on each side


  • Rallies
  • Go for every ball
  • At 'easy' ball that falls, everyone pumps 10x



  • 2 passers on position 5/6 and 1/6, 1 reserve passer behind the field.
  • 1 playmaker on position 2/3.
  • 1 attacker on position 4.
  • Other half:
  • 2 blockers.
  • Libero at position 5.
  • 2 servers on the backline.

Turn over:

  • player serving the ball becomes reserve passer
  • ==> becomes passer
  • ==> passer who passes the ball
  • ==> attacker
  • ==> out blocker
  • ==> outside blocker
  • ==> middle blocker
  • ==> server.

GOAL: Do not be afraid of the blocker and just hit the ball. You can hit the ball straight on or diagonally. The blocker closes the straight on but if you see a hole you can hit it there too.


  1. after 2 minutes a change of playmaker
  2. after 2 minutes change of play-distributor ==> libero starts to distribute the game. one center will defend on position 5
  3. after 2 minutes change of play-distributor 1 again. and attack backwards. After two minutes playmaker 1 switches to blocking and attacks backwards.
  4. After 2 minutes distributor 2 starts distributing the game.
  5. after 2 minutes libero starts to distribute --> the center starts to defend on position 5.

Warming up / all-round training

Each player will pass, attack, distribute, block, defend, rally, with turnovers.
#2 means

  • Trainer stands with cart with balls at the pole at #2 (position 2)
  • Players stand outside the field at the side of #1 and a playmaker at # 2/3
  • First round starts with Trainer throwing the ball to #5, player 1 runs from the sideline to the ball and plays it to the distributor.
  • Start with "blue players" (see drawing), then extend with "red players

Further course of play:

  1. Tr throws ball for S1 to #5
  2. S1 runs in and plays to Sv (#2/3)
  3. Sv gives setup to the outside (#4)
  4. S1 attacks.
  5. Turn over: S1 becomes Sv, Sv gets the ball and joins the line at #1.

Expansion 1

  1. Sv turns to the other side of the net and becomes a blocker.
    Now the same steps as above, but with the block opposite the attacker.
  2. Turn over: S1 (has just attacked) becomes Sv at #2/3, Sv
    passes under the net and becomes B1 at #2B1
    who, after blocking, goes to get the ball and joins the row


Extend 2

  1. After blocking at #2, player goes to defend at #5. Attacker is obliged to pass to #5.
  2. When the ball is defended a rally may be played (2 vs. 2)
  3. After end of rally or no defence or fault in attack, turn over

Extend 3 and more

  1. One can extend with a 2nd blocker, 2nd and 3rd defender (on resp. #1 and #6)
  2. More players can be added to field I (so players from the sideline move in when a rally arises)
  3. The passing game becomes S1 (passing and attacking) -> Sv -> B1 (#3) -> B2 (#2) -> V1 (#1) -> V2 (#6) -> V3 (#5) possibly A2 (#4) and then connect again.
  4. You can expand to 6 against 6, so start with blue, then B1, then B2, then V1, then V2 (when continuing the game, first V2 and then V1), then V3 (continuing the game with V2, V3, V1) and then possibly A1. In the meantime, players in field I must be added.
  5. If there are several players in Area I, you can choose to throw in a ball on S1 at #5 instead of throwing in a ball through Tr.
drawing Henk-1
  • Exercise with two blockers, opposite each other at the net, and a defender.
  • The ball is thrown in just over the net edge.
  • The task of the blocker on the opposite side is to score with two hands above the net in one of the hoops you have placed at the side lines.
  • The blocker and defender on their own side agree on which side they will block and defend (think beach volleyball).
  • The ball will be played BH or OH to each other
    • from the 3 meter line
  • after playing block on the middle and then block on the right (alternate to the left)
  • Back to line
  • In case of a large group:
    • Block together on the middle and then together to the left on the right.
    • 1st blocker determines the direction


Block and move

- the ball is played BH or OH to each other from the 3 meter line - after playing block on the middle and then block on the right (alternate to the left) - back to the row 
In case of a big group: block together at mid and then together to the left on the right.                              1st blocker determines the direction


This exercise starts reasonably simple and is then gradually expanded (can be done in 1 training session or spread over several sessions). An exercise in which everyone must defend, set and attack.
It is a long piece of text, but it is easier than the length of the text suggests. Just do it!

  • at least 2 ballsminimum
  • 8 players (preferably an even number)

Part 1

It starts with two players at the net (1 and 2), two players in the backfield (3 and 4) and the rest behind the backline. The trainer stands at the net in the middle position with two balls.
  • The trainer throws or hits the ball towards player 3 (1
  • ). Player
  • 3 passes the ball to the middle of the field about on the 3 meter line (2).
  • Player 4 runs in and gives a setup to the left front (3
  • ).
  • Player 1 catches the ball, throws the ball in the ballcarrier and runs to the backline and connects with the back.
Same again but in mirror image:
  • The trainer throws or punches the ball towards player 4. Player
  • 4 passes the ball to the middle of the field about on the 3 meter line.
  • Player 3 runs in and gives a setup to the right front.
  • Player 2 catches the ball, throws the ball in the ballcarrier and runs to the backline and connects with the back.
And then:
  • Player 3 goes to the left front and player 4 turns to the right front.
And then it starts all over again (decide how long to continue).
Once the players know the patterns, this exercise can be done at a fast pace.

Part 2


When part 1 is going well, we can move on to part 2. The big difference with part 1 is that the players at the net do not catch the ball, but make an attack. The attackers (players 1 and 2) start at the net!
  • The trainer throws or hits the ball towards player 3 (1
  • ). This is the moment that players 1 and 2 run backwards to make an attack.
  • Player 3 passes the ball to the middle of the field about on the 3 meter line (2
  • ).
  • Player 4 runs in and gives a setup to the left front (3
  • ).
  • Player 1 smashes the ball over the net (4
), picks it up and puts it in the ballcarrier of the trainer. Then player 1 runs to the backline and joins the backline. The same again but in mirror image:
  • The trainer throws or hits the ball towards player 4. Player
  • 4 passes the ball to the middle of the field about on the 3 meter line.
  • Player 3 runs in and gives a setup to the right front.
  • Player 2 smashes the ball over the net, picks it up and puts it in the ballcarrier of the trainer. Then player 2 runs to the backline and joins the backline.
And then:
  • Player 3 goes to the left front and player 4 turns to the right front.
And then it starts all over again (decide for yourself how long you want to continue).

Part 3


You can choose whether you want to continue with part 4 or part 3. In part 4 you play through on both sides, in part 3 you add blockers.

The exercise now starts with 6 players in the field. There are now two more blockers, who stand at the other side of the net.
  • The trainer throws or hits the ball towards player 5 (1
  • ). This is the moment that players 3 and 4 run backwards to make an attack.
  • Player 5 passes the ball to the middle of the field about on the 3 meter line (2
  • ).
  • Player 6 runs in and gives a setup to the left front (3
  • ).
  • Player 3 smashes the ball over the net (4
  • ).
  • Player 1 tries to block the smash.
The same again but in mirror image:
  • The trainer throws or hits the ball towards player 6. Player
  • 6 passes the ball to the middle of the field about on the 3 meter line.
  • Player 5 runs in and gives a setup to the right front.
  • Player 4 smashes the ball over the net. Player
  • 2 tries to block the smash.
And then:
  • Player 5 moves to the left front and player 6 turns to the right front.
  • Player 3 and 4 move to the blocking positions.
  • Player 1 and 2 get the ball in the ballcar and go to the backline.
And then it starts all over again (decide how long to continue).

Part 4

There are now 8 players in the field. The trainer only throws the first ball, then the game continues.
The same patterns as in the previous sections are executed: the players in the backfield take care of the pass and the setup. The players at the net smashem and block.
If there are more than 8 players, the game continues after, say, 10 attacks or so.

  • On 2 sides a team of 6 in the field.
  • On 1 side a thick mat against the net.
  • They hit/attack against it.
  • The ball comes back (=block); dissolve in the field --> 2nd attack on midfield.
  • Players on the other side play this ball.

Starting position is a formation with 4x4 players and the remaining players behind the back line of field A.

  • Trainer throws the ball into field A and they play the ball 3x over the net,
  • Field B defends and tries to return the ball in 3x,
  • If one of the teams scores a point, we rotate in pairs.
  • The back players of zone B leave the field and join the back line of field A.
  • The front players of B field become back players in B field,
  • the front players of field A become front players of field B, the back players of field A become front players of field B.
  • A new pair of players turns into field A and becomes the back players.