Volleyball drills for technique condition
- Divide the group into pairs
- Each side lie 2 mats on the ground
- Make roll on the mat and sprint to the net. Block jump.
- TR plays the ball in.
- Ball must be played in threes with attack.
- Who has the most points
- For extra point: 2 mats on other field, if hit get 2 points.

- Starts with 1 ticker.
- When someone is tapped, they shake hands and tap together.
- Form a long pendulum until everyone is tagged.
- Purpose of the exercise:
- To focus, communicate, master the task and persevere.
- At "A" and above, with fewer people on the field for more intensity.
- Explanation of the exercise:
- 'Chaos Easy' starts as a warm-up, but ends as a true battle.
- The players are placed in the field (it doesn't matter where).
- The ball is caught and immediately thrown over the net (one play).
- As the player catches, he throws the ball. .
- The players on the team are turned over one spot.
- It is striking how difficult it is to score.
- When someone throws wrong (in net or out), they have to sprint around the opponent's field.
- Duration of the exercise:
- 5-10 minutes.

- Coach stands in the middle by the net.
- Line of three players stand behind the back line.
- Trainer throws balls alternately to the right and then to the left.
- Players start walking in circles because they are in threes.
- Players who are not in line are collecting balls.
- There is one passer in the field at position [6].
- The trainer or a playmaker stands with the balls at the net at position [3].
- The ball is introduced by hitting or pricking and there is a variation in short/long and hard/soft.
- The passer keeps the ball from the ground (prio 1) and provides the pass to [2/3] (prio 2) where the ball is caught by a team mate.
- This exercise can be played in two variants.
- A. [suitable for large teams]
- After the pass, a new player is rotated into the field and the passer joins the back of the line.
- High tempo!
- The team can be split in two, so that one team always picks up the balls from the other team.
- B. [suitable for small teams]
- The passer remains standing.
- He quickly takes up his position again after the pass and processes a new ball (10 in total).
- The other players spread out to collect the balls.
- After 10 passes the passer takes off and the ball is passed.
- High tempo!
- Make sure you can work with 3 teams, or 2 teams.
- Players must move at a high pace.
- Player 1 starts on the baseline, sprints towards the 3 meter line.
- Here the ball is thrown to the player by player 2.
- Player 1 has to play a playable ball to player 2.
- After that player 1 sprints back to the backline, taps player 3, and sprints again to the 3 meter line.
- 10 playable balls, and then change.
- All exercises last two minutes.
- Exercise 1:
- Place the bench and step on the LEFT side and step off the RIGHT side.
- Exercise 2:
- Place a cupboard and walk over it and over it again.
- Exercise 3:
- Bench down here and With your hands LEFT and RIGHT.
- Exercise 4:
- Place the bench and do a sit-up with your feet under the bench.
- Exercise 5:
- Put a bench down and let your LEFT and RIGHT leg go along the bench. (so through your knees)

- Short/long.
- Trainer throws ball to position A1.
- Player 1 passes the short ball and runs to the middle.
- Trainer throws ball to position B1.
- Player 2 tries to pass ball back from A2, and gets ready for ball on A1.
- Then trainer switches to the other side.
- Trainer throws ball to A2.
- Player 2 passes the short ball and runs to the middle.
- Coach throws ball on to B2.
- Player 1 tries to pass ball on B2, and stands ready for ball on A2.
- Other players?
- Three get balls.
- 3 encourage.
- After 10 balls, change groups.
- 2 trainers available?
- 1 trainer makes sure the player in the middle does not cheat by starting too fast. (and keep him/her in the middle).

- The group divides into pairs.
- In each field stands a pair.
- The trainer throws in a ball.
- The team that scores a point runs to the posts and gets the next ball first.
- The team that made a mistake goes out and is exchanged for another pair.
- (The game can also be played in threes if this is more convenient).
- You have 2 teams one is on one side of the field and the other on the other side.
- There is a ball played in the field the ball may fall on the ground 0/1 time the ball is passed by the teams to the other side of the field.
- If the ball either bounces 1/2 time, goes out or wrong technique a team has a point.
- Short/long.
- Trainer throws balls to the 3 meter line. (positions A + B)
- Player 1 passes the short ball and runs to the middle.
- Player 3 comes in to play the ball.
- Then trainer switches to the other side.
- Player 2 plays the short ball, and goes to the middle.
- Player 1 now goes for the ball on the other side.
- Other players?
- 3 get balls.
- 3 encourage.
- After 10 balls switch groups.
- 2 trainers available?
- 1 trainer makes sure the player in the middle does not cheat by starting too fast. (and keep him/her in the middle).

- Three teams.
- Trainer. (white triangle)
- Players. (red triangle)
- Trainer throws balls towards the backfield.
- Players do not run from the net until the trainer throws.
- Players try to get the ball over the net 3 times.
- Change with 3 new players.