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Volleyball drills for technique condition

  • 1x 3-team on back line 1 side of field
  • 1x 3-team on back line other side of field
  • 1x 3-squad --> waiting room
  1. TR --> gives slap on the ball, both 3-talks run to the net and TR throws the ball into the field where the waiting room players are also standing.
  2. Ball is defended, must be in threes, and then over the net
  3. This 3-tal passes immediately to the side where the ball was played to as waiting room
  4. Immediately the waiting room 3-squad enters the field.
  5. 3-tal other side also plays the ball in threes and over the net, also runs through to the other side chasing the ball to waiting room.
drawing Playing in 3 teams
  • Everyone stands diagonally on the three-meter line with their shoulder facing the net.
  • When the coach calls "yes," everyone quickly deep-sits to the net,
  • move back to the three-yard line,
  • then to the other side of the three-yard line and
  • then back to the net and back to the three-meter line.
  • TR stands on the other side of the net.
  • Players stand in 1 row behind each other -position 6-.
  • TR throws balls at pace and players pass them to 2/3 -catcher-.
  • If there are enough players then one or 2 declarer-s- These give the ball to the trainer and then join the passers.
  • Catcher ball in ball box --> becomes declarer.
  • New catcher --> from waiting room in --.
  • Passer --> out of waiting room catcher.
On pace!

drawing Rally pass-through exercise
Which team brings in most gold pieces/ pits?
  • 1 bank & one-against-all
  • 2-4 gangs of thieves
  • 1-2 guards.
Game consists of 4 rounds of play:

Game Round 1:
  • Thief - attacker: per post only 1 active & 1 gold piece at a time try to steal from bank.
  • Collect in own vault -hoop-.
  • Guard - defender- may only defend outside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to steal most gold pieces?
Game Round 2:
  • Divide gold pieces equally among the thieves.
  • Thieves: safely move your gold pieces 1-for-1 to other safe -from one hoop to another.
  • Thief -attacker: walk around your cone without the guard catching you.
  • Agent -defender: in this case may only defend inside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught -attacked, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to transfer most gold pieces safely?

Game Round 3:
  • Thieves: for x time, steal as many gold pieces as possible from other safe.
  • Thief -attacker: mandatory back & forth through bank = watch for guard inside bank.
  • Guard may only defend inside bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.

Game round 4:
Same as game round 3, but with double guard 1 guard outside & 1 guard inside the bank.

Which team will have the most gold pieces in their possession after 4 rounds of play?

  • First slalom around cones
  • Then 2 x blocks at the net
  • Take ball in cart and walk to 2 cones
  • Throw the ball in the trampoline and catch it
  • Ball back in the cart
  • Jump over the fences
  • Throw the die and the number x6 number of jumping ropes
  • To the net and then throw the ball overhand over the block system
  • Person in front catches it
drawing Trail
  • Divide the team into groups on the back line
  • Put obstacles throughout the field such as fences, ladders, hoops, cones
  • Have the players walk to the back line and back
  • The group whose last player is back and the rest are sitting has won
Divide the group into two.
  • 1 SV on the side for attack
  • 1st player blue has no ball the rest do
  • 1st player blue sprints around the pawn, then gets one of va the 2nd players thrown on --> pass to the other side - red defender
  • Red defender passes to SV
  • SV gives setup an attack on 52
  • Blue passer --> guard red
  • Attacker gets the ball himself and joins behind line of blue
drawing Warm up with pass
Divide the group into two, start from the back line:
- Dribble front feet -1st player starts running on TR's signal-.
- Sprint to the net.
- Sprint to 7 meters - now the 2nd player dribbles!!!-.
- Sprint to net.
- Sprint to 3 meters.
- Pass under the net and dive toward the bench - now the 2nd player starts --> etc. etc.
- Around the pawn and sprint back to starting position.

Which team is the fastest?
drawing Warming up with various obstacles
Divide the group into two
  • 1 catcher at 2/3 + 1 guard.
  • 1st player has no ball the rest do
  • 1st player sprints around the pawn, then gets a ball thrown to him by the 2nd player --> pass to the SV. Who must stay on the mat to catch the ball.
  • Each good ball is 1 point --> who has the first e.g. 20 points!!!
drawing Warm up with pass at speed and scoring
Divide the group into two, start from the back line:
Trainer precedes first.
  • Dribble on the front feet.
  • Sprint to the net.
  • Sprint to 7 meters.
  • Sprint to net.
  • Sprint to 3 meters.
  • Pass under net and dive toward bench.
  • Over the bench.
  • Around the pawn and sprint back to starting position.
Divide the group in half, start from the back line.

  • Sprint to the net.
  • Sprint to 7 meters.
  • Sprint to net.
  • Sprint to 3 meters.
  • Under the net and dive toward the bench.
  • Over the bench.
  • Around the pawn and sprint back to starting position.
  • As soon as 1st player is back, tap the next one.
Which team is the fastest?
drawing Warming up with obstacles
  • At trainer's signal, both players start sprinting.
  • Blue must run around first pawn and Red runs straight through to tap Blue.
  • Red becomes Blue and flips over.