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Volleyball drills for technique condition

  • Dive to 3 meter line
  • Shuffle backwards to the left corner
  • Walk to the net in position 4 - block
  • Roll back - offensive run - block position
  • Move to position 3 - block - move to position 2 - block
  • Dive to 3 meter line - other side
  • Attack run at position 4 - shuffle to cone - attack run position 3 - shuffle to position 2 - attack run
  • Block position and block
  • Turn and walk to corner on back line
  • Quick tempo - knees lifted - at least 50. - to other corner
  • Spurt along side to start

Exercise is done 5 times

Stretching in a circle - each to his own exercise

drawing Warming up
  • Three players stand in a triangle.
  • The one who does NOT get the ball moves to the opposite side next to the other player.
  • Again, the one who does not get the ball moves.
  • Start simple by first playing the ball up in front of yourself and then serving one of the other two players.
  • The one who does not get the ball moves to the other side
  • Later on, make it more difficult by taking away the play-up part
  • Finally, you pass in front of yourself and hit the ball in a controlled way.
  • Super exercise for getting very tired very quickly.
drawing Warming up, improve game readings, control, fitness (3pcs)
  • Five players at the net with a ball...
  • 2 on pos, 2 --- 1 on pos. 3 --- 2 on pos.4
  • Rest without the ball on position 5
  • Pos. 2 hits the first defender on pos. 5, who runs in for a defensive ball on pos. 6 and with a shuffle to pos.
  • 1 to defend a batted ball from pos. 4.
  • Pos 2 and 4 take turns hitting.
  • Defenders continue to defend.
  • Divide the group in two with numbers 1 and 2.
  • The two groups stand at the back line each group has a ball on the other side of the field is a pawn.
  • The first person of the group walks with the ball and throws it over the net. `Takes the ball and goes around the cone and back again throwing it over the net and so the next player can start walking,
  • The ball is passed in the middle, after playing it, the player blocks it 2x, after that around the pylon play again
drawing Warming up with ball
  • A row at the net balbuj the 3 meter line from your neck with a jump over the net and then quickly after it he may only bounce once.
  • Two people are going to push a mat together from one side to the other and back again.
  • Do not lift up.

Two groups - 1 catcher at position 3 - trainer at other side with cart to pass ball to

  • 1 hurdle at position 1 on backline
  • 1 hurdle at position 5 on backline
  • 2 hurdles in front of each other - one at the same height as hurdles 1 and 5, one hurdle 1m behind

Jumping over hurdle for player - quickly backwards diagonally and jump over two hurdles

  • Come from position 5 - ball arrives at position 5
  • Come from position 1 - ball arrives at position 1

Reception play to catcher - reception player becomes catcher - catcher puts ball in cart - catcher becomes booking


  • Trainer knocks to start on ball = sign that player may start jumping
  • Don't knock anymore = next player starts when previous player is over 2nd hurdle
  • Ball must land perfectly on position 3
  • Presence of many players = high tempo of the exercise

This exercise is incorporated into each workout and the numbers are gradually increased

  • Sit-Ups
  • Crunches
  • Leg Raises
  • Plank
  • Three defenders at the back line.
  • One at the net trainer with balls on the other side of the net.
  • The trainer also has a ball retriever.
  • First catch and throw the ball to the person at the net and then run to the back line.
  • After every five balls play underhand to the person at the net.
  • Change after five times.

Warming up / all-round training

Each player will pass, attack, distribute, block, defend, rally, with turnovers.
#2 means

  • Trainer stands with cart with balls at the pole at #2 (position 2)
  • Players stand outside the field at the side of #1 and a playmaker at # 2/3
  • First round starts with Trainer throwing the ball to #5, player 1 runs from the sideline to the ball and plays it to the distributor.
  • Start with "blue players" (see drawing), then extend with "red players

Further course of play:

  1. Tr throws ball for S1 to #5
  2. S1 runs in and plays to Sv (#2/3)
  3. Sv gives setup to the outside (#4)
  4. S1 attacks.
  5. Turn over: S1 becomes Sv, Sv gets the ball and joins the line at #1.

Expansion 1

  1. Sv turns to the other side of the net and becomes a blocker.
    Now the same steps as above, but with the block opposite the attacker.
  2. Turn over: S1 (has just attacked) becomes Sv at #2/3, Sv
    passes under the net and becomes B1 at #2B1
    who, after blocking, goes to get the ball and joins the row


Extend 2

  1. After blocking at #2, player goes to defend at #5. Attacker is obliged to pass to #5.
  2. When the ball is defended a rally may be played (2 vs. 2)
  3. After end of rally or no defence or fault in attack, turn over

Extend 3 and more

  1. One can extend with a 2nd blocker, 2nd and 3rd defender (on resp. #1 and #6)
  2. More players can be added to field I (so players from the sideline move in when a rally arises)
  3. The passing game becomes S1 (passing and attacking) -> Sv -> B1 (#3) -> B2 (#2) -> V1 (#1) -> V2 (#6) -> V3 (#5) possibly A2 (#4) and then connect again.
  4. You can expand to 6 against 6, so start with blue, then B1, then B2, then V1, then V2 (when continuing the game, first V2 and then V1), then V3 (continuing the game with V2, V3, V1) and then possibly A1. In the meantime, players in field I must be added.
  5. If there are several players in Area I, you can choose to throw in a ball on S1 at #5 instead of throwing in a ball through Tr.
drawing Henk-1
  • Player 1 throws the ball to player 3.
  • 3 passes back and then runs sideways to player 2.
  • Player 2 throws the ball to 3 and 3 passes back again.
  • Approximately 3 minutes pp or longer if the players can handle it.
  • The dotted lines show how the ball moves, the normal line shows how the player moves.
drawing Passing in 3 pairs