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Volleyball drills for technique defense / passing / digging / diving / reception

  • 1 player at the net on position 2/3
  • 3 players in the backfield.
  • The player at the net puts the defense to work and has the freedom to touch each ball at least once up to a maximum of three times.
  • The defense makes sure that the ball reaches the player at the net in 1 or 2 times.
drawing Defending (4 people)
  • The group divides into pairs.
  • In each field stands a pair.
  • The trainer throws in a ball.
  • The team that scores a point runs to the posts and gets the next ball first.
  • The team that made a mistake goes out and is exchanged for another pair.
  • (The game can also be played in threes if this is more convenient).
  • The trainer stands in the middle near the net.
  • One player stands in the field.
  • The trainer throws the balls all over the field.
  • The player is only done when he/she has touched/played three balls in a row.
  • When the player misses the second or third ball the trainer starts the count again.
  • You have 2 teams one is on one side of the field and the other on the other side.
  • There is a ball played in the field the ball may fall on the ground 0/1 time the ball is passed by the teams to the other side of the field.
  • If the ball either bounces 1/2 time, goes out or wrong technique a team has a point.
  • Ball route:
    • Player 1 serves to player 3.
    • 3 passes the ball on 2/3 to player 4.
    • Player 4 gives set-up.
    • Player 3 comes for the attack.
    • He hits straight ahead or diagonally.
    • Agree on beforehand.
    • Server (player 1) defends this ball.
  • Walking route:
    • After player 1 serves, player 2 serves.
    • Player 3 and 4 exchange tasks.
    • When one side has served twice (player 1 and 2).
    • Player 3 and 4 start serving.
    • Player 1 and 2 attack and defend.
drawing Exercise 4 - Corona training
  • Serve target:
    • Player 1 serves 3 good balls to the 2 passers (player 2 and player 3).
    • 2 and 3 pass the ball to player 4.
    • The ball that is caught is rolled to the server.
  • When there have been 3 passes, the system is continued:
    • Player 1 starts passing.
    • Player 2 continues to pass.
    • Player 3 is going to catch.
    • Player 4 is going to serve.
drawing Exercise 6 - Corona training
  • A player is at work. (player 4)
  • The other 3 players are lined up in different corners of the field. (see drawing)
  • They make sure that the player can defend balls.
  • Every time a player is down, it is the next player's turn.
  • The exercise is carried out on one half of the field.
  • Player 1 smashes into player 4, player 2 gives a short ball, player 3 smashes.
  • After 3 balls we rotate one place:
    • Player 4 to position player 2.
    • Player 2 to position player 1.
    • Player 1 to position player 3.
    • Player 3 to position player 1.
drawing Exercise 1 - Corona training
  • 2 thick mats by the net.
  • Line-up of 6.
  • On the other side the other. team A (6) defends from the starting position.
  • Team B is going to play balls over the net. which must be defended by team A.
  • Only taps are allowed.
  • Balls may also be attacked from behind the 3 meter line.
  • Ordinary attack.
  • Team A turns one spot after 3 balls on the ground.
  • Trainer strikes ball at pos 1,6.
  • Players bring the pass --> SV --> AV.
  • Other side defends ball and completes rally
  • Space through on both sides
drawing Attack from defense.

First phase, per 2:

  • Pitcher has 2 tennis balls,
    • Which he takes turns throwing into a zone where the receiver is standing,
    • Short distance
    • Receiver catches with 1 hand each time

  • Same with volleyballs
    • Receiver doesn't catch anymore, but plays back underhand.

  • Storage-Reception exercise
  • Targeted serve to position 5-6
  • Set-up to position 4, followed by attack (street) and drop ball.
  • Reception players and setter move to cover and defend the ball high, centrally in the 3-meter zone.
  • Best to provide spare balls to keep the pace high!
drawing Butterfly

Arrangement of equipment:

  • The trainer stands with a large ball ready in his hands.
  • The players all hold a regular volleyball.

Course of play:

  1. The players throw their ball to the trainer.
  2. The trainer lets the ball bounce on his big air ball.
  3. The ball will bounce to different sides, the children try to catch the ball.
drawing BOENG