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Volleyball drills for technique condition

  • Diagonally on position 2 and 5 a row of players.
  • Ball is passed to the BH.
  • From position 2 a centre block and an outside block on 4 -
  • On position 4 you wait for the next player for a 2 man block.
  • Afterwards to 5
  • When you have played on 5, you get a ball on position 1, which is thrown to you by the trainer.
  • Then in line at 2
  • Twos - 1 ball length of field.
  • Back line has ball.
  • The person at the net blocks twice.
  • Then BH played on 3 mtr line BH back.
  • Attacking run LRL for right handers with jump.
  • Then ball on 3 mtr line OH back.
  • Afterwards 2x blocking.
  • 5 balls per player: place 4 balls in a diamond with 1 ball in the middle of the diamond.
  • Players start behind their diamond and walk to the front,
  • there they tap the middle ball,
  • Then they move sideways (left or right) and tap the ball away.
  • Move back to the middle of the diamond and then move sideways to the other side + tap the ball away.
  • Then walk to the front, tap the ball away, back to the middle, backwards and tap the ball away.
  • And finally tap the ball away in the middle.

Back line - 2 lines:

  • Walk to back line 4x
  • Heels against seat until middle line - calmly walk to back line 2x
  • "At a fast pace to mid-line - slowly walk out to back-line 2x
  • Lift knees to middle line - walk slowly to back line 2x
  • "Quickly work your way to mid-line - slowly work your way to the back line 2x
  • Lateral left to mid-line - 1x
  • Sideways right to middle line - 1x

Hind line - 2 lines

  • 3 meter line - back line - middle - back line 1x
  • 3 meter line - back line - middle - back line - 3 meter - back line - back line


  • Each his given exercise

Per 3 - 1 ball: Sparring 15 min.

  • Discard
  • Strikes
  • Test
  • Sparring with the intention to stay busy
  • You start in the middle.
  • You walk to the first hat, then back to the middle again.
  • You do this with every hat.
drawing Fitness and agility
  • Line up on the back line.
  • Trainer rolls the ball towards the middle line.
  • The player who gets the ball first has won.
drawing Get the ball
  • Person 1 is lying on the ground.
  • Person 2 is standing with his ankles next to the head of person 1.
  • Person 1 grabs the ankles of person 2.
  • Then person 1 lifts his legs up in an extended way and person 2 pushes them down again.
  • It is person 1's job not to let his legs touch the ground.

If necessary, expand with side abdominal muscles. Then push the legs to the side instead of straight ahead.

  • Player 1 throws the ball to player 3.
  • 3 passes back and then runs sideways to player 2.
  • Player 2 throws the ball to 3 and 3 passes back again.
  • Approximately 3 minutes pp or longer if players can handle it
drawing Pass
  • 1, 2 and 3 start from the backline 
  • sprints to the centre line and back to the backfield.
  • C plays a ball in the backfield 
  • 1, 2 and 3 build up an attack (pass, set-up and attack)
  • get the ball yourself.
  • next 3


  • Players take a ball in pairs and face each other on the back line.
  • Ball is placed on one side of the 3-metre line.
  • Person closest to the ball runs to the ball, picks it up and runs back over the back line as fast as possible.
  • Person on the other side tries to tap the person with the ball before he runs over the baseline.
  • Being able to tap = 1 point (each player is going to get the ball 5 times, so 10 times in total)
  • Each point less than 5 = x5 sit ups

1 person either side of the field, other players behind the back line;

  • Trainer puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • Ball may only be played underarm.
  • Foul? Run around the field until the end of the game and ensure ball safety.