Volleyball drills for technique cooling-down
- stretch your legs and twist your neck around
- right leg over your left leg, foot flat on the ground and torso twist
- left leg over your right leg, foot flat on the ground and trunk turn
- hold hands and turn around in the air
- stretch your legs and bend forward
- legs wide, and walk forward with your hands flat on the ground
- All team members line up and run in circles around the room.
- Every time the trainer blows the whistle, the person in the back must run forward.
- This continues until everyone has run forward once.
- Smurf tag is actually very similar to normal tag.
- You have Gargamel who has to tag everyone.
- Smurffin/Smurf has to free the ones who are touched.
- When you are tapped you have to stand still on the spot and wait until Smurf/ Smurf frees you.
- When Smurf/ Smurf is finished the game is over.
- You let the children stand or sit in a row with their eyes closed so you can tap the Gamel and Smurf/Smurf.
This is always fun to do, especially the smaller kids like it.
- You have a monkey= This person is appointed by the trainer. This person must try to steal the coconut without getting caught.
- You have a coconut= This is basically just the volleyball, or another ball.
- You have a monkey hunter= This person is also assigned by the trainer, but the monkey hunter is ''undercover'', so he is just a palm tree but if the monkey has the ball in his hand, he may tap the monkey.
- And finally you have the Palm Trees= These are all the other players who are not the monkey or the monkey hunter.
You put all the players in a circle on one side of the field, in the middle of this circle you put the ''coconut''.
The trainer chooses the monkey in the presence of the whole team. The monkey then moves towards a wall or stands somewhere with its eyes and ears closed, facing the other way so it cannot see the team. You then say "The monkey hunter is....." (you point out the child, do not say the name of the child). If everyone knows who the monkey hunter is you say that the monkey can come back. The space between the palm trees where the monkey goes in the beginning, he must go back again.
For example, if the monkey goes between John and Peter in the direction of the coconut, it cannot go back between Hans and John.
If the monkey takes the coconut outside the circle without being tapped, the monkey wins.
If the monkey is tapped before it leaves the circle with the coconut, the monkey hunter has won.
- The blue balls are the "palm trees" players.
- The red dot is the ''monkey hunter''. The monkey does not know who the monkey hunter is. The monkey hunter is trying to tap the monkey.
- The white ball is the ''monkey''. He is trying to get the coconut without being tapped.
- The yellow ball is the coconut.

- The children walk around in the room.
- There is one tickler who can catch the other children with the hoop.
- When someone is tagged, they have to hold the hoop together with the tickler and try to catch the children.
- There may be up to 3 children per hoop.
- If they catch a 4th child, he or she must get a new hoop and continue catching children.
- The game is over when there are no more children walking around freely.
- In the middle of the field a large square is made with 4 benches. Here 2 players stand.
- All balls are distributed in the hall and the other players are waiting for the trainer.
- When the trainer says start, the players must try to get as many balls as possible into the square.
- The 2 players who are in the square throw the balls back out again.
- After 1 minute the trainer checks how many balls are still in the square.
- You may only throw 1 ball at a time in or out of the square!
- in quiet walk 3x back and forth to the net.
- overhead lunges
- calf muscle (stand on bench and alternately push your heel down, do not force)
- upper leg
- shoulder
- calmly dribble to the net 3 times.
1) running (on stockings
) 2) stretching
- 1/3 players on 1 side of the field (scoring side)
- 1/3 players serve and go on the other half
- 1/3 players wait for their turn
- you can only score points on the "scoring side" of the pitch
- If you make a mistake or the other team scores, you have to leave the field.
- If you win against the scoring side, you take their place on the "scoring side".
- If you win on the scoring side, you get 1 point.
- play until 1 team has 15, or a time limit and see who has the most points at the end
Score with assignment:
- Ball in 2x over
- Ball in 3x, placed (BH or OH)
- Ball in 3x, 3m attack
- Free
- 3 players on 1 side of the field ( scoring side )
- 3 players serve and go on the other half
- 3 players wait for their turn
- You can only score points on the "scoring side" of the court.
- If you make a mistake or the other team scores, you have to leave the field.
- If you win against the scoring side, you take their place on the "scoring side".
- If you win on the scoring side, you get 1 point.
- play until 1 team has 15, or a time limit and see who has the most points at the end.
- Players divide into 2 teams.
- Each team has its own mat that they must get to the other side as quickly as possible, by taking turns diving on it.
- Whichever mat reaches the other side first, that team has won!